🎄💛🌏 A Christmas Message
Monday 25th December 2023
Dear Companions 💞 Sharing a Christmas Day message from Jesus, received this morning through Rick Greathouse. It is offered in honor of you, your true Self, soul of God, Christ — a priceless gift
of loving presence. Blessing indiscriminately and loving unconditionally wherever you are, whomever you’re with. And so through our own precious HUman BEing cocreating a kinder, gentler, all-inclusive new
earth as One 🕸💎🕸💎🕸💎🕸 With blessings for 2024 and with so much love, Christina🌺
On this sacred day, let us honor the birth of and growth of Christ in you, the one reading this transmission from beyond time and space. This is the one known as Jesus Christ, but Christ is in all,
not only one. Christ is the oneness, the unity between God and mankind, between the soul of God and form of any kind. Christ is the stillness in the noise of everyday life. It is the light that never
goes out. This is what we celebrate on this day.
The Christ in you is unique, as there is nothing else like it in this or any universe. It has prevailed while expressing as you, in all your wonderful peculiarities and experiences. It has tempered
your ego when you were involved in all of life’s myriad stressors. It asked you to consider the viewpoint of your true Self, the soul of God. It has been ignored time and again and yet it always continues
to knock on the door and ask you to reconsider.
Becoming Christ involves a never-ending journey into the unknown. It involves leaving the known from the ego’s point of view and stepping out on the edge to see clearly, to see as God would have you see.
Christ sees oneness everywhere, even within separation and division, the only gifts the ego has ever given the world.
On a day focused on parties and gift-giving in the material sense, Christ is in and of itself a gift to you and all. It is a gift that never goes out of style and never runs out of batteries.
It never stops giving. It gives the gifts of wisdom, of peace, and of clarity. It suggests next steps, or it suggests stillness. Its voice is not loud and bombastic. It is quiet, but confident in its knowing.
You are the Christ in 2023, your friend is the Christ where she lives, and your brother is the Christ where he lives. In a complicated world such as this, one Christ will not be sufficient.
We need many in every locality. This is what the second coming looks like in truth.
Bless you, child of God. Bless you, for your willingness to go on this journey to your Christ Self. Bless you, for listening to your soul from one moment to the next.
Despite whatever may transpire in the ego-led physical world this next year, Christ will only get stronger as an individual and collective expression in 2024 and beyond.
Thank you for leading this gargantuan quantum leap that Mother Mary started way back when. Unconditional love is alive and well.
Yours in Christ, Jesus
Image: Lion and Lamb, Jeff Jacobs 1990
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Christina Strutt
🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Soul Journey Newsletter #3
Saturday 16th December 2023
Dear Companions✨🕸✨🕸✨
As the holiday season approaches and 2023 draws to a close, I am writing with a couple of announcements (and a wholehearted plug for Ted Lasso 😊)!
But first, so much gratitude to Rick Greathouse for his continued devotion to receiving the powerful, timely, and practical messages of A Journey into the Unknown, Arrival, and Soul in the Driver’s Seat.
And to each and every one of you who read this, for your willingness and availability to receive these messages and live them each day!
On Sunday 3rd December, Mother Mary concluded Arrival, Series 6: Departure — The Mystery of God with a message titled Who and What is God? Part Two.
Simultaneously, Jesus announced a new Series 7: From Me to You: The Christ Letters for the Second Coming, which begins in January 2024.
Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age, continues with Installment 5 offering Volume One, Chapters Five and Six,
published on 30th November. And next year, the twelve monthly installments of Soul Chapter Seven will offer a whole year’s worth of concrete practices “… to master the mind as soul instead of the mind mastering the soul.”
The daily practices come complete with this wonderful assurance from Jesus — “You will be your authentic Self after a year’s worth of application, and you will not need to repeat the course. You will be ready to move on
to material for mature souls, soul-dominant individuals.” How exciting, empowering, and fun is that? Is it not a surprising and most welcome possibility for 2024!?
What have we got to lose? How can we respond with anything but a wholehearted “Yessss!! Bring it on!” I certainly have! Join me! And don’t forget to share Soul with everyone you know … and don’t know! 😊
Soul in the Driver’s Seat is not a book of concepts to be read, analyzed, perhaps evaluated, and laid aside. Nor is it a text to be studied and discussed. It is meant to be a field guide to life.
Rather like a GPS navigation system, Soul offers step-by-step directions infused with a loving alchemy that restores us each to the unique guidance of soul in the driver’s seat.
Every installment is a call to step into the freedom, power, and joy of literally being the presence of love in the world. You alone choose whether to receive, respond, and act on any or all of it!
In my experience, all paths of truth point us to living lives of unconditional love as our authentic selves one moment at a time — now … and now … and now … ♾️
There is no other (sane!) way to navigate the unknowns and uncertainties of life as it is today that I’m aware of, just saying!🙃 For in truth there is no other time but now, and there is no other in Oneness!
So remember to visit the Soul website on the last day of each month for the latest Installment. And join me as we walk boldly together as the powerful creator beings we are into 2024 — a year of accelerating
collective awakening into unity consciousness. Literally cocreating the kinder gentler New Earth of our dreams with every step. And perchance you really have no idea what that might look like?
Try watching the three uplifting seasons of Ted Lasso for a few clues and “remember the Lasso way which parallels the Jesus way:
be kind, seek the good, and love one another.” Your contribution, like Coach Lasso’s, of unconditional love expressed in joy, humility, integrity, and compassionate acts of kindness,
is unique and beyond essential! For we do this together or not at all.
Pause❤️Breathe 💚Feel💜Receive💖Act
Sharing in Freedom, Power, and Joy!
With love to each and all 🌺
[© 2023 Rick Greathouse, Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age.
Read in monthly installments at https://soul.cocreatingclarity.com
and subscribe to the Soul Journey Newsletter for updates http://journeyhub.cocreatingclarity.org/contact]
Image: Tulips, Christina Strutt, April 2023
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Christina Strutt
