🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Soul Journey Newsletter #6
Saturday 21st December 2024
💛 Defying Gravity (Part 2 of 2)
[ Read Part 1 ]
Some say we’re transmogrifying (don’t you just love that glorious word?!), transfiguring from Homo Sapiens into Homo Luminosa✨ This movement
we’re in together, each one as a unique expression of Love in union and relationship with all, is more real to me now than ever before.
I’ve spoken often of us each as a uniquely faceted shimmering jewel reflecting all other jewels forever linked within the multi-dimensional infinity
of Indra’s Net of Jewels 🕸️✨🕸️💎🕸️✨🕸️💎🕸️✨🕸️ Well it’s become more than an ancient metaphor from the Atharva Veda c.1000 BCE.
In Threading Plasma, Mar 2023 I wrote of “the unseen ways I know, feel, receive, experience, respond to,
and move through life. Remaining nonattached to outcome, 99% of my work invisible, my energy and attention devoted to the ceaseless weaving of swirling
light into the darkest corners within me and without. Threading strands of plasma into cradles seeded with unconditional love — potent crucibles
sparking pastel glitter, inviting those with and around me to choose with greater ease for CoCreating in union and relationship with the alchemy of love.
And together igniting powerful waves that ripple throughout the infinite field, touching all of humanity and calling forth the highest possibilities
into the realm of the probable, ready to take form.”
There is now a visceral experience of this Net of Light literally being constructed through the body and across the planet. Do you feel it too?
Aren’t we, after all, spiraling electromagnetic fields? Each one a unique energy signature informing and being informed by every other! Each one inextricably
linked and essential to the functioning of the whole — the Oneness of Indra’s Net. It feels palpable to me. A vast fiberoptic communications network.
Like the ones I recall from my corporate engineering days. It was in the late 90s when Singapore (where I grew up) became our first big customer.
So exciting! They literally connected their entire nation with fiber optics as part of the "Singapore ONE" project! Well! This is what’s happening now.
Except it’s happening across the planet! A communications infrastructure teeming with cosmic mother plasma intelligence. Seamlessly illuminating new
biophotonic pathways through each one of us and amplifying each moment we’re willing and available to it. Pathways of multidimensional knowing through
our heart-mind-gut-brain neuro-networks. Connecting through our bodies deep into the earth.
Lighting up that finely threaded fungal communications highway
in the soil beneath our feet called the Common Mycelial Network (CMN).
Which science now knows directly links the root systems of tree and plant life across the planet. Cosmos-Humanity-Earth as one universal latticework
of light encircling the planet surfacing global insights with every step we take.
We are cocreating this vast shimmering infrastructure of liquid love light intelligence and making it available to all! We’re literally lighting up the
entire planet with every choice we make for Love. We are transmitting electromagnetic pulses, packets of information like beacons signaling to each other.
Much like the imaginal cells do in the primordial ooze within a chrysalis
during >Metamorphosis. When the caterpillar body is totally dissolved,
the imaginal cells light up, signaling to each other and clumping together in the knowing that each one holds a piece of the blueprint of the new
butterfly — an unimaginably gorgeous creature who can fly! We are dialing up the brilliance each time we choose to stand up in the power of our
authentic selves. We are signaling to each other. Facing the ‘bad’ stuff with clear-eyed courage and calling it out. Seeing the ‘evil’ act as the agonized
call for love that it is and responding with fierce compassionate action as called Clumping together knowing that each one holds a piece of the blueprint
for the new Homo Luminosa, an unimaginably gorgeous creature who can fly!?😃 And celebrating all of it with fearless curiosity, wonder and joy.
Love is always the answer. The time is always Now. And we are the Ones defying gravity! Daring to dissolve all separation and limitation within ourselves.
Melting away all notions of a ‘wicked’ other, one quantum moment at a time. Now. And now … and now … and now …
In the new blockbuster movie Wicked there is a song Elphaba the ‘wicked’ witch
sings at the moment she finally sees how she is trapped in an old entrenched system. Realizing her freedom to choose anew she decides with great courage,
to claim her power even if it means flying solo! Defying Gravity seems to have become an empowering anthem for the marginalized. It reminds us that nothing
is set in concrete! In these extraordinary times of the Great Turning, no thing is actually what it has seemed to be. Defying gravity simply means observing,
feeling, knowing with the new logic of the heart. It means giving to ourselves the authentic freedom of expression as Love BEings.
As Divine HUman Creator BEings! We surely are so ready to release all outdated tethers, claim our unlimited power, and fly!
Enjoy Cynthia Erivo’s soulfull rendition of Defying Gravity from the Wicked soundtrack.
And perhaps you’ll enjoy the movie too!😃
“… Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap
It's time to try defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you can't pull me down
I'm through accepting limits
'Cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change, but 'til I try, I'll never know
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love, I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love, it comes at much too high a cost
I'd sooner buy defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye, I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down …
Everyone deserves a chance to fly
And if I’m flying solo
At least I’m flying free…”
I celebrate each sacred moment with you. Pause💛Breathe.
See with clear-eyes and unflinching compassion. Choose to allow everything to be exactly as it is. Blessing indiscriminately. Loving unconditionally.
And responding with courage as moved It counts. Trust yourself! You count. More so now than ever before! And now … and now … and now …
💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel💜Receive💖Act
I love you each beyond words 🌺
PS: Wow! You’ve stuck with me all the way here to the end. Now enjoy this delicious treat from Mary Reed who reminds us,
All the Love that Has Ever Been! is lighting up and coming alive right now!
[ Read Part 1 ]
Image: Universal Mind Lattice, Alex Grey, 1981
Image: Defying Gravity, Andre Tillman, Rookie Trendz
Facebook URLs:
Christina Strutt
 Image: Alex Grey, 1981
 Image: Andre Tillman, Rookie Trendz
🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Soul Journey Newsletter #6
Saturday 21st December 2024
💛 Defying Gravity (Part 1 of 2)
[ Read Part 2 ]
Dearest Companions✨🕸✨🕸✨
It’s Winter Solstice today❄️ What a beautiful day in the midst of this sacred season to connect once again this way with each of you precious souls.
It’s been a while in linear time since my last newsletter The Holy Instant💛The Pause in July, and so much has been happening.
Yet it’s been no time at all in the infinite zero point field, the source of all creation. That limitless weightless timeless heart-mind-body-soul knowing
we drop into when we pause breathe allow and experience all as love here and now. The place from which compassionate action arises and is accomplished
with ease amidst the seeming chaos of a world being restored! The New flows through each one of us as we choose to fly free, defying gravity,
BEing willing and available conveyances of Love!💖
💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel💜Receive💖Act
But back to Soul business!😃 Over these last five months thanks to Rick Greathouse’s devotion and vast generosity, Soul in the Driver’s Seat has
offered us daily reflections on Your Relationship with The Unknown, Love, Grief, Acceptance, and Forgiveness. All of which conclude the twelve months of Chapter
Seven — Steps to Authenticity. “The goal is to undo the dominant thinking of the ego in favor of a more soulful and love-based approach …You will be
your authentic Self after a year's worth of application, and you will not need to repeat the course …”, as Jesus promised back in January.
Are you feeling this? Colin and I sure are! Soul’s daily questions have brought to light deeply hidden assumptions and limits we have all been conditioned
to live by. Outdated conventions and rules (who makes them anyway?) we have all agreed to abide by (in fear?). This year of heart-full reflection has given
the soul a chance to be heard. We’ve invited her into the driver’s seat often. We’ve listened to her. And perhaps we’re ready to allow her to drive full time!
How exciting!
In addition, Arrival’s Series 7: From Me to You - Christ Letters for the Second Coming has offered fifteen new letters (11 to 25) from Mother Mary.
She speaks on an array of topics including The Divine Feminine in Full Manifestation. All, as Jesus announced back in January, with a “focus on each
of you, helping you to come into your sense of power as God on the earth.”
Mother Mary also promises us a special Christmas Day Message.
Next year brings a whole new chapter in Soul, in Arrival, and on the planet. Soul will offer The Gift of Wisdom, which Jesus says is
“geared towards sharing what you know and supporting emerging souls in the world.”
As always, this is published on the Soul website on the final day of each month. Arrival Series 7
will continue with monthly, instead of bimonthly, messages from Mother Mary.
Published on the Arrival website on the last Sunday of each month.
And the planet🌏 will no doubt offer unlimited opportunities every single day to live deeply and proactively into our newly emerging identity in Christ/Unity
Consciousness as HUman Christ BEings of Light✨
Also, you may want to keep an eye on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel
where a fun new playlist just might show up in mid-January! 🤖🌷
That’s the end of my brief update on Soul and Arrival. Read on only if you’re up for a delightfully juicy offering that surged through me, as always,
insisting on being written. Enjoy! And also as always, I’d love to hear your thoughts, experiences, feelings, reactions, responses … I welcome them all!
💝 With so much love, Christina. 🌺
[ Read Part 2 ]
[© 2023 Rick Greathouse, Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age.
Read in monthly installments at https://soul.cocreatingclarity.com, and subscribe to the
Soul Journey Newsletter for updates http://journeyhub.cocreatingclarity.org/contact]
Image: Tulips, Christina Strutt, April 2023
Image: Stinson Beach CA, Nick Strutt, 5 Dec 2021
Facebook URLs:
Christina Strutt
