๐๐ Secrets of The Unknown
A Journey Into The Unknown Newsletter #35
Saturday 20th November 2021
Dear Ones ๐๐ธ๐๐ธ๐
What a day to be writing to you sharing Secrets of the Unknown — on the Full Moon in Taurus with its 6-hour-long almost-total Lunar Eclipse!
An event which last occurred in 1440. Clouds and rain made it invisible here in New England, though I've heard that the mid-eclipse (4:40am) reds and
oranges were spectacular. Calling us to quit dithering, take that giant leap of faith into the unknown, and fully surrender the driver's seat to
Love — to the Soul's compassionate knowing. The energies are the highest voltage I've experienced. My brain whirring and body buzzing for days.
Wired and tired! Source-Love-Light relentlessly burrowing like a Rotor-Rooter into the darkest hidden depths of me. Disclosing the stickiest, most
skillfully hidden gunk that I'm ready and willing to welcome, feel, love, thank, and dissolve In order to birth myself into the Freedom and Joy of the New.
It's a choice. Now is a good time! Join me!
“It may not seem so, but a wondrous new vision, a powerful probable future for humanity and the Earth has taken shape and is being
strengthened and magnified moment-by-moment, a future whereby all humanity, as well as the mineral, vegetable, animal, human, Devic and Elemental
kingdoms will peacefully co-exist on Earth. It will be an Earth which is pristine in its beauty, that has sparkling clear water, and clean healthy
air to breathe. It will be a world of abundance and plenty where no one suffers from lack of adequate food, shelter or opportunity, and a world whereby
different races, cultures, beliefs and traditions are honored and respected — where no one tries to force his or her beliefs on others or deny
others the right to live their own truths and follow their own customs.” — Archangel Michael
(via Ronna Vezane, 31 October 2021)
And so today we offer Installment One of A Journey Into The Unknown, Book Fifteen: Secrets of The Unknown.
This new book was received by Rick Greathouse, 15th June through 6th October 2021, and offers a refreshingly simple yet mind-bending clarity, “โฆ the
true creation story, as never told before. It will be broken down into easily digestible pieces, and it will supplement science, not contradict it.”
Secrets of The Unknown comprises 40 chapters being offered in weekly installments through the end of this year. An audio recording of Journey Secrets
is included within each of its chapters on the website, and on the
CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel, where you'll
also find the new audio recording of Journey Book Two.
Our first zoom conversation in the ‘Living, Loving & Laughing (Series Two)’ was this past Tuesday 16th November.
Watch the video recording on YouTube and enjoy
a richly textured exploration of our responses to the first seventy chapters of Book Sixteen: Proverbs for The New Age. All are welcome!
Next week we will dig into Journey Secrets and continue with Journey Proverbs. Sign up for this and/or for Lorraine's continuing
‘Who Knows Where Love Will Take Us’ on the Conversation webpage.
In a Conclusion to A Journey Into the Unknown,
received 10 Oct 2021, Jesus summarizes the long and windy path into the unknown that we have journeyed over the past twenty months, with these almost daily
transmissions from the unseen. He gives a gentle nod to the Ground Team “for all their tireless effort in birthing Journey to the world”, and
he speaks of more to come. Rick, Christina, Colin, and Jo gladly continue their willing responses to the Celestial Team — receiving, shaping, and
offering the material freely to all willing hearts.
So enjoy! Check out the new and improved, clickable Journey Hub Chart
(thanks Colin!). Follow Journey on Instagram where I post pretty much daily,
join in the exchanges on the CoCreating Clarity Facebook page,
and be sure to sign up on the website for the intermittent Journey Newsletter
which tells of anything new.
May the intelligence shared through the books of A Journey Into the Unknown serves us each and all, moment to moment, in the highest manner possible.
As we walk on alone together, living as Love in form — BEing Christ, the example life, the I Am Presence — wherever we find ourselves in the
world as it is right now.
๐Pauseโค๏ธBreathe๐Listen in ๐Feel๐Trust YourSelf ๐Act
With blessings and with so much love to each ๐บ
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Explore the books of A Journey Into the Unknown.
๐ In the Beginning
Sharing with blessings and so much love to each and all ๐บ
“In the beginning, before the thought of a material world even came into being, there was an intention. The intention to create a place
and to create many places and worlds where love could be experienced in a 3D manner. (B1:2.2)
In the beginning was the word and the word went into action. Our actions to positively affect the world have been stymied by fear based thoughts, that
became collective thoughts, that became institutions. People are so afraid to question their schools, their churches, their banking systems, their entire
way of life This, my friends, is what I have so often referred to as illusions. None of this is based on love. And all of it is deeply rooted in fear.
So, it is illusion. It is as simple as that and as complicated as that. Illusion does not mean that humans are hallucinating. It is just that they have
wrongly valued and miscreated. Nothing here is permanent or eternal. Hence, it is illusionary. This is the basic premise of
‘A Course in Miracles’.” (B1:5.1) — Jesus,
A Journey Into the Unknown: Book One.
“Hello everyone. It's Helen. I came to share with you each about the progression of the teachings. When they landed in my lap
(so to speak), they were largely about not letting the world bombard and overwhelm you and teaching that each soul is responsible for how they
respond to the world. The focus was forgiveness and inner peace. Love was certainly talked about in the beginning but it needed its own volume,
the magnificent ‘A Course of Love’, to show exactly how love works and to encourage movement away from the masculine thinking mind
toward the feminine heart. ‘Journey’ is all about responding with love, whether in heartfelt thought or deed. You each have many
opportunities each day to express love. Try to take advantage of each and every opportunity. Some only present themselves for a moment and then
the opportunity is gone. Try to be present and clear so these chances to love can be opened and manifested, each one a gracious gift. I am amazed
at how far the teachings have evolved and to think, it all started with little 'ole me (smile). Love and amazement, Helen, your sister in Christ.”
(B7:61) — Helen Schucman, A Journey Into the Unknown: Book Seven
“You have all heard of the phrase, "In the beginning", in relation to anything that has continuum, but what came before the beginning?
In this book we will explore creation from an entirely different vantage point. This will be the true creation story, as never told before. It will be
broken down into easily digestible pieces, and it will supplement science, not contradict it. The secrets have been many, but now is the time for the
great revelation. Everything is to be known and revealed. Do not judge what you are about to discover. Let it sink in, and digest it slowly. There are
layers to peel away, but the final product will be well worth the investment in time.”
(B15:I) — Author's identity is currently shrouded,
A Journey Into the Unknown: Book Fifteen (Secrets of The Unknown)
Here is the post on Facebook

๐๐ A Little Update
A Journey Into The Unknown Newsletter #34
Saturday 13th November 2021
Dear Ones ๐๐ธ๐๐ธ๐
It seems to be a good time for a little update on the multiple threads unfolding with the offerings of the ‘A Journey Into The Unknown’ series of books. So here goes —
[1] Many have been gathering over the past two months for the Journey Conversations ‘Who Knows Where Love Will Take Us’,
convened weekly by Lorraine DesRoches. Sign up as your heart prompts, and join in the sharing of new insights, experiences, and much needed support.
One notable highlight for me, thanks to Lorraine's encouragement, has been revisiting Journey Book Two.
[2] As I wrote in the Introduction to Book Two — “This second volume arrived January to March 2021, and continues to accompany and guide us on this Journey we have chosen.
It distills the essence of all that was offered in Book One into forty-five Principles, clarifies the meaning of the Terms used, and more.
The seven chapters of Book Two serve to firmly anchor the powerful body of this Eagle/Christ/Soul within us.” The ‘peace treaty’
in Chapter 5: The Alliance
says it all — “We know that only love is true. We know we are love. We only seek to extend love. Love is power”. Perhaps you too will re-read Book Two and enjoy the newly
recorded audio embedded within each chapter, which will also be available on YouTube in a few days.
[3] Journey Messages Books Eleven to Fourteen (Phase Three of Being Christ) is now complete with a final message from ‘I AM’.
Except of course, for another, more challenging, round of ‘A Shock to The System’ which Jesus promises for “later this year”.
If your brain hurts, join the club! Mine's been hurting all year! Haha!๐ Seriously though, Rick Greathouse's continued willingness, availability, and dedication to receiving this mind
blowing material, is beyond commendable. Heartiest blessings on Rick and all willing hearts out there receiving and responding.
[4] Journey Proverbs continues to be offered weekly.
Today's installment Seven: Ch 61-70, shares insights from Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde notoriety), as well as from Nancy Reagan and John Wayne!
With four more installments to go, and forty-two new voices to hear from, stay tuned and enjoy!
[5] Beginning this Tuesday 16th November, 11:00am Eastern Time (USA), I shall be convening an additional Journey Zoom Conversation: Living, Loving & Laughing (Series Two).
All are welcome! Details and sign up are on the Conversation page.
This impulse arises as a call to explore our responses to Book Sixteen: Proverbs for the New Age; and Book Fifteen: Secrets of the Unknown, which will be offered in
installments beginning next Saturday 20th November.
Follow Journey on Instagram where I'm posting Proverbs and more almost daily,
join the conversation on Facebook,
and be sure to sign up on the Journey website to receive email notifications of new materials, events, and Zoom conversations.
My prayer is that the intelligence shared through the books of A Journey Into the Unknown serves us each and all, moment to moment, in the highest manner possible.
As we walk on alone together, living as Love in form — BEing Christ, the example life, the I Am Presence — wherever we find ourselves in the world as it is right now.
๐Pauseโค๏ธBreathe๐Listen in ๐Feel๐Trust YourSelf ๐Act
With blessings and with so much love to each ๐บ
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Explore the books of A Journey Into the Unknown
๐๐ Love is Power
Sharing with blessings and so much love to each and all ๐บ
“A Journey into the Unknown (Christ Transformation/Manifestation) was written to help encourage the application of esoteric knowledge from
A Course in Miracles (Christ Awareness) and A Course of Love (Christ Consciousness). It was needed to pull together all of the abstract ideas and principles
from these books and show how they can be applied in everyday life. It succeeds in doing this. Many readers express their joy at being freer than ever before
after experiencing the first 190 chapters. It encourages living as a soul, as a free spirit, and responding to the many calls for love that exist here.
The ego or small self is put on the back burner and through back and forth communication with entities in the unseen world, union with God and the created is finally achieved.
For people who are willing, A Journey into the Unknown is a very special project that encourages a brand-new way of life that we want to encourage more
people to partake ofโฆ there are divisions in our spiritual community, so a mission statement is needed to promote a unified, cohesive community that is
inclusive of absolutely everyone. Our mission from now until the end of time is to model ego free and identity free living as human form, blessing everything
that crosses our paths and sharing resources for spirit growth when asked to do so, in unity, relationship and love. This is what we promised to do before
incarnating and now is the time to make good on this promise. This is our individual and collective mission, assigned to us from the Creator of Allโฆ
We know that only love is true.
We know we are love.
We only seek to extend love.
Love is power.”
Jesus, A Journey Into The Unknown
Here is the post on Facebook
