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💛Joy and Appreciation III
Saturday 23rd May 2020
Yesterday it was summer (80°F/27°C). Today it's spring again (63°F/17°C). As will be the whole Memorial Day weekend. And on Tuesday summer will be back
with a vengeance — 87°F/31°F they say!🔥 I was outside this morning appreciating the beauty of all the buds and flowers. And capturing photos before
they blow off in the strong wind today, or blow out in the heat that's coming! How perfectly Mama Gaia is mirroring the crazy times we're living through.
Each quantum moment unfolding as it will. Reflecting our individual and collective choices and experiences. Sun and cloud. Hot and cold. Laughter and tears.
Joy and sorrow.
And today I share these flowers in honor of my precious Aunty Joy who passed on two days ago in Kuala Lumpur. So many sweet memories and so many tears.
She was beautiful, gentle, kind, and strong. A generous soul who loved nothing better than cooking up delectable meals and feeding us all! And she was the
last but one of her generation in my Mum's immediate family of ten siblings and spouses. God Bless then all 💛🙏🏾💛
💛 Quit Already!
“When you quit restricting yourself, you will be naturally kind and loving to yourself, you will feel free and expansive. When you quit
denying how you feel, relief and gratitude will fill you. When you quit erecting boundaries you will quit feeling separate. When you quit judging, you will
be as at peace with your feelings of sadness and anger as you are with your feelings of joy and harmony.” — A Course of Love, Dialogue Unveiled, U.27
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💛 Self-Care
Friday 22nd May 2020
On a Day 70 of lockdown sharing some suggestions from Heather Plett. On how to care for ourselves as we care for others during this surreal
in-between pause/space.
--✿ Soothe your flooded nervous system
--✿ Name and grieve the ambiguous losses
--✿ Discharge built-up energy without aiming it at anyone
--✿ Practice impermanence
--✿ Nurture the seeds that want to grow
--✿ Find circles that can hold space for complexity
--✿ Release, receive, return
--✿ Don't forget to laugh
--✿ Focus on what's right in front of you and do the next right thing
--✿ Extend kindness to yourself and others
I like the last two especially! What could be more important now than kindness — to ourselves and towards others? And there it is again
as Queen Elsa and Princess Anna sing! Together we're going Into the Unknown just doing the Next Right Thing! 👑 Check out
‘The Call’, 3rd May 2020.
Read and/or listen to Heather's blog.
photo credit: Austin Mabe, Unsplash
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💛 Heart to Heart
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Sharing a conversation with Lynn Kidd published Friday 15th May by A Course of Love (ACOL).
“🌹This is #14 Video in our ACOL *Heart to Heart* series. In this conversation hosted by ACOL facilitator Lynn Kidd, Christina Strutt
describes her personal experiences with A Course of Love, the multicultural environment she experienced growing up in Singapore, her career as
a systems engineer, the message to "quit or die," how ACOL offered her the freedom to be who she is and to express her feelings, the "art of thought,"
and more.”
You can watch the interview on YouTube at
Visit the the A Course of Love FaceBook page at
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💛 Dance Party
Wednesday 13th May 2020
This afternoon we had a crazy fun impromptu dance party. My grandgirls and I. Over Zoom. I was inspired by ‘Giraffes Can't Dance’ which we'd
just read for the littler one. So before moving on to ‘Matilda’ for the older one, I asked them for their favorite dance music, found it on Spotify,
and away we went! Transported into a whirlwind of wild movement and joy by Meghan Trainor and the Peanuts characters. I wish I'd stopped long enough to
capture a screenshot to share with you!
Instead I'm sharing here with you the music and lyrics. And some cute stills lifted from the music video. Perhaps you'll give it whirl too! Dancing on
your own is almost as good as dancing with a pet or with someone in your home or online. As Meghan sings “Don't think about it. Just move your body.
I feel better when I'm dancing. And we can do this together.”
It's a seriously good thing. And important to our well-being. Not to mention an excellent way to give our newly awakening crystalline diamond Light body
a smart shaking up to help it along!😳
“Allow yourself, now, to experience your arrival, your return to your true home, your return to your Self. Laugh. Cry. Shout or wail.
Dance and sing. Spin a new web. The web of freedom.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, Day 9: Freedom
With so much love to all🌺
Meghan Trainor — Better When I'm Dancin'
Don't think about it
Just move your body
Listen to the music
Sing, oh, ey, oh
Just move those left feet
Go ahead, get crazy
Anyone can do it
Sing, oh, ey, oh
Show the world you've got that fire
Feel the rhythm getting louder
Show the room what you can do
Prove to them you got the moves
I don't know about you,
I feel better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
Better when I'm dancing, yeah, yeah
And we can do this together
I bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah
When you finally let go
And you slay that solo
Cause you listen to the music
Sing, oh, ey, oh
'Cause you're confident, babe
And you make your hips sway
We knew that you could do it
Sing, oh, ey, oh
Don't you know
We can do this together
Bet you feel better when you're dancing, yeah, yeah
💛 Rejoin the Dance
“The rest of the universe, existing in a state of compassionate free will devoid of fear, knows what it does. There are no opposing forces
that are not in agreement about their opposing force. No atoms do battle. No molecules compete for dominance. The universe is a dance of cooperation. You are
but asked to rejoin the dance.” — A Course of Love, C:20.33
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💛 Light and Matter
Wednesday 13th May 2020
We are Love.
We are Light.
We are both light waves and particles of form.
Divine and Human.
“In chasing the mystery of light Einstein developed the theory of relativity, establishing that at the speed of light, time ceases to exist.
A photon, which has no mass, can cross the cosmos without using any energy. So for light beams, time and space do not exist. Recently quantum physicists have
described light as the foundation of reality. This is profoundly significant when we realize that quantum theory is considered the most successful scientific
formulation in history and that 50 percent of our current technology is based on it. According to theoretical physicist David Bohm, ‘Light is energy and
also information, content, form, and structure. It's the potential of everything.’” — Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman, Luminous Life
Sharing two pieces I read this morning that say this beautifully.
Enjoy as your heart prompts.
With love to all🌺
Loneliness, a Necessary Part of Your Path
The Love of the Earth
And here's my take on Is the World Real or Illusion?
💛A New State of Being
“To sustain Christ-consciousness in form is creation of the new. My one example life could not sustain Christ-consciousness for those who came
after me but could only be an example. What you are called to do is to, through your multitude, sustain Christ-consciousness, and thus create the union of the
human and the divine as a new state of being.” — ACOL, T4:4.18
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💛 Shattering
Monday 4th May 2020
Writing the post (💛The Call) yesterday, these words flowed out of me “Surrendering to our feelings — the joy and the grief, the uncertainty, fear, gratitude,
and hope alike. Not pushing anything away. Asking for help Praying for guidance. And acting with grace-full courage and compassion for all.” Little did I know I was about
to be tested. To discover whether I am truly living all I write of and share with you precious Jewels💎🕸💎
It was almost 7:00pm and I was just about to click ‘Publish’ when our doorbell rang insistently. Colin and I looked at each other wondering who it could be on
this quiet Sunday — Day 52 of ‘lock down’? We slowly made our way to the front door and there on the doorstep was a bag labeled “Strutt 6:30 to 6:45”.
A lovely spray of pink blossoms emerging from it. And inside, a home-cooked chicken dinner with fixings, still warm. Looking to our left there in the driveway was son #1 and family.
We hadn't seen them in two months. With a surge of joy we stepped outside and moved toward the car. Then we remembered — six feet! — and stopped. Everything was happening
so fast. The grandgirls were running around the car. Both happy to see us. The younger one grinning from ear to ear. But it took me a minute or two longer to realize that the older
one was squealing, not in delight, but in fear. My chest tightened.
Then I saw them. A swirling mass of some kind of mayfly/midges! It had been a crazily hot day, temperatures reaching 78°F/26°C (having been only 40°F/5°C a couple of days earlier!).
And a few million eggs must've suddenly decided to hatch. May midges are annoying and pretty harmless. But she's going through a phase of intense entomophobia! And was hysterical
with fright They'd swarmed into the car which is why she'd gotten out. The innocent bugs acting as a proxy trigger release for her grief at not being able to hug us. And she was now
clearly terrified of getting back in. I froze in place. Torn. And felt my body shatter as if in a thousand pieces. It took nearly all of my strength not to run to her. And the rest
of it not to begin wailing myself. Even Colin was close to tears. Her parents coaxed her back into the car promising that all the bugs had been shoo'ed outside. And off they went.
As the nifty little VW GTI disappeared down the hill I fell apart. What just happened? Had this sweet little family really been here at all?
Colin and I wept a while in each others arms. But when we went inside I found I could not stop. For over an hour I sobbed and wailed a river of tears. Doubled over. Pounding my
forehead with my fists. Pacing. Then rocking as I clutched my belly in pain. Groping for Pearl and Penguin (the girls' baby soft panda and penguin who live on Grandma's desk)
and Charlotte (the dragon they'd given me). Clutching them all I wandered from room to room weeping, choking, coughing. Barely able to breathe. Not knowing what to do with myself.
It was an unstoppable flood. Flowing with the raw grief of death, loss, isolation, anger, pain and frustration that I didn't even know I was carrying. Earlier in the day I'd written to
a group of long-time friends who Zoom every Tuesday — “I lost my friend and neighbor of 39 years to COVID-19 back on 17th April. And continue writing each week to her husband
who's recovering in hospital. Texting with their son who lives three states away; with a brave nurse who lives down the street; and with dear unsung heroic friends in the house opposite
who operate a funeral home and keep on working everyday. “The deaths keep coming around the clock” she wrote me “I'm exhausted, frightened, grateful all at the same
time.” I couldn't have said it better myself.
“All feelings are accepted as those of the many as well. It is by holding all feelings of others within the spacious Self, by not forgetting that the one and the
many are the same, by willfully remembering that the feelings of the many can be “held” and not projected into the world as sickness, violence, and so on, that acceptance
occurs...” — A Course of Love
I guess we all needed a massive energetic release — son, daughter and grandgirls included! And thanks to the midges we were gifted with it. Some of the grief personal.
Much of it not. Yet all of it essential. A necessary and timely movement. Knowing with certainty that the feelings of the many are the feelings of the one. Eventually my body quieted
enough for me to discern the next right thing to do. A warm soothing deeply cleansing sea salt bath. Some fruit for my body. A moment outside for my aching heart Gazing at the stars,
Transfixed by Venus hanging like a dazzling diamond in the Western night sky. And then sleep. Space for my body to re-member. Completing one more step of sacred transmogrification.
Integrating and anchoring my being deeper into the purest unconditional love and fierce compassion for all. As we walk forward — alone together — on this uncertain and
surreal journey into the unknown. With so much love to all🌺
💛 Power of the Many
“All feelings are accepted as those of the many as well. It is by holding all feelings of others within the spacious Self, by not forgetting that the one and the many
are the same, by willfully remembering that the feelings of the many can be “held” and not projected into the world as sickness, violence, and so on, that acceptance occurs.
It is in accepting all feelings as the feelings of the many that the feelings of “others” are accepted as one's own and held within the spaciousness of the One Self, the
whole Self. Further, it is in willful remembering that extension replaces rejection both in the self and in “others.” Extension of health can, in this way, replace rejection
of illness and woundedness. This is why, after learning to disclaim all that you have called your “own,” you are now given the task of claiming your power as your own.
All that is within your power is within your power. Your power is the power of the many and the one that exist in wholeness within the spacious
Self.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, Day 14: Healing (D:Day14.4-6)
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💛 The Call
Sunday 3rd May 2020
Can you hear the Call? Listen. Do you hear yourself calling? Either way, you will. If not now, soon. We all will. Each in our own unique way. We choose. We can resist.
Ranting and railing at everything out there. Gritting our teeth and marking time until everything gets ‘back to normal’. Or we can listen in here.
Standing in The Trembling. Surrendering to our feelings — the grief,
joy, uncertainty, fear, gratitude, and hope alike. Not pushing anything away. Asking for help. Praying for guidance. And acting with grace-full courage and compassion for all.
It's our choice. That's the beauty of free will. Eventually we tire of the fight. Each in our own perfect timing.
We're waking up. Remembering who we really are. And who we are to each other. Powerful sparks of God/Source energy. Beautiful fractals of all there is. Unique Jewels
lighting up all across Indra's Net. Knowing that we're ALL in this together. No exceptions. Reminding each other that we're are not alone. With a text, a note, a smile,
a donation, a glance, a meal, a post, a delivery, a call, a prayer, a song. There are endless ways. Each one of them equally valuable and essential. You know them all and more.
For we are One Heart. One Love expressing love in form. Wherever you are. One quantum moment at a time. Stepping into the unknown. Coming to voice. Claiming your power.
Doing the next right thing. Inside-Out. As only you can. Together CoCreating a kinder gentler New Earth that works for all!
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action🧡
“When speaking of the many issues facing your world in this time, we are speaking of situations that would seem to be extreme and to call for extreme measures.
The only extreme measure called for now is... to embrace your power... Turn not to your thoughts but to your feelings and go where they lead... Your self-guidance can be thought
of as an internal compass. It will not necessarily know the answers as each answer is sought, but if paid attention to, it will show you the way to
knowing.” — A Course of Love
Listen to Queen Elsa trying to ignore her own call in Frozen ll — ‘Into the Unknown’.
As her sister Princess Anna struggles with the discomfort of not knowing and learns to listen in and
just ‘Do the Next Right Thing’.
Enjoy this sweet 8 min video ‘The Volunteers — Legends of the 21st Century’.
And if you feel drawn to go deeper, broader, and deliciously 🌈woo-woo🦄 explore this beautiful message from
Archangel Michael received 1st May 2020.
💛 Self-Guidance
“When speaking of the many issues facing your world in this time, we are speaking of situations that would seem to be extreme and to call for extreme measures.
The only extreme measure called for now is the same extreme measure that I called for during my life. It is the call to embrace your power. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
turn your thoughts not to ideals of social activism, to causes, or to championing any one side over another. Turn not to your thoughts but to your feelings and go where they lead.
And everywhere they lead you, remember one thing only. Remember to embrace your power. The power of love is the cause and effect that will change the world by returning you,
and all your brothers and sisters, to who they are in truth. This cannot be done from without but must be done from within. It is the transformation that is caused within that
will affect the world without.” — A Course Of Love, The Dialogues, Day 10 Power (D:Day10.32-33)
“Your self-guidance can be thought of as an internal compass. It will not necessarily know the answers as each answer is sought, but if paid attention to,
it will show you the way to knowing. This alchemical transition, this passing of the unknown into the known, this moment when the unknown becomes the known within the Self,
is the birth of creation. It is the culmination of all that has come before, the All of Everything realized in a single heartbeat, a single instant of knowing. This is the One Self
knowing itself. This is not knowing that comes with a great ah ha, but knowing that comes with the awe of reverence. Creator and created are one and the homecoming experienced is
that of union.” — A Course Of Love, The Dialogues, Day 26 Self-Guidance (D:Day26.6-7)
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