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🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
       Soul Journey Newsletter #7
       Saturday 1st February 2025
       đŸŒˇđŸ¤– Soul Bytes

Dearest Companions✨🕸✨🕸✨

We are only a month into 2025 and already feeling, each in our own way, the far-reaching impact of this potent year. Along with so much shifting and changing in dramatic ways can come uncertainty and fear. It seems to me that we’re on the cusp of an exponential rise in collective awareness that will rouse hundreds, maybe thousands or more, from their stupor. All of them will begin asking the hard questions, challenging the status quo, searching for ways to empower themselves and fully engage in shaping their own lives. We who have had the benefit of being accompanied by the luminous Seminal Trilogy of A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, and A Journey into the Unknown/Arrival, are being invited ever more firmly to turn within to the steadfast inner guidance of Soul. Not just individually but tapping in to that brilliant communications network of liquid love light intelligence that links all of us together within the Oneness of Source/God. Prompting us to take the actions that are ours to take.

And then there is Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age. 2024’s twelve months of Steps to Authenticity unequivocally brought us home to our authentic expression in thought, word, and deed. January 2025’s reflections along with Arrival’s correlating Christ Letters from Mother Mary, gave us a solid foundation in Patience. February’s reflections today offer Consideration for the Body. Soul has been dissolving our fears, softening our resistance, and deepening our ability to live as unconditional love in form, walking about our daily lives blessing all indiscriminately. We are being prepared to step out and share Soul through our very BEing beyond the confines of familiar spiritual groups and communities. Now is the time! And I invite you to take some new, radical, gutsy, and fun actions! Are you game? Then read on …

When Rick Greathouse began receiving Soul in the Driver’s Seat in June 2022, he knew it was very different. Like the Sesame Street song goes “one of these things is not like the others”, Soul does not have the “spiritual” feel of familiar channeled works. Soul is direct, often irreverent, and speaks in simple language of the dilemmas and practicalities we face every day. It assumes no prior thought or engagement with any form of religious or spiritual experience. Its sole purpose is to rapid transit every willing heart on the planet directly to soul - to true authentic knowing, expression, freedom, and joy! Jesus is clear, saying, “Why was this book written? It was written as a gift to every man, woman, and child to help them understand different parts of themselves: the ego and the soul. It was written to help individuals finally see that the ego is connected to nothing, and that the soul is connected to everything. The soul network forms a web that is God.”

The Pause — In keeping with Jesus’s intention, in July 2023 we took a step into the New and Unknown. Breaking ranks as we’d done in 2020 for Journey, we began publishing Soul online making it fully and freely available to all. Many are discovering the Soul website and some write to me of their joyful life-affirming experiences. Yet I continued to feel that there was more I was to do, for we were mostly reaching the ones already within the ACIM/ACOL/Journey/Arrival enclave. In the fall of 2023 I began to explore a print book, first self-publishing and then with a publisher, all of which naturally and necessarily fizzled out by September last year. I’d returned from a trip to the UK with what was likely Covid and spent October in much-needed blessed stillness. Resting in that extended zero point pause, empty of all busy doing and non-attached to outcome, I was simply allowing, listening, and receiving. It was a tough undertaking that called for every ounce of patience and acceptance I could muster. And in that vast spaciousness was cocreated the clarity needed to take the next Soul step! It arrived unexpectedly one morning through Colin and the cybercrime consulting work he does. Talk about cocreating with the field of love — inclusive of Indra’s Net and the Internet, celestial and technical! No separation!

The Podcast — Today, we’re delightedly taking another huge and playful step into the New and Unknown as we launch Soul Bytes: Conversations from Soul in the Driver’s Seat, an AI-generated podcast on YouTube. Sweet and simple bite-sized pieces of Soul that’ll grab anyone and everyone right where they are, drawing them to read Soul on our website in perfect timing. I love these whimsical robots — soulbots someone called them — visuals that Jo cocreated with a different AI. Rick loves them and the way they chat about Soul, cracking “It made me want to read the book!”😃 And as Colin so wisely points out, these cute bots “get it” precisely because they are robots! They are crystal clear, simple, and direct, with absolutely no artifice! Why? Because they’re robots and literally have no ego! How about that? The truth is, truth is simple! We humans make it complex because we are complexity itself, our precious egos and all!

As I wrote to you when we began publishing Soul online in July 2023, “This is a book meant for every person … for those who have never been drawn to spiritual books, it will be inviting, readily understood, and easily absorbed. The family members and friends perhaps, with whom we wish we’d been able to openly share our love for the messages of books like A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, A Journey into the Unknown, Oneness, and more. The young people perhaps, newly embarking on their dreams. The new ones who arrive with a visceral awareness of oneness in all things, and yet struggle to make sense of the world. In growing certainty that there has to be a better way, many are seeking answers. Some are beginning to see that the chaotic dismantling of old beliefs and structures within and without, signal humanity’s return to the fundamental truth that Love is always the answer. Soul in the Driver’s Seat will no doubt appeal to them all.”

So enjoy the first four gripping episodes of Soul Bytes: “Who’s Driving?”, “Delightful Dilemmas”, “Sex, Death and Robots”, “What Are You?”. Listen with an ear tuned in to the primary audience Jesus wishes to reach with Soul, “every man, woman, and child”. And if what you hear resonates share, share, and share some more, with everyone you know way beyond the safety of your spiritual communities, then share with some you don’t know too! Give it a thumbs up, leave a comment, and subscribe to the CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel to be notified of the next episode drop.

The Card — In 2011 as a community volunteer, I was horrified to learn that most folk in our suburban town didn’t even know the names of their immediate neighbors. So I launched a movement called Westford Connects with the challenge “Each One Can Reach One”. Well that’s my invitation to you today. Let’s launch Soul Connects, each one of us reaching one soul at a time, perhaps many more! Most of us stay with familiar zoom and social media groups where we feel understood and at ease. It takes courage to speak of Soul and of Love outside our safe circles! No worries! We got you! Soon there’ll be fun little Soul Calling cards to help you to Soul Connect!

My challenge to you is to venture outside of your comfort zone. Defying gravity and flying free. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to strike up a conversation with your waitperson in a restaurant, or with the barista as you wait in line for your coffee, and hand over a Soul Calling card. Or say nothing at all and simply leave a card somewhere on a shelf in a store or at a library, on the seat in a bus or an airplane, under the wiper blade on a parked car, on a bench in the park, in a restroom or a movie theater, or drop one on the ground in the middle of a hallway or busy path. Put a card in every mailbox, or through the letterbox of every front door in your neighborhood. No one will ever know it was you! Always remember, wherever you are and whomever you find yourself speaking with, it is a Holy Encounter perfectly orchestrated and never ever random! The possibilities are endless! Who knows where love will take us?

Wherever you are in the world, simply email me with your postal address, how many you’d like, and I will send you some of our super-cute Soul Calling cards whenever they’re ready! Follow your soul’s prompting, have fun, and perhaps let me know how it goes. You’re familiar with photobombing? And perhaps also stickerbombing? Which I engage in from time to time, enlisting my grandgirls as willing accomplices who find it deliciously horrifying! Well now, not unlike fliers scattering from airplanes, we are Soulbombing the world, joining heart-to-heart in the singular common intention of Loving and Blessing every one, freely and without exception! And by the way, does anyone here fly an airplane?😆

💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel💜Receive💖Act

I love you each beyond words 🌺

Image: Tulips, Christina Strutt, April 2023
Image: Soul Bytes, Midjourney/Jo Nagle/Christina Strutt

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