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💛 Breathe
Indra's Net: Tuesday 26th February (Part 2)
28th February 2019
Pause and breathe. Take a deep in-breath through your nose, out-breath through your mouth and let sound come if it comes — maybe
a deep sigh. That's it. You don't even have to stop walking. And you certainly don't have to close your eyes! That's how close you are
to choosing and expressing Your Self.
It's a way (I'm sharing because I know it works for me and for many!) to remind yourself “l AM in charge. I am BOTH a Jewel
in the Net AND the Net itself”. It's a signal to your reptilian brain that it's not in complete control — fight or
flight — anymore. It's a signal to your mind to settle down in your heart. It's a signal to your gut — to the fine
network of your enteric nervous system that's more powerful than your brain's branching neurons — that you're re-membering
your body. You begin listening to your feelings which unerringly lead you to the freedom of making your highest choice in this NOW
Quantum Moment.
Keep breathing and you'll feel a sense of calm alertness that the HeartMath Institute calls Heart Coherence. It is palpable
and measurable. It is your heart pulsing, generating and expanding its powerful electromagnetic field, joining and harmonizing
with all others in your immediate vicinity and beyond. That's not empty space around you! It's alive and in constant flux. You're
affecting it and it's affecting you. That's infinite quantum spaciousness pulsating with sparkles of Love — aka the limitless
potentiality of Light. All of it simply chillin'😎 and responding to our collective moment-to-moment choices to experience unity
and relationship, endlessly cocreating love in form — aka observing light in relationship, collapsing infinite waves of
possibility into particles/atoms.
Come Home to YourSelf:
HeartMath Institute — The human heart emits the strongest electromagnetic field in our body. This electromagnetic field envelops
the entire body extending out in all directions, and it can be measured up to several feet outside of the body. Research from the
Institute of HeartMath shows that this emotional information is encoded in this energetic field. HeartMath researchers have also
seen that as we consciously focus on feeling a positive emotion — such as care, appreciation, compassion or love —
it has a beneficial effect on our own health and well-being, and can have a positive affect on those around us.
💛 Access to Unity
“... When you think of breathing, you may think of inhaling as taking in air, and of air as something that is not “of” you.
But the air you breathe is “of” you. You may think of the air you exhale as being more “of” you, but there is no
more or less to the relationship of entry and exit. You are in continual relationship with the air you breathe and in continual relationship
with unity. It is a constant exchange. When you are fully aware of this is when full access is attained. ...” — D:Day5.26

💛 Freedom
Indra's Net: Tuesday 26th February (Part 1)
28th February 2019
How do you live freely every day? What if all of what's out there is a representation of what's in you? What if your experience isn't
‘caused’ by someone or something out there, but comes from within you? Wouldn't that be BOTH freeing? AND scary!😳
Willing to try it?
In this quantum now moment — pause, breathe your mind down into your heart listen to your body, feel your feelings with
compassion as Jewels in the Net. Observe and accept the present experience as it IS. You'll know what (if any) action is yours to
take; and when you know it, you'll know with an unshakeable present moment Certainty and Joy that will surprise you!🌺 Rinse and
repeat in this Quantum Now moment!
Last Tuesday's Indra's Net gathered at MOM, saw the notice “No Power! No Muffins!” and together, moseyed on down
to Panera. Thank you to all🥰 for a rich, satisfying, and deeply connecting conversation. Much landed for me (... and for all?😄).
Much more landing as I was out and about yesterday and more this morning! Sitting now in my sunny corner, powdery glitters of
snow still falling, five fresh inches blanketing the yard in a fine network of sparkles, tears flow freely. I welcome them,
grateful for the people and events of the last 48 hours that sparked the realizations, the compassion for myself, the sorrow,
as well as the deep joy and the freedom I'm feeling. All is well ✨
💛Pause ❤️Breathe* 🧡Listen 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖
This is the way it works in my experience. This is me taking full response-ability for myself. Freeing myself to be fully
who I am, and at once, simultaneously freeing those around me to be fully who they are. Claiming my power even as I free others
to claim theirs, for they alone own response-ability for themselves. What they think of me is none of my business. No matter
how it appears — for them it's never about me, just as for me it's never about them. It's always about myself and ‘they’
are a gift to me. After all there truly is no ‘them’😱. As within, so without. I am BOTH the Jewel and the Net.
So are ‘they’. And so are you. How cool is that?
You'll enjoy this 2 minute trailer for Inner Worlds-Outer Worlds:
And check out Indra's Net Of Jewels:
💛Accept the Present, Freedom, and Power
ACOL, D:Days 8, 9, and 10
“... We have not removed ourselves from life in any way, and yet we have reached a place of retreat, a place of safety
and of rest, a place away from “normal” life and the lack of freedom you have experienced there. ... Laugh. Cry. Shout or wail.
Dance and sing. Spin a new web. The web of freedom. In other words, express your Self! ... Allow freedom to reign, for it is your
allowance, your choice, your permission, that will make it so. The only one who can stop you now is yourself. The only permission
you ever needed was your own” — D:Day 9.1-4

💛 Venus and Pluto at 22° on 2/22
Quantum Love in 3-D Form
22nd February 2019
“In numerology, the number 22 is about creating in the material world. It is about taking what is in our minds and in our hearts,
and putting it out into the 3-D world for others to see and experience. ... To have Venus and Pluto align on a 222 day at 22 degrees .. perhaps
is the Universe reminding us of the powerful love we have inside, the love that brought us here, the love that strengthens us, and the love that
carries us through the dark. A lot of us turn to others for love and to validate what love is, but the true power, the true transformation is in
learning to love ourselves and to tap into the reservoir of love that resides within us. ... Love is all there is. On this 222 day, take a moment
to tune into the love that is inside you. Thank the transformational journeys you have been on that have brought you closer to this love, and feel
the power and strength that this love can offer.” — Tanaaz
💛 Love in 3-D Form
“... Creation is about giving attributes to the attributeless. Giving form to the formless. .. The nature of a being of love is to bring
form to the formless—to bring love into form.” — D:Day40.10
💛 Joy, Compassion, NonViolent Communication
Indra's Net — Tuesday 19th February
21st February 2019
In my experience, Joy is a limitless, timeless, state of being orthogonal to transient feelings of happiness, sadness, anger, worry etc. Joy is the depths
of an ocean of well-being — strong, steady, independent of external surface events, always available, embracing and carrying us through the ups and downs everyday life.
We are not asked to accept what is happening out there. But we most certainly are asked to accept with Compassion, what is happening in here. Practice
breathing the mind down into the high heart, accepting without judgment all that we're feeling in the moment. Breathing down into the body and the earth,
feeling the stability and fluidity of who we truly are — both human and divine. Loving ourselves unconditionally as we would a little child, safely
unfurling our hearts, unclenching our fists, and opening to receive the gifts of Source in this quantum now moment.
Now we are able to choose ‘NonViolent Communication’, responding from our ‘Heart of Peace’, easing our own pain, even as we're
easing the pain in the world rather than adding to it. That's our response-ability. We are sparkling Jewels in the Net and from this place of Certainty,
Joy, and Peace may well arise some new inspired action that's ours to take out there in the world to benefit All. Relationship is everything, beginning
with our relationship with ourselves. It is only the compassionate unconditional love we give ourselves that overflows to others in the energy of every thought,
feeling, and spoken word. What action we then choose to take, if any, is a bonus!
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Four-Step Process Chart
The Scientifically Proven, step-by-step guide to having a Breakthrough Conversation across Party Lines (NVC)
Four Steps to Nurture Compassion (NVC)
The Anatomy of Peace
💛 Violence
If all that causes violence is rejection of feelings, does it not follow that peace and nonviolence will abound in the world when we welcome, accept,
and feel all our feelings — no comparisons, no judgements, and no exceptions?🤓
“The spacious Self realizes that the outer world is a projection and most often a rejection rather than an extension of what is within. Thus, sickness
is a rejection of feelings. All that causes fear is rejection of feelings. All that causes loneliness is rejection of feelings. All that causes violence is
rejection of feelings. .. All feelings are accepted as those of the many as well. It is by holding all feelings of others within the spacious Self, by not
forgetting that the one and the many are the same, by willfully remembering that the feelings of the many can be “held” and not projected into
the world as sickness, violence, and so on, that acceptance occurs. It is in accepting all feelings as the feelings of the many that the feelings of “others”
are accepted as one's own and held within the spaciousness of the One Self, the whole Self.” — D:Day14.2,4
💛 Are you a Wayshower?
Indra's Net: Tuesday 12th February (Part 2)
15th February 2019
You'll know if you are. As a Wayshower you show the way by simply being who you truly are, because it is who you are, and you know no other way to live.
You know who you are. It's one of those things I call a ‘choiceless choice’ — a choice you're propelled into by a firm yet gently insistent
hand in the small of your back, and yet a choice you make freely and willingly. The unconditional love you feel for yourself effortlessly overflowing
into the lives of others. Ordinary people in ordinary jobs, with ordinary families, in ordinary neighborhoods, quietly, almost invisibly, living extraordinary
lives. No special titles. No identifying uniforms or badges. Yet embodying an unmistakable presence palpably felt by all you encounter. You recognize them.
Devoted to being the change you wish to see in the world — bringing your light into the darkest of places, sharing your love everywhere you are, and
especially where it is needed most. Being a local example of awakening right here and right now in the midst of your everyday (often messy!) life
wherever you are. Sharing the darkest times and the brightest times — not just the rainbows and unicorns! Courageously facing the critics, the unkind,
the detractors, the attackers, enfolding all in the fiercest love that burns with the certainty that these are simply the fearful and the loveless
calling out for love. Gratefully owning and making your uniquely essential contribution to the currently accelerating collective global movement
towards unity consciousness — awareness, acceptance, and action as unique expressions of the Whole — One Heart, One Mind, Love, Light, Source.
That, in my experience and understanding, is what a Wayshower is 🤓
Gather with Indra's Net of Jewels —
“A wayshower is one who EMBODIES the qualities that he or she wishes others to absorb and learn, who manifests these qualities in full measure
so that the light that they carry can transfer to the consciousness of all who behold them.” — Julie of Light Omega, Amherst, MA
“A person who LIVES according to the divine qualities consciously and willingly and is prepared to own it, discuss it, and represent it.
Is willing to stand in the nitty gritty and say “Look it's from this mud that a Lotus can grow.” All else flows from that. I surely
have perfect flaws too and it isn't about being this saint-like figure to be way-shower, it's about owning all aspects of our human experience and
showing the way how to learn and transform them into virtues.” — Natasha Pelgrom
💛 Self-Guidance
“My dear brothers and sisters, what you truly are cannot be improved upon. But because you are in a state of unremembering, you must relearn
who you are. You can only relearn who you are by being who you are. You can only be who you are by sharing who you are.” — C:31.17
“A guide shows the way, creates movement, gives direction. These things too the Self can do if allowed to do so. The Self will guide you
if you will allow it to. Your Self will lead you down from the mountain top and through the valleys of level ground. There is no other guide.
We are One Self. You can trust in your Self. Will you? — D:Day26.4-5

💛Not Nice Girls?
14th February 2019
As I continue to look deeply into my response-ability for all the anger I have allowed in my life, walked into, shock-absorbed
... and added to ... this blog showed up in perfect timing! Sharing with love♥️ on Valentine's Day for all hearts open and willing
to receive whatever part of it resonates ✨
“No, I don't want to be a ‘nice girl’ anymore. That doesn't mean I won't be kind (I have a LOT of patience
for people who want to grow and learn and who take responsibility for their mistakes), but I don't intend to be complacent when
people do harm to me and/or people I care about. And I will challenge authority when it is destructive. And I will take up space.
And I will work shoulder-to-shoulder with those who want to disrupt systems of oppression.” — Heather Plett
What if I'm not a Nice Girl anymore? —
💛 Love is not being nice when ...😳😊
“When you think of acting out of love, your thoughts of love are based on sentiment and must be challenged. Love is not being
nice when you are feeling surly. Love is not doing good deeds of charity and service. Love is not throwing logic to the wind and acting
in foolish ways that pass as gaiety but cannot masquerade as joy...” C:4.12
💛 Dimensions and Frequencies
Indra's Net: Tuesday 12th February (Part 1)
13th February 2019
“We are 3-dimensional creatures trapped in three dimensions. We imagine our universe to be flat in three dimensions. But maybe
it's curved into a fourth? We can talk about a 4th dimension but we can't experience it. No one can point to the 4th dimension. There's
left and right. There's forward and back. There's up and down. And there's some other direction simultaneously at right angles to those
familiar three dimensions.” — Carl Sagan
Another vibrant gathering yesterday, even as the snowstorm began in earnest settling an inch or two an hour! Thank you to those who
braved the trip to MOM. And as always another series of welcome challenges for me to synthesize, write, and share my intuition and experience
in response to questions and topics raised.
In my understanding and experience, all of life is love, light, energy, vibrational frequency expressed in color, sound, and form —
both visible and invisible, audible and inaudible, felt both physically and intuitively.
The audible range of human hearing include frequencies harmonic with musical notes in the range 418Hz to 456Hz. For the past century, 440Hz
has been the standard concert A pitch tuning. Prior to that, there was much greater variability, many lower pitches, as well as some higher
frequencies. 432Hz resonates with the energy of unity of heart, mind, body, and soul. It is a heart-centered frequency, the heart being the
unified center of how life/love expresses itself in form through the body. It is said that the music in 432Hz frequency is felt as coming
from within and from without as a sense of peaceful energetic oneness.
Living in a 3D world (frequency ~396Hz?)
The third dimension is the familiar ‘normal’ physical life as a human being living on planet Earth. The illusion of duality in
the third dimension allows us to experience light and darkness, good and bad, joy and despair, better and worse. in other words free-will
choice to live from for Love or from Fear. As long as we are choosing fear, we are repeating our experiences and patterns until we decide
to choose love.
4D (frequency ~417Hz?)
The fourth dimension is the dream world or astral plane. It is less dense and much more fluid than 3D It has only one timeline (reality),
and also hosts the illusion of duality allowing fear and the ego to exist. Linear time becomes a lot more fluid here, like a stream of energy
hosting all events of the same timeline that is 3D. However the fourth dimension also allows bridging of darkness and light, and only universal
energetic laws apply. The unified heart, mind, and brain resonance is at frequency 448Hz or above helping to adjust the human being to a fully
5D consciousness.
Going Quantum — 5D and Beyond (frequency ~532Hz?)
In the fifth dimension, we live in unity consciousness, and at the same time recognize ourselves as unique individuals who are part of the whole.
Our knowing comes intuitively and with subtlety from within as we have become ONE with all that is. In order to live in fifth dimensional
consciousnsess and beyond, we must anchor in the full capacity of heart consciousness. We can only open a full heart-centered consciousness
by healing all constrictions of fear-based conflict, control, and separation frequencies within the body and mind. Living in 5D means living
from the Whole Heart — heart and mind joined — what the HeatMath Institute calls Coherence. We choose to connect through our hearts
and feel the connection and love instantly. We embody Love and Live Oneness each quantum moment with freedom and joy — BOTH as unique
Jewels in the Net AND as the Net itself — constantly CoCreating with the highest loving intention for All.
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen 💜Trust YourSelf 💖 Take Action🧡
Carl Sagan on 4D —
Dimensions of ‘Reality’ — https://m.
Harmonic Sound Frequencies —
Gather as Indra's Net of Jewels next Tuesday —
💛 Creation of the New = Going Quantum
“... it is not your body that will pass through heaven's gates, nor your body's eyes that will view the new world you will behold and
take with you. To view a physical world of dimension, shape, and scope like unto the old and hope to transport it from one place to another
would be delusional. The new world does not have to do with form, but with content. A content that is as transferable as an author's words
upon a page.” — C:P.3
“... our time together is coming to an end and your acceptance of the truth of who you are and who you can be is essential to the
accomplishment of our mission—to the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. The only way to create it is to experience it. The only way
to experience it is to create it. All that stands in the way of your creatorship is your final acceptance of who you are in unity and
relationship.” — D:Day36.19

💛 Erykah Badu — “Stay Woke”
“ ... following our hearts, that's what love is.”
10th February 2019
And here it is again ... affirmation just when I need it that I'm taking the action I'm supposed to take on behalf of myself
and all💞 Just as I was posting 💛 Toxic Anger, Indra's Net: Tuesday 5th February (Part 3), Son #2 was texting me this
New York Times article/interview with Erykah Badu (by Reggie Ugwu, 6 Feb 2019). Enjoy this excerpt!
‘Badu, who has always been the primary architect of her own legend, will extend it Friday with ‘What Men Want,’
a gender-flipped remake of the 2000 Mel Gibson-Helen Hunt romantic comedy. Badu's character is a cartoon version of herself.
In her own wardrobe and makeup, Badu plays a flowing-haired, incense-burning spirit-guide-cum-small-time-weed-dealer with otherworldly
comic timing and a tenuous foothold on the terrestrial plane.
In the real world, of course, she is no possessor of mystical powers. Just a mortal, like the rest of us. One who, as she made clear,
doesn't spend much of her time thinking about when or how she became who she is. “I'm 48,” she said, when I asked about
deciding not to be angry. And it was as if I had asked an ocean when it decided not to be a stream.
I wanted to know about empathy because Badu has made it headline news. The singer has recently been accused of spreading compassion
in reckless and upsetting directions, pausing a concert last month to announce that she was “putting up a prayer” for
R. Kelly, the R&B hitmaker who faces mounting allegations of sexual misconduct, including with underage girls.
She went on, amid wails from the audience, to make a blanket call for healing, asserting that “everybody involved has been hurt
and victimized in some kind of way.”
It wasn't the first time that Badu had espoused a fundamentalist interpretation of unconditional love. A year ago, she sparked a
conflagration on social media when she told New York magazine that she “saw something good” in Hitler.
At various points in recent years, she's felt compelled to express empathy for high school teachers who are sexually attracted to
their female students; Bill Cosby; and slave masters, among others not commonly thought to merit a surplus of charity.
At a time when the reckoning after #MeToo has revealed moral decay lurking in what can feel like every corner of public life,
Badu's stubborn forbearance has drawn forceful condemnation. She spoke to me about her critics, her popularizing (and losing control of)
the expression “stay woke” and why she says she can't judge anyone, including people who have hurt her directly.
As for her age: She's 47, as it turns out. But that's just like Badu — never one to let mere reality hold her back.’
Reggie — “It is interesting that your response would be empathy. I think it relates to your recent R. Kelly comments,
because you've said similar things in the past about other divisive or despised figures. Last year, you were trying to find nuance
or compassion for Hitler and Louis Farrakhan. I wondered if you could help me understand where that impulse comes from.”
Erykah's answer -
“Stay woke just means pay attention to everything, don't lean on your own understanding or anyone else's, observe, evolve,
eliminate things that no longer evolve. That's what it means. Stay conscious, stay awake. It doesn't mean judge others. It doesn't
mean gang up on somebody who you feel is not woke. That's not evolved.
Expressing unconditional love for both victim and accused should not be misconstrued with downplaying the fact that [the victim has]
been horribly violated. Nor should it be mistaken for the intent to put the accused on a pedestal or to condone their actions. For me,
life requires critical thinking on a subject. Critical thinking may lead to logical solutions, but it's a delicate process because
we are all very delicate. Proper healing is the key. It takes the entire community. This mending takes practice because it's
difficult to not always be led emotionally and impulsively. Sometimes, it takes those not very close to the situation to objectively
consider all factors. Restorative justice involves finding a solution that not only helps the innocent victims cope with the trauma
but to also help the violator, who in many cases, has been the victim of abuse and holds them accountable and is a huge part of recovery
This thinking may help to break the cycle of abuse and ultimately help to heal the community. That's the goal.
I've never instructed a group of people to do what I do or to follow me in any kind of way. It's O.K. to disagree with me,
no problem, but you cannot censor how I feel. I encourage people: If you have an opposing opinion, use it, don't be afraid.
I think that's a bigger crime than anything — to go with the group when you know it's not how you feel. It's not a matter of
right or wrong, it's a matter of following our hearts, that's what love is. ..
I believe in love. Being misunderstood, that's little stuff, and I don't really mind being a problem that may lead to a solution.
I can be misunderstood for a while, but love is not difficult to misunderstand. Love looks like compassion, forgiveness, kindness
and consideration, nonjudgment, creativity. And fear looks like denial, hate or pain. I'm sorry, not pain, but to cause pain, jealousy,
envy, hunger for power. Being afraid of not having enough or not being seen as enough or not being as good as something else or someone
else, that's what causes all that.”
💛 Stay Woke = Unconditional Love
“The family is, in fact, the only place where unconditional love is seen as acceptable.” — C:P.2
“For that kind and gentle stance you do not believe will serve you now, that blindness and self-sacrifice is something to be
gained at too high a price, that devotion you might think is fine for one whose partner is more loving than your own, that unconditional
love is great, but must it not be tempered by good judgment? And surely that ability to guide others must be earned through the
acquisition of wisdom not within your reach.” — C:4.12
“I believe in love. Being misunderstood, that's little stuff, and I don't really mind being a problem that may lead to
a solution. I can be misunderstood for a while, but love is not difficult to misunderstand. Love looks like compassion, forgiveness,
kindness and consideration, nonjudgment, creativity. And fear looks like denial, hate or pain. I'm sorry, not pain, but to cause pain,
jealousy, envy, hunger for power. Being afraid of not having enough or not being seen as enough or not being as good as something else
or someone else, that's what causes all that.” — Erykah Badu
💛 Toxic Anger
Indra's Net: Tuesday 5th February (Part 3)
10th February 2019
Being a shock absorber for the misplaced toxic anger of others is a familiar role I've played all my life — with family members,
with work colleagues, with friends, and even when volunteering in community and spiritual movements. It was in searching for metaphysical
meaning of the excruciating plantar fasciitis heel pain I'd suffered for years that I came to this realization! A kind way to put it is
to say I've been a change agent, a bridge builder, and a peacemaker with an amazingly productive track record. But that conveniently
overlooks the painfully unproductive parts, and my responsibility in the continuation of this pattern into the present. The truth is
that so willingly have I been absorbing the ‘gaslighting' of so many for so long, that some part of me has always believed I
deserved what I got. Until now. It's time to end it. For myself and for everyone. I'm clearly ready. And so is the world at large.
It's a pattern of fear and perceived power imbalance that is struggling to right itself in the world. It has to. Have you noticed?
How it's showing up everywhere as control, manipulation, anger, abuse, and violence including in government, religion, business,
gender and race relations, and in homes. It is this pattern that has been demanding my attention these last two weeks with tears,
conflicts, and things to read. Not surprisingly it arose with intensity in last Tuesday's Indra's Net where we stayed with each of
our parts in it, feeling the imbalance of self-love/respect with loving/respecting the other, owning our choices, standing in our
truth, and reclaiming our power.
This is why I'm writing today. I'm willing to own my part. Are you willing to own yours? I'm sharing my truth, claiming my freedom
and whatever action is mine to take in order to cease adding to the pain in the world. I'll know. We always know when we return to
the infinite wisdom of my/our wholehearted self, and our One Heart forever joined in unity and relationship. The part belonging to
the other is up to them. It is of no concern to me/us. At least not until I/we do what we know we have to do for ourselves. Trusting
that what comes after will become clear as we take one step at a time wrapping our fears in love, bringing our light to the darkest
of places, and CoCreating the New out of the Quantum field of infinite possibility.
I came across a blog post on toxic anger/masculinity (no gender is exempt!) two weeks ago and just couldn't read it. It scared me
too much, the fear rising in my body. I finally read it five days ago. But only after I'd first seen this beautiful poem that served
as a loving witness, drawing out my hidden pain; And reading this amazing tutorial on how to carefully and compassionately unwrap
the darkest places of my fear. Only then was I able to hold my center and keep myself safe while I read the original blog. Today
I'm sharing the three writings here with love, trusting that they will reach willing hearts for the benefit of us all.
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen 💜Trust YourSelf 💖 Take Action🧡
‘This is toxic masculinity. And we are tired of absorbing it.' (26 Jan)
‘The story of a girl who grew into a Goddess' (2 Feb)
‘Daring to peer into the shadows: What to do when your own darkness is revealed' (3 Feb)
💛 Anger and Abuse
Lately I've been facing residual fears that are gently being excavated from deep within the cellular structure of my body
and brain. Why? Because I desire it. My willingness and devotion to embodying Love requires that every last remaining vestige
held apart as not of love must be transmogrified and re-membered😉 Sharing here with much love, some of the bits of A Course of Love
that keep me going. Along with the post in CoCreating Clarity inspired by last Tuesday's Indra's Net gathering.
“Love is at the heart of all things. How you feel but reflects your decision to accept love or to reject it and choose fear.
Both cannot be chosen. All feelings you label joyous or compassionate are of love. All feelings you label painful or angry are of fear.
This is all there is. This is the world you make. Love or fear is your reality by your choice. A choice for love creates love.
A choice for fear creates fear. What choice do you think has been made to create the world you call your home? This world was
created by your choice, and a new world can be created by a new choice. But you must realize that this is all there is. Love or
lack of love. Love is all that is real. A choice for love is a choice for heaven A choice of fear is hell. Neither are a place.
They are a further reflection of means and end being the same. They are but a further reflection of your power.” — C:1.18
“Full-scale interaction with the world of madness is all that some are willing to accept of others or themselves.
These are the angry ones who would demand that others bring what love they have into the madness to take responsibility for the mess
that has been made, to attempt to restore order to chaos, anything so that the angry ones feel less alone with what their anger shows
them. Love, they say, cannot be set apart, and so they feel love not, nor see it either. Yet they too recognize love for what it is
when they scream, “You cannot have it while all of these do not. You cannot hoard it to yourself when so many are in need.” — C:422
“All your vast wanderings will be seen for what they are. All that you desired will be revealed as only two desires,
the desire to love and the desire to be loved. Why wait to see that these desires are all that call you to the strange behavior you
display? Those who give in to abuse are merely calling louder for the selfsame love that all are in search of. Judgment is not due them,
for all here are abusers—starting with their own selves. Attempts to modify the behavior of abuse are near to useless in a world based
on use. The foundation of the world must change, and the stimulus for this change lies within you. All use ends with joining, for use
is what you have traded joining for. Instead of recognizing your union, a state in which you are whole and complete because you are
joined with all, you have determined to stand separate and use the rest to support your separate stance.” — C:9.48-49
“When a perceived boundary is perceived as solid, it is an obstacle, for it has no space available for joining.
What is a boundary to a perceiver is met as an obstacle by the spacious self. Obstacles need not be avoided for space encompasses
all obstacles, making them invisible. The mind would say that making obstacles invisible is uncaring. The spacious Self knows no
obstacles for it knows no uncaring. It knows only love for the One Self. It feels the obstacle but does not know it. The feeling
that is the sense organ of the spacious Self then remembers its spaciousness and calls upon it. The obstacle is thus enfolded in
the space, becoming one with it. The perceiver knows not of the enfolding but feels no hurt nor lessening of spirit by becoming
invisible within the space.” — D:Day12.8
💛 Both/And
Indra's Net: Tuesday 5th February (Part 2)
9th February 2019
The notion of things being ‘either this or that’, having to decide on ‘either this way or that way’
threaded its way throughout last Tuesday's gathering. It was there — well disguised but nevertheless there —
as we moved through all the pretty intense stuff that came up. On anger — I have to either stay and be mistreated or
disconnect and do my own thing. On procrastination — I either have do all this work or I won't get what I want.
On grief — I either stop this pain now or I'm going to grieve forever. The tricky thing is that I'm always
wittering on about the choice we're making in each and every moment — to think, feel, or take action either
from fear or from love! WTF! 😳
But don't be fooled! Here's the thing! Either/Or lives in the 3-D world alone. The Quantum world knows in
probabilities, possibilities, and Wholes including 3-D. In my experience all of the either/or choices we seem to face are
framed that way because we already previously made the choice to look out at the world in fear. Then instantly forgot that
we did. And that's the moment we lose ourselves in fear and a zillion either/or moments. And the only way out I know
is through the heart. We pause, breathe our minds down into our hearts, come home to ourselves, fully into the only moment
there is — THIS QUANTUM NOW MOMENT. We return to LOVE. Love knows and ‘thinks’ in WHOLES. Love is a grateful
compassionate mind and wise expansive heart working in unison. Love is what the HeartMath Institute calls Heart and Brain Coherence!
And Living Love is what it means to Go Quantum in a 3-D World
Anyway, I was asked to post this article (published in a spiritual magazine a few months ago). It addresses the rather
esoteric question “Is the World Real or Illusion?” I've been procrastinating!😄 It's too woo-woo!
For sure it will confuse!🙃 People will think I'm nuts!🥜 Fear? Yes. Then another publisher told me it was going out in his
(also spiritual) newsletter today. And this morning my heart says yes! courage! Just do it! So here it is.
Miracles Magazine
The Embrace Newsletter
Join in the next Indra's Net Gathering!
💛 Both/And
“Your mind would tell you that a chair is a chair and regard it as a fact. Through the learning you have done since
your birth, you have come to recognize a chair as having certain properties, the most essential of which is that it is a
structure on which to sit. The exercises of A Course in Miracles began with asking you to call into question these beliefs in
known, observable, facts. You may have regarded these exercises as silly or you may have thought of the lessons of physics
and felt as if you understood these exercises on an intellectual level. But what these exercises have prepared you for is
an acceptance of the ongoing change that is creation; an acceptance that something can be what it is, a known fact,
an object with an identity, but also part of the ongoing nature of creation. Could this be true of a chair and not be
true of you.” — T2:6.7
“The only response is LOVE. The only time is NOW. And WE are the Ones.” — Me🤓

💛 Indra's Net: One Heart
7th February 2019
Posting some images this evening to help us remember that we're inextricably linked as is all of life on the planet and beyond.
One Mind. One Heart. One Electromagnetic Field. Each individual unique heart and mind and electromagnetic field pulsing
within the Whole. In my experience One'ness is not just a nice or interesting concept. It's for reals dear Jewels 😄 and
it just might be fun and empowering to lean into this ... live into this ... a teensy bit? Maybe try it and see what happens?
Imagine the universe as an infinite net spreading in all directions with no beginning or end. At every node is strung a
multi-faceted jewel, each one reflecting all others in an ever changing cocreative flow. Each jewel a fractal of consciousness,
a living organism; both a microcosm of the whole and inseparable from the whole; both uniquely distinct and essential to the
integrity of the net; the whole and the parts in organic unity. This is the Vedic metaphor of Indra's Net of Jewels, written
in Sanskrit some five thousand years ago. And today, Quantum Science, with discoveries like the uncertainty principle and
nonlocal entanglement, seems to be demonstrating the reality of this metaphor.
Enjoy these images, with love to all 💖
(UML, HeartMath, web, matrix, pearls, sparkles)
💛 One Heart We are the Heartbeat of the World
“The new is not that which has always existed. It is not that which can be predicted. It is not that which can
be formed and held inviolate. The new is creation's unfolding love. The new is love's expression. The new is the true
replacement of the false, illusion's demise, joy birthed amongst sorrow. The new is yet to be created, One Heart to
One Heart.” — C:I.1
“What will the future hold? It is up to us dear brothers and sisters. It is up to us acting as one body, one mind,
one heart. It is up to us creating as one body, one mind, one heart. Because it is the new future of a new form joined in
unity and relationship, the only guarantees that are known to us is that it will be a future of love, a future without fear,
a future with unlimited freedom. For what more could we ask? And what more could be asked of us.” — T4:12.3

💛 Grief
Indra's Net: Tuesday 5th February
7th February 2019
Thank you to all who gathered BOTH atom-to-atom AND heart-to-heart. There was deep, intense work bridging real life outer events near
and far with exploring inner responses. Themes included illness, disconnection, judgement, global warming, grief, toxic anger,
procrastination. Bringing it into the present. Receiving it all as a gift. Going Quantum and practicing in real time the most courageous path —
- ✿ facing and describing fully the outer thing that's ‘happening to you’
- ✿ owning and feeling all your feelings with compassion
- ✿ choosing your response with no pressure, expectation or judgement
- ✿ owning your choice to think, speak, act from fear OR from love.
- ✿ standing up in your own power
- ✿ claiming your freedom and offering the same to all
- ✿ taking RESPONSE-ability for yourself and your choices
The only thing we can do. The thing that is not just enough. The thing that is everything! We are free each moment to choose — adding
to the pain of the world or adding to the peace. There is no middle ground.
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen 💜Trust YourSelf 💖 Take Action🧡
What if there is no happy ending?
Grief: It's not something you have to “get over”.
“What happens when feelings of loneliness or despair, anger or grief join with the spacious Self? This joining occurs only through acceptance.
Without acceptance, the separation remains along with the physical manifestation. ..
You have no feelings that are bad. Fear is not a feeling but a response to a feeling. Emotions are responses. You have been told there are but
two emotions, love and fear. What this is really saying is that there are but two ways to respond to what you feel — with love or with fear.
If you respond with fear you expel, project, and separate. If you respond with love you remain whole. You realize that you have no feelings
that are bad. You embrace sadness, grief, anger, and all else that you feel because these feelings are part of who you are in the present moment.
When you remain in the present moment you remain within Christ-consciousness where all that is exists in harmony. To embrace is the opposite
of to escape. To hold all within yourself in the embrace of love is the opposite of holding onto what you have already responded to with fear
and made separate. There is no escape for there is only the embrace. The embrace is Christ-consciousness.” — D:Day16.8,10
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