💛 Witnessing
Friday 28th February 2020
Colin's away in CA and I'm on my third day of four alone in a little at-home retreat. Mostly silent. Following my nose. Listening in. Feeling all
that's swirling in the field and arising within me. This morning some ancient tears followed by shimmering clarity propelling me to share
briefly😉 with all you precious Jewels 💎🕸💎
We're in this together This beautifully relentless movement to embody the Love that we are and express it in form. CoCreating a kinder, gentler
new world. A force insistently calling us within to first love ourselves. And then without to live free. Imperfectly perfect in this moment exactly
as we are. There is much joy in this. There is also much stored pain arising. As it must. Crying out to be seen felt and released. Pain that is both
personal and collective. Both recent and ancient. Traumas of masculine and feminine in equal measure struggling to come into balance.
How do we respond? How do we not add to the pain? All through 2019 I shared (at length😃) my own experiences and how I navigate them.
(It's all indexed here at Indra's Net of Jewels KeyWords Been writing less this year.
Feeling there is nothing more to be said. Or read. Or discussed. Love is simply in the living of our ordinary everyday lives. In each moment
choosing feeling giving receiving. Nothing left out.
“To be wounded is not to be broken or useless — it is simply to be human and real. It is also to be tender and openhearted...
We are not meant to be superheroes We are meant to be imperfect humans fumbling through this life together. We are meant to be wounded
witnesses.” — Heather Plett
Everyday I find myself being called to new depths of awareness clarity compassion and care. For myself and for all who show up in my field.
There are many in pain. Some more aware of it than others. Some more able to go within and feel it than others. Now more than ever
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen In 💚Feel 💙Accept Your Feelings 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action💛 Never underestimate the power of simply bearing
witness to the pain. Holding space for all of it. Being a neutral presence to whatever is happening within you and so for all those around you.
It takes great courage to be kind. Compassion is Love in action. And it is everything.
Perhaps try the practical questions in Xtreme Compassion
And ask yourself “What do I need now?” Listen to the answer that arises and respond. Self-care is a magical thing. It's where truly
pure compassion begins. If things are overwhelming for you read Heather Plett's
raw inspiring story and 7 practical strategies.
And if all else fails try chocolate!🍫Or doughnuts!🍩 My only wish for you💎 as for myself is living in Freedom Power and Joy. With love to all🌺
💛 Imperfectly Perfect
“You will see that what is perfect is perfect only in its imperfection. You will realize how often you are upset, anxious, frustrated,
angry, or saddened by the nature of the imperfection of perfection. In other words, you will realize that your predetermination of how things
“should” be has been the greatest restriction on your apprehension of what is, and your greatest source of disappointment. You will also
realize how often you are naturally joyous, compassionate, kind, and wise when you are present with what is rather than wishing things were other
than as they are. You will realize your deep affection and even longing for the imperfection of perfection—that it is exactly another's imperfection
that you love, precisely their imperfections that make them perfect! And you will discover that the same is true of you.” — A Course of Love, U35
Here are the two posts on FaceBook