🔥💛🌏 Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Soul Journey Newsletter #2
Saturday 9th September 2023
Dear Companions✨🕸✨🕸✨
A brief update today to remind you that Soul in the Driver’s Seat: A Course in Miracles for the New Age, Installment 2 (September 2023) is available on the Soul website.
Remember to visit on the first day of each month to enjoy the latest Installment. Here’s a bit of September’s —
“Love, the unconditional variety, is the only real thing in this world. It is true 100 percent of the time. It is eternal and timeless.
It is complete concern for itself in the form of others. It enhances other bodies of love or souls who may be in difficult circumstances when their egos will not listen to them,
and carry out their own loveless agendas instead. Love sees the forms that manifest when there is little love that is powerful enough to counteract them,
but respects the process, the very slow, painstakingly slow, process. What is not love is fear, and fear is not in itself real. Fear is simply a call for love,
however devastating it may be, however destructive, however much suffering it causes. Fear calls for love and rarely receives it. What fear usually receives is fear.
Fear on top of fear is a recipe for disaster and this explains many things in the world, both the small and the large.” — Soul, V1:2.4-5
It is a helpful reminder to me to be patient and to respect the often very slow process of love strengthening itself in me and in those around me. I wonder, what would
a “real” world of “love, the unconditional variety” truly feel like? Does anyone even know? August has been a super fun and challenging month, with five to fifteen of us
(family and friends) staying or visiting on any given day! So much movement and unpredictability, and so many unknowns! Yet I found, as 14th century mystic Meister Eckhart
says, that I “cannot do better than to place (my)self in unknowing - in that loving and open receptiveness which in no way lacks being It is a receptive potential by means
of which all is accomplished.” It’s been magical the way love and allowance transformed chaos into perfection, yielding the knowing needed at just the right moment!
And it’s all by me, as me, for me is it not? As A Course of Love tells us —
“What, then, is the unknown? The reception and expression of truth. This is why you can “know” while always coming to know. Why you can know yourself and
constantly be coming to know. The only thing there is to know is the One Self in its many expressions. You are the known and the unknown.” — ACOL, D:Day20.6-7
So enjoy every moment of this crazy ride. Enjoy the monthly installments of Soul in the Driver’s Seat. Enjoy the new Soul Journey Conversations playlist on YouTube!
And if you’d like to share your experience with Soul in a recorded Zoom conversation, do contact me. All perspectives welcome! For this much I do know. The New Earth we’re
CoCreating is neither a cacophony of conflict, nor is it a monophony of conformance! Rather, it is a wondrous and surprising symphony of distinct expressions, endlessly
and effortlessly flowing into, through, and around each other! Each one acknowledged, enjoyed, and appreciated as the unique and essential contribution to the whole that it truly is!
We invite you to share the Soul Journey Newsletter as your heart prompts.
Explore Soul in the Driver’s Seat
Explore the sixteen Books of A Journey Into the Unknown
Read Jesus’ Conclusion of Journey and Introduction of Arrival
Explore all six series (ongoing) of Arrival
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💛Pause❤️Breathe💙Listen in💚Feel💜Receive💖Act
In Freedom, Power, and Joy!
With blessings and with so much love to each and all 🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Image: Tulips, Christina Strutt, April 2023
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Christina Strutt
