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๐ Across the Universe
28th July 2019
On a Sunday morning, a little gift of sweetness from John Lennon fifty years ago made NEW by Aurora — the young Norwegian with a crystalline
diamond voice โจ๐โจ With love to all๐
Words are flowing out
Like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
Are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai Guru Deva, Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Images of broken light
Which dance before me like a million eyes
They call me on and on across the universe
Thoughts meander like a
Restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe
Jai Guru Deva, Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Sounds of laughter, shades of life
Are ringing through my opened ears
Inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love
Which shines around me like a million suns
It calls me on and on across the universe
Jai Guru Deva, Om
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Nothing's gonna change my world
Jai Guru Deva
๐ Across the Universe
With love ๐ across the Universe ... and the Multiverse ... to Infinity and beyond! โจโพ๐๐

๐ Needs
26th July 2019
This morning I was up and outside before 6:30am. With a steaming mug of tea. So feeling the need for a little space and quiet. Some time to sit
under the emerald canopy of my trees. Feeling fully supported and grounded in the strength of their vast networked root bed. And gazing at the still
turquoise water. After two weeks of an extraordinarily full and exhausting schedule my body began to relax. The pressure in my chest lifting.
Muscles unclenching. My heart opening. Sipping my magical elixir (strong black tea with a little milk๐ค) I felt myself slipping easily into the
infinite spaciousness of the present moment. Oh bliss! Not long sitting in the shimmering, a low throaty roar began infiltrating my being. Growing
louder by the second. And louder still until I flipped right back into full 3D! WTF Keith! Did you have to thunder up the hill right at this minute?
Just when I sooo need some quiet!? I knew he was simply driving his tractor up and down the rows of apple trees doing what he needed to do. What orchard
farmers need to do in late July. Then the twittering thoughts began. Enough with understanding everyone else already! What about my needs. Why are my
needs rarely met? Why does everyone else's needs come first. Is a little early morning quiet too much to ask for? Just one morning of space?
Tweet tweet twittery tweety ... twit that I am!๐
Yesterday morning I read this story ‘The Crane Wife’ in ‘The Paris Review’. It startled me and stopped me in my tracks.
So many questions surfacing. Questions I thought I knew the answers to. What do I need? What do I need right now? Do I ever really let myself acknowledge
what I need? What if the thing I need to receive is something no one in my sphere wants to give? What if the thing I need to give is something no one
in my sphere wants to receive? Do I even allow myself to ask for what I need? What if they won't give me the thing that I need? What if they can't?
What if I'm not supposed to need the thing that I need? What if I need two seemingly opposing things? At the same time? Is what I need too crazy to even talk about?
I'm still mulling over all these questions and more Realizing how well I've been trained to not need the things I truly need. Putting others'
needs first. Making them more valid than mine. Like the Orwellian pigs of Animal Farm. Saying to myself — all needs are equal but some needs
are more equal than others๐ท Because that's being a strong loving giving woman right? Or is it? Realizing how I continue in subtle ways training
myself not to need too much! What does that even mean? To need too much? How can I need too much? A need is simply that. A need! Or is it? What if
the thing I need is seen as a frivolous want by another? And dismissed? The words one family member once said of another are seared on my heart!
“I see to her needs. Not her wants!” Who decides what qualifies as a need and what is merely a want? How can anyone but me know what I need? Or what I want?
The tractor thundering in my ears I asked myself — What do I need? What do I need right now? And I began listening. Deeply. Acknowledging
my need for precious quiet time. Embracing my need. Owning it. Knowing with certainty that I am worthy of having my needs met. Trusting myself.
Actively affirming that everything is already abundantly given. Not just to me but to all. All needs are met even before they can be articulated.
Everything truly needed is already available here in this quantum now moment. And somehow the tractor's roar began diminishing in my ears. No longer
feeling like the victim of outer events. Settling back into the โจshimmeringโจ Keith and his trusty tractor murmuring up and down the apple trees
and gradually fading as he moved down the hill. Happily doing his thing while I'm doing mine. Hah! Small thing in exchange for an endless supply
of deliciousness๐๐๐๐in the fall. Thank you Keith๐
Dear One๐Do you know what you need? Do you know what you need right now? ๐Pause โค๏ธBreathe ๐งกListen ๐Feel ๐Trust YourSelf ๐ Allow yourself
to need. And perhaps you'll read this story and discover new depths of your own precious questions within ... and a few answers too! Wishing us all
the freedom the power and the joy of choosing whatever it is that makes each one of us uniquely who we are! Joining wholeheartedly with each other
and with all that we're needing. All of us precious Jewels in Indra's Net๐๐ธ๐ Acknowledging allowing and receiving all with effortless ease This
is the New way! With so much love to all who visit hereโจ๐โจ
“I had arrived in my thirties believing that to need things from others made you weak. I think this is true for lots of people but
I think it is especially true for women. When men desire things they are “passionate.” When they feel they have not received something
they need they are “deprived,” or even “emasculated,” and given permission for all sorts of behavior. But when a woman needs
she is needy. She is meant to contain within her own self everything necessary to be happy. ... ‘The Crane Wife’ is a story from Japanese
folklore. ... In the story, there is a crane who tricks a man into thinking she is a woman so she can marry him. She loves him, but knows that he
will not love her if she is a crane so she spends every night plucking out all of her feathers with her beak. She hopes that he will not see what
she really is: a bird who must be cared for, a bird capable of flight, a creature, with creature needs. Every morning, the crane-wife is exhausted,
but she is a woman again. To keep becoming a woman is so much self-erasing work. She never sleeps. She plucks out all her feathers,
one by one.” — CJ Hauser
๐ No Loss but Only Gain
“An understanding of the mutuality of needs will aid you in being honest about your needs, thus allowing them to be met. Then the
need to define or to identify them ceases. Your needs only continue to be brought to your awareness as needs until your trust in their immediate
and ongoing fulfillment is complete. Once this trust is realized you will no longer think in terms of needs at all. Once you are no longer concerned
with needs and the meeting of needs you will no longer be concerned with special relationships. You will realize that there is no loss but only gain
involved in letting them go. Holding on to what you think will meet your needs is like holding your breath. Your breath cannot long be held. It is only
through the inhaling and exhaling, the give and take of breathing that you live. ...” — A Course of a Love, The Treatises, T2:9.16-17
๐ Freedom Codes
25th July 2019
Are you ready for something completely new and different? Yes? Then enjoy this video from Sandra Walter published yesterday. A woman whose words
resonate within my heart and with all I know. A woman of integrity whom I trust. Whose ‘woo-woo’ writings for many years now, I have thoughtfully
been practicing and integrating. With my experiences of Systems Engineering, Systems Thinking, A Course in Miracles, Human Dynamics, Quantum Science,
CoCreating Clarity, A Course of Love and more. And within every aspect of my life here and now.
She is a Wayshower who is now collaborating with bioelectromagnetic scientist
and researcher Glenn Rein. The man who invented non-linear dielectric spectroscopy as a way to measure subtle energy — the electromagnetic
frequencies of cells and DNA — in the lab. And who is the innovator behind the HearthMath Institute's heart coherence measurement technology.
I'm with Sandra all the way. As she continues focusing on the ascension of our beloved Gaia. And with each one of us individually and collectively
as we continue our journey. UNIfying and emBODYing Love in human form. And yes! I've even been known to bury an amethyst crystal or two here and
there!๐๐๐ Living Love. Being the Net. Ascension Sustaining Christ Consciousness. Being a Lightbearer. Transmogrification๐ฅฐ. Living Oneness. Activating
our divine crystalline 12-strand DNA. Anchoring Compassionate Consciousness on the planet. Call it what you will. It is available to all. And it is not
for the faint-hearted. But a resounding open invitation to make this hugely courageous choice to turn away from blaming and shaming. Now.
From being a victim or a bully. From helplessly giving up or struggling to take control. And instead in each now moment choosing again and again for Love.
For divine neutrality and the knowing and certainty that follows. Turning wholeheartedly towards claiming our Freedom, Power, and Joy. Not just for one
or two. But for ALL 7.5 billion of us. ๐ The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones! And trust me๐ค the support available all
around us today has never been stronger. The old narratives are complete. The old timelines are closed out. And the New is here. A blank canvas lies ahead
of us. So take a deep breath and make a quantum leap into the magical colorful shimmering multidimensional world of infinite possibilities as CoCreators of our New Earth.
You have only 15 minutes? Then watch the introductory 1 minute and skip to 26:33 for Sandra's powerful 14 minute message at the end
If you have more time, listen to the middle 25 minutes as Sandra reads her fascinating article or read it yourself at
As always let yourself simply receive what resonates and leave the rest. And consider joining in one the Global Unity Meditations held at four different
times every Sunday. [] Thousands are gathering heart-to-heart
in the infinite Net of Love. In the multidimensional Quantum field of our One Mind and One Heart. And I've been joining with all almost every Sunday since
these began more than three years ago. Enjoy! You'll feel the difference! โจ๐โจ๐ธโจ๐โจ
๐ Ascension
“The Self is not separate from anything, not from anything in the physical world or anything in the state of unity. ... what is not of the
body can still be known to you. And this is why this exploration and discovery needs to be invited and experienced before you become partners in the creation
of the new. ... you will, to a certain extent, need to remember your invulnerability in order to be a real explorer, and to fully participate in the discovery
that lies beyond the body and mind, form and time. You will need to put into practice the suspension of belief that was spoken of earlier. You will need,
in short, to set aside the known in order to discover the unknown.” — A Course of Love, D:14.3
“The new visual pattern is that of spirit resurrected in form. It is the ascension of the body, or elevation of the self of form.
You are called to demonstrate this pattern ... through interaction with the world, or through incarnation through relationship. Neither is exclusive.
Both are contained within the other. ... What is meant here by the word demonstrate, is to show your feelings, to make them visible. They are the creations
unique to you through your interaction with the Christ-consciousness that abides within you.” — A Course of Love, D:Day18.11-12
๐ Light up the World
23rd July 2019
We've just had a stretch of brutally hot close to 100F/38C days. Today it is completely overcast with torrents of rain and barely 60F/15C at noon!
And on this dull dark day I find myself writing about Light!๐ Staying cool in the pool two days ago we were delighted by an unexpected visitor!
A large black and silver-blue dragonfly kept us company for well over an hour! (A male Twelve-spotted Skimmer I discovered later!) Oh how this beautiful
creature entranced us all! Dancing around us yet never quite landing! Skimming the turquoise water. Dipping and darting. It's iridescent wings shimmering
in the sunshine. I'd been mulling over how after 30 years of consciously diving deep into self-exploration and growth. Of choosing to do so even when it
would've so much been easier to blame something or someone out there. How it seems that s#*t still happens! Bringing up yet more to be excavated and
examined in the light of day! Have you noticed that too? And today I'm reading that a Dragonfly visitation brings a gift of the Power of Light! How cool
is that!? Perhaps we really are excavating sparkling gemstones!โจ๐โจ
Dragonflies have an ancient lineage. Some say 180 million years! Their jeweled colors take time to develop and mature to the shimmering iridescence
we enjoy! And so too it seems with us. Each one a unique sparkling Jewel in the Net ๐๐ธ๐both Human and Divine. Taking time — 30 years or more๐คชto mature!
From ‘Animal Speak’ — “Dragonflies remind us that we are light, and we can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so.
‘Let there be Light’ is the divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. Life is never quite the way it appears,
but it is always filled with light and color. Dragonfly can help you see through your illusions and thus allow your own light to shine through.
Dragonfly brings the brightness of transformation and the wonder of colorful new vision.”
No wonder I love the ancient metaphor for living Oneness/Love — Indra's Net of Jewels. As equally as I love the science of Quantum Mechanics — the
study of Light! Quanta being the term Max Planck used ~1890 to mean a ‘packet’ of light
Light being both infinite waves of possibility and collapsing into ‘solid’ particles of matter when observed The principle of wave-particle duality
as demonstrated by the Double Slit experiment
[] It's a BOTH/AND kind of thing!
We truly are the stuff of LOVE and LIGHT. Not just metaphorically speaking but literally!๐ We are in each moment ‘observing’ the energy
of love into form. Individually and collectively. Cocreating the outer world from our inner world in each quantum moment. Let's choose for love and light up
the world with our radiance! Who knows what might happen next? โจ๐โจ
Here's one man doing just this .. literally! He was on ‘CBS This Morning’ today. British artist Bruce Monroe cocreates huge Light installations
in nature around the world. His first was at Uluru in Northern Territory, Australia. His largest and most recent ‘Field of Light’ is in Paso Robles,
California, USA. Enjoy! With love๐
๐ The One Truth
Writing the post ‘Light up the World’ for my CoCreating Clarity FaceBook page, these words flowed out of me — “We truly are the stuff
of LOVE and LIGHT. Not just metaphorically speaking but literally!๐” I've always felt this in myself and in others. And have often written to comfort
others saying “Holding you in light and love”. Yet always feeling a little uncertain. Am I being fanciful? Would saying this be somewhat arrogant?
Well I just searched A Course of Love []
entering the keywords ‘love + light’ and look what popped up. Imagine my delight! I had no idea that ACOL actually says that we are Beings of Love and Light.
So it is now definitive! Haha!๐ There is absolutely nothing fanciful about us getting out there and lighting up the world. We can literally do that!
How amazing! And how fun! ๐๐๐
“Knowing the one truth is not about knowing a certain dogma or a set of facts. Those who know the truth do not see themselves as right and
others as wrong. Those who know the truth find it for themselves by joining mind and heart. Those who know the truth become beings of love and light and see
the same loving truth in all.” — A Course of Love, C:21.10

๐ Kindness
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse
16th July 2019, 5:38pm EDT/21:38 UTC
Kindness begins with courage. Seeing with soft eyes and listening deeply. Breathing our minds down into our hearts. Being fully present Receiving all we see
and hear with curiosity and empathy. Staying in neutrality. Fearless. Free of the need to contrast or compare. To defend, explain or fix. Joining instead as one
unique Jewel heart-to-heart with another ๐๐ธ๐ within the vast embrace of Indra's Net. Safe. Free of the subtle evaluation and judgment which inevitably maroons
us in separation, endless competition and toil. Listening instead to our inner knowing. Feeling the truth of all that arises in response. Resting in love and
compassion. Knowing that each one is essential to the whole. Discerning what if anything is uniquely ours to say or do. Discovering new possibilities and new
answers in this now moment. Trusting that everything is unfolding perfectly and will continue so. In the next moment. And in all the moments to follow.
Kindness is what I know I'm here for. What we're here for! Do you feel it too? For me, tender-hearted kindness stems naturally from knowing that we truly
are ONE. Distinct expressions within the Whole. So being kind to anyone is in truth being kind to yourself. As a child I've been teased for this at home at school.
And as an adult in my corporate life. Nevertheless she persists!๐ค Our sons have experienced being shunned for it at school and on the bus. Nevertheless they
persist. And I know you persist too! No doubt. Each in our own wayโจ๐โจ For the heart knows no other way to live. We are willing to feel vulnerable, exposed
and raw. For we know that choosing the safe comfortable route is no longer an option. We're ready to claim the freedom power and joy of BEing Love in form.
And we do it together ๐ธ๐๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ๐๐ธ
Kindness is the expression of Love in Action. The genesis of Love in 3D Form. It is the engine of CoCreating New Earth. For each one of us. In our lives.
Beginning in place. Right where we've been planted. Flowing effortlessly, playfully, meaningfully and sustainably. Most importantly and especially when first,
we are kind and compassionate with our own precious selves. Start here today. On this Full Moon and Lunar eclipse. Begin right now in this Quantum moment. You are
powerfully supported. And mighty companions accompany you! Follow your heart. You'll be surprised and delighted! ๐Pause โค๏ธBreathe ๐งกListen ๐Feel ๐Trust YourSelf
๐and BE the love that's called for!
“This eclipse warns against the sacrifice of inner knowing in favour of external authority. ... We must be prepared to do what we know to be right even
if everything and everyone around us says it's wrong. This is a formidable challenge which requires courage and strength. We need to find those kindred spirits
that will support a new way, even while the world tells us we're crazy, irresponsible, immature or ignorant .. So if things aren't looking so great from where
you stand, and the results you'd hoped for aren't forthcoming, this eclipse is a wake-up call. A gift. For within the conditions that disappoint are hidden
the shoots of new life and fresh, but different, possibilities. The challenge, however, is spotting them! ... Many never experience the blessing of relationships
in which we feel safe, loved and accepted for who we truly are. In the coming months we have a potent opportunity to both seek it out for ourselves and provide
it to others. Doing so will take effort though! It won't spontaneously happen. It can be all too easy to blame other people for failing to fulfill our needs whilst
overlooking how we may be doing the exact same thing to other people in our lives. At this eclipse Venus asks us to shift from ‘you’ and ‘me’
to ‘us’ and ‘we’, seeking common ground when we can. Kindness, she reminds us, is a revolutionary force in a world built on conflict and lies.”
๐ Love
Kindness is the expression of Love in Action. The genesis of Love in 3D Form. It is the engine of CoCreating New Earth. For each one of us. In our lives.
Beginning in place. Right where we've been planted. With love to all โจ๐โจ
“Love is at the heart of all things. ... A choice for love creates love. A choice for fear creates fear. What choice do you think has been made
to create the world you call your home? This world was created by your choice, and a new world can be created by a new choice. But you must realize that this is
all there is. Love or lack of love. Love is all that is real. A choice for love is a choice for heaven. A choice of fear is hell. Neither are a place. They are
a further reflection of means and end being the same. They are but a further reflection of your power.” — A Course of Love, C:1.18

๐ Beauty
15th July 2019
Beauty is an expression of love in form. We are each one a uniquely beautiful Jewel๐ An essential expression of Love in form. And so is every little thing
we see around us. Some easier to recognize than others. For sometimes we must pause, breathe into our hearts and gaze deeply to find it. But it's always there.
Perhaps when I feel it missing out there, it's simply missing within me? Perhaps it is the love I bring to everything in every encounter, that creates the beauty
and makes all the difference? That's my story based on my experience and I'm sticking with it!๐ It truly is a choice. Available to each one of us. More so now
than ever before. Yes that is how powerful we are! Play with it and see! All that's needed is a little willingness and a sense of adventure!
Sharing today an easy one to enjoy!๐ฅฐ The beauty of flowers that grace our home. Most are day lilies thinned and shared from the yard next door and planted
in ours by son #2. A gift of vibrant color from him and from our neighbors received some 20 years ago. And enjoyed every summer since. Each bud blossoming for
only a single day. Beginning around 3rd July — my mother's birthday — and showing through August. How precious all these flowers are! Enjoy!๐
๐ Feelings of Love
“... When feelings are shown, or made visible, the new is created. This has always been the way of creation. Each blade of grass, each flower, each
stone, is a creation of feelings. All you need do is look about you to know that feelings of love still abound. Beauty still reigns.” — A Course of Love, D:Day18.1

๐ Strong, Sovereign .. and Sassy
Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Cancer, 2nd July
2nd July 2019
In August 2017 we drove to Greenville, SC to stand in the totality of the powerful Total Solar Eclipse that traversed a diagonal slice of the USA from Portland, OR
to Charleston, SC. From what NASA terms First Contact, through the eerie darkness of Second Contact to the startling Crystalline Diamond Light of Third Contact, it was
an amazing, unforgettable, and transmogrifying๐ experience! This afternoon (3:20 EDT) a Total Solar Eclipse traveling across South America from La Serena, Chile to
San Clemente del Tuyรบ, Argentina promises to be just as powerful. And no ... I'm not there!๐ but I'll be out in the sun tuning in with all our South American brothers
and sisters who will be๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ๐ซ
It is time to claim our power and step away from the old. Loving ourselves through any remaining doubts and nurturing the fearful little child inside. Clarity means
never having to say ‘It's their fault!’ Together we don the luscious cloak of our sovereignty. We take charge of this one wild and wonderful life we're given.
And have spirited cheeky irreverent fun at every opportunity while we're at it!๐ Join me precious sparkling Jewels in Indra's Net! ๐๐ธ๐๐ธ๐
And consider these wise words paraphrased from Sarah Varcas —
“This solar eclipse in sensitive and pokes at our emotional balance. If we struggle with feelings that routinely sabotage us, it offers insight about
our internal dynamics, how to change them and overcome a well-established pattern of emotional self-sabotage. But we must be prepared to do our part and acknowledge with
candour how we generate our own suffering. ...
We must think twice about how we express ourselves. The force of our desires may cause our mouth to run away with us, speaking words in haste or anger that are best left
unsaid right now. The consequences of unguarded expression at this solar eclipse will be significant. ... balanced communication is vital at this time, together with a
willingness to accept that what may seem undoubtedly obvious to us may be opaquely inaccessible to others. ...
Humour ... and objectivity that helps us chuckle at ourselves can be uniquely healing at this time. Life is intense, for sure. But we can lighten it up if we're willing
to shift our perspective and take ourselves less seriously.
How much conflict could be avoided if more people were prepared to simply walk away rather than labour a point to win yet another meaningless argument? How much energy
would we save if we let go of the routine slights and offensives that pepper our day? How much focused attention could we then invest in what truly matters? ...
The time has come to own our sovereignty and claim our right to shape our own destiny. But of course, doing so comes with weighty responsibility. No longer can we lay
our struggles at the feet of others and demand a solution. We already have what we need and healing happens when we embrace this fact and lay claim to everything that
we are. Taking full responsibility for every moment of our lives is a radical and terrifying act. It's also exciting, liberating and replete with potential. No more
complaining. No one else to blame. No more self-pity. Just a state of pure intentionality in which we embody the power of fully being who we are.”
๐ Say Yes to Your Power!
Today on this New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse, we give our consent to God. We say YES! To our power. To the power of US together. Willfully joining our sparkling
Jewel of uniqueness with the sacred sameness of our ONEness in the infinite Net with ALL!๐๐ธ๐ In union and relationship with all of everything in each and every moment.
So we CoCreate the NEW
“This is your world and your experience. This is your life and your experience of life. Now you must believe that you are its creator and powerful
in your relationship to it. If you do not make real your power, you will experience yourself as powerless. If you experience your being as powerless, you are negating
the power of God who is one in being with you. Thus we continue to draw to the close of our time together by asking each other to experience our powerโthe power of
sameness of being. Are you willing to experience the power of God? To let it flow through you? Realize how many have said no to this request. Realize the importance
and the power of your willingness to say yes.” — ACOL, D:Day34.6-8

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