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💛 Frozen II — The Heroine's Quest
Saturday 30th November 2019
The day before Thanksgiving five of us girls and Colin💛 went to see Frozen II. The sequel to Frozen (2013). A beautiful story loosely based on Hans Christian Anderson's
The Snow Queen. The movie Frozen II is AMAZING! A tale cleverly told in a refreshingly appealing way for three to twelve year old girls. (And hopefully boys too!) Yet speaking
equally deeply to all of us everywhere who are coming into our embodied power as Divine HUman BEings. Sacred feminine and masculine power seamlessly in union within ourselves.
No one and nothing outside needed. Simply embodying and overflowing Love from the inside out through our unified presence. No outer masculine hero needed in this story for sure!😆
It is a beautifully constructed epic of the heroine's journey. A quest that Elsa is propelled out of her comfortable life to embark upon. I do love how perfect the message of
Frozen II is for me and for all of us right at this moment in time! In the days leading up to the 12-12 passage flowing us into the NEW of 2020 here and now. Feels huge somehow.
Movement and much to be with within ...
The imagery of the movie was beautiful. Bravo Disney! With much meaning to be found within it. Here are just the few gems that I remember. The elements — spirit/air,
earth, fire, and water. Represented in nature and faced by Elsa. Air as Gale a mischievous wind, earth as massive Earth Giants, fire as a fiery little salamander, and water as
a powerful horse — the Nokk! The fifth element is Love — the power of Elsa herself! Elsa is referred to as ’The Bridge‘ between all of these. She is the
Net🕸embodied. She is the One she's looking for. The Jewel. The Relationship. The Unifying force. The magic in the middle that creates coherence amongst the disparate elements.
Elsa has the magical power to transform water into ice. Her quest is to discover release and transmute hidden memories held in the water. Flowing movement and transformation.
Diving into the depths of the unknown. Facing her fears. A scene depicting water arising as perfect diamond💎shaped crystals! Each one marking a distinct element. All filling the
night sky. A sparkling representation of the diamond crystalline inner transformation they say is happening in this time of us embodying Light and Love. And the arrival of Diamond
Star children as the newest-born babes.
There's the courage Elsa discovers to take the action that is uniquely hers to take. Listening to the call within even when no one else can hear it and thinks she's crazy!
Leaving her comfortable life and running toward danger. Into the Unknown (a theme song!) Knowingly willingly journeying into the depths of darkness. In order to excavate, face,
and transmute the remnants of generational pain. The misguided fear-based choices made by her grandfather and their awful consequences. And it's time to cease being a follower
and turn within to access our own answers. Pause ❤️Breathe 💚 Listen in 💜 Trust YourSelf 💖 This is Elsa's little sister Anna's journey. A younger sibling coming out from under
the older sibling's shadow. With no one else to turn she begins listening to her own inner guidance. And finds the strength to do just Do the Next Right Thing (also a theme song 😄)
I could go on and on. I know I'm not remembering half of the details. Perhaps you will go see it? I know I'd like to see it again!😄 For more intel on Frozen II enjoy this
Business Insider article
I'll simply end here with this enchanting lullaby. Sung to the little girls Elsa and Anna by their mother Iduna. Who it turns out, was herself a magical being. For me the
lyrics of this song say it all. Enjoy! With love to all 🌺
All Is Found
“Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a river full of memory
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound
For in this river all is found
In her waters, deep and true
Lie the answers and a path for you
Dive down deep into her sound
But not too far, or you'll be drowned
Yes, she will sing to those who hear
And in her song all magic flows
But can you brave what you most fear
Can you face what the river knows
Where the north wind meets the sea
There's a mother full of memory
Come, my darling, homeward bound
When all is lost, then all is found”
💛 Journey without Distance
“This going back is the journey without distance. You need not go in search of it, and in truth, cannot, for the past does not abide in you. What you need rather do
is strive for a place of stillness from which what needs review can arise as if it were a reflection arising from a deep pool. Here what is in need of healing will but briefly come
to the surface and leave the hidden depths where light could not reach it and healing could not come. What comes forth for healing needs but a nod of love from your heart, a passing
glance of compassion, the merest moment of reflection, before it will dissipate and show a new reflection.” — A Course of Love, C:19.21
“...many of you have gone on quests to find the “one, true, God.” Do you not see that this would be like going on a quest to find the “one, true,
relationship” in your own life? As if you could only be mother or father, daughter or son, husband or wife, sister or brother, friend or foe? You are who you are in relationship.
I Am who I Am in relationship as well... This Self with whom you have a relationship is love's extension. It is the Self you long to be as well as the Self you are. This paradox has
kept you as intrigued with the idea of self as with the idea of God. You have searched for a “one, true, self” as you have searched for a “one, true, God.” This
search only makes sense to the separated self, who believes all things are separate and thus believes that its self, as well as its God, must be separate from what it is being.
It doesn't understand, until joining with the Christ Self, before becoming one with holy relationship itself, that relationship is an identity.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, Day40.16,20
Here's the post on FaceBook

💛 The Field
Tuesday 27th November 2019
If you have any remaining doubt that the Field is real. Listen to this lecture at the Royal Institution in London. Given by Theoretical Physicist David Tong,
a professor at Cambridge University specializing in Quantum Field Theory.
He tells us “There are no particles in the world”.
“There is spread everywhere throughout this room something that we call the Electron Field. It is like a fluid that fills this room and in fact
fills the entire universe. And the ripples of this electron fluid — the waves of this fluid — get tied into little bundles of energy by the rules of
quantum mechanics. And those bundles of energy are what we call the particle ‘the electron’. All the electrons in your body are not fundamental. All
the elections in your body are in fact waves of the same underlying Field. We're all connected to each other. It's like the waves on the ocean all belong to the
same underlying ocean. The electrons in your body are ripples of the same Field as the electrons in my body. There's more than this. There's also in this room two
quark fields. And the ripples of these two quark fields give rise to what we call the ‘up’ quark and the ‘down’ quark. And the same is true
for every other kind of particle in the universe. There are Fields that underly everything. And what we think of as particles aren't really particles at all.
They're waves tied up into little bundles of energy. This is the legacy of Faraday. This is where Faraday's vision of fields has taken us. There are no particles
in the world. The basic fundamental building blocks of our universe are these fluid-like substances that we call Fields.” (Minutes 19:39 — 21:19)
And at minute 21:21 he shows us what the ceaseless movement of this Field looks like.
I'd suggest watching the first 25 minutes of David Tong's lecture. That's as far as I've got! 🤓 And if you're really short on time watch the ten minutes — 11:11
to 21:21. And decide for yourself. Quantum Fields — The Real Building Blocks of the Universe
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚 Listen in 💜 Trust YourSelf 💖 And rest in that very real 😆 Zero-Point Field from which all things arise. Proactive Surrender
The limitless Field Forever Flowing Feelings into Form! Indra's Net of Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎 isn't a fantasy! Loving you all with gratitude for every dancing ripple
and wave of The Field 🌺 And wishing all who celebrate it a very Happy Thanksgiving!🍁
💛 Field of Creation
“With your new awareness you are now linked, through the consciousness of unity, with the entire field of creation, rather than only with the
time-bound field of creation of form. As your awareness grows, you will begin to expand and express in new ways. Those ways thus now include the form of your body
without being limited to creation of, and in, form. The body has thus joined creation in a non-time-bound way... In observing both yourself and others, you have
learned to view your body in the field of time.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, D:7.20,26
“You will realize that as we individuate we are in a constant state of creation as well as of creative tension. As we become individuated beings
in union and relationship, we continuously create one another. We create from the field of the possible which must include everything.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, Day39.47
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💛 Proactive Surrender
New Moon in Sagittarius, Tue 26th Nov, 10:06 EST
Colin and I watched the movie ‘Breakthrough’ yesterday. The true story of a mother who lived the Both/And of divine neutrality in the most
excruciating of circumstances — the death of her of 14 year old son. BOTH advocating fiercely on behalf of her son AND surrendering to divine will.
Today I read about the divine/human cooperative power of this New Moon. And I had to write. Both for myself and for all you precious Jewels💎who read.
For we are One Heart ♥️
“… This New Moon contains within it great potentials... activating the natural Sagittarian qualities of optimism, wisdom, intuition,
abundance, and enthusiasm. It also mobilizes the energies of a fixed star called Marfik... one of the hitherto unacknowledged success stars... With Marfik
we know how to tune our thoughts to the right vibrations in order to attract the right results. Ideas of resonance, or the Law of Attraction, rule here...
We'll need to be flexible in our expectations, however; co-creation is just that—a cooperative process between us and our Divine counterparts.
It involves BOTH presenting our ideas, our conceptions of what we want to bring into manifestation, AND being open to the Will of the Cosmos, which knows
and sees much more than we often can from our human perspective.” — Pam Younghans
“💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action 🧡Rinse and Repeat. There is no grand plan pre-determined by some celestial
mastermind. We are it. We are CoCreating the present in real-time. The grand experiment is here. The magic is happening in the middle! It is the ultimate
collaboration. CoCreating in Love with the intent of Creation itself. Resting moment to moment in that sweetest of all places — that divine neutrality
of surrender, acceptance of what is, and full-on engagement! Taking each inspired action-step with enthusiasm and grace. Returning always to that zero-point
of infinite potential. Like an ace tennis player in between shots, resting with alert and agile confidence right on the T.” —
The Ultimate Collaboration, 11 Sep 2019 ()
It's only a breath away. Try this simple 10-second practice. Find your zero-point. Rest in the limitless space of divine neutrality. Then act. Your choice!
--✿ Breathe in counting 1 2 3 4 5 seconds
--✿ Breathe out counting 4 3 2 1
--✿ Pause and melt into that space
--✿ Listen in-between the out-breath and the in-breath
--✿ Feel the zero-point field arise
--✿ Repeat
Breathing Consciousness, Francisca Zee
Breakthrough Official Trailer
💛 Spacious Self
“This is the new realm of power that few in physical form have practiced and that has never been practiced by many at one time. It is a major
shift because it is not neutral but creative. It is of creation and can only flow through those who have mastered neutral observation because the intent of creation,
rather than the intent of the observer, is the creative force, the animator and informer. Yet informing is a quality of oneness and thus the joining of the self
with the spacious Self in oneness and wholeness must precede this step. This power cannot be misused because it is unavailable to those who have not realized
their oneness with the creative force. Thus while it is not the self who informs and is informed by the creative force, it is the Self joined in union with the
creative force that informs and is informed. In other words, in union there is no distinction between the Self and the creative force of the universe, the animator
and informer of all things.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, Day15.10
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💛 Begin Now!
Wednesday 20th November 2019
Living LOVE. Living the NEW.
Living as divine HUman BEings.
Living as Jewels in Indra's Net 💎🕸💎
‘How to’ has been said so many times in so many ways.
It's time to just DO it. BE it. LIVE it.
Stand still in the light of your WholeHeart. Our Heart.
Ask for help and stay alert for the answers.
And begin ... right NOW dang it! 😡😂
You are not alone. You are never alone.
Have fun! And maybe share how that feels for you.
PS: Note that I'm talking to myself here!🤓
As I say ad nauseam🤓 ...
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen In 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💙Act 💛
💎The Only Response is Love. The Only Time is Now. And We are the Ones!
As the ‘Frozen 2’ movie (opening in theaters tomorrow) theme songs say, step Into the Unknown and Just do the Next Right Thing!
( No one else knows what the New looks like.
You do. No one knows what is yours to do. Only you know. Choosing for Love. CoCreating in ONEness. Knowing with certainty that you know. In this Quantum Now
moment you KNOW what to DO. And Now. And Now. And Now ..
💜 And as Francisca (thank you Vera) wrote a few days ago in her brilliant blog — “What happens if you start walking the path and stop knowing
the path? What happens if you accept that there is no ascension needed because you are already there? What happens if you just make the right choice for
the right reason at the right moment?”
There is no spoon (
Only you. Only me. Only truth. Now.
💛 In Every Moment
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind... Love your neighbor as yourself.” — The Bible, Matthew 22:37,39
“... To love yourself is to heal yourself, and you cannot perceive part of you as sick and achieve your goal. Brother, we heal together as we live
together and love together. Be not deceived in God's Son, for he is one with himself and one with his Father. Love him who is beloved of his Father, and you will
learn of the Father's Love for you.” — A Course in Miracles, T-11.VIII.11
“... Love yourself. Love yourself enough to accept yourself. Love will transform normal, ordinary, life into extraordinary life. Loving exactly
who you are and where you are in every moment is what will cause the transformation that will end your desire to remove yourself from life... Beloved brothers and
sisters, You are The Accomplished.” — A Course of Love, D:Day8.2 & A.8
Here's the post on FaceBook

💛 Relationship
Thursday 14th/Saturday 16th November 2019
“Nature is a perfect ecosystem in which nothing is wasted, every part of the Whole has a perfect relationship to every other part, and all things
inherently move in the direction of a greater and fuller life.” — Marianne Williamson
I value relationships above all else. Both individual relationships and collective networks of relationships. Colin and I laugh at how he's all about the Internet
and I'm all about the Indra's Net😆. It's wild how we've traversed these paths for so many decades weaving in and out like spiraling DNA🧬 And kind of telling how so many
of us simply cannot exist today without the internet. Without that fine flow of communication across myriad forms of social media! Or could we? It's all rather crazy
and perfect! Internet aside, truth is, I cannot NOT have a relationship with every one and every thing. It is an impossibility. For I would not exist. I can only choose
the form and expression in each moment of each relationship. The quality, stability, fluidity and the harmony of the Flow. The Field is relationship. As I love to
say — whether we're aware of it or not, the limitless Field is Forever Flowing Feelings/Love into physical Form! (You have no idea how much restraint it took to
not write Fizzical Form!🤣)
A new movie opened 1 October revealing the Invisible Indra's Net under all our feet. Wherever and whenever we take a footstep on the planet, we are received felt
transmitted and connected by this fine super-intelligent network of mycelium. Neither animal nor plant. Fantastic Fungi!
How amazing and comforting and healing is that? This past Spring I had my own magical mushroom experience. A bounty of morels appeared around our home. None at the
neighbors' nor anywhere else in town that we could discover! Almost 40 years on this land and never before seen a single one! And now suddenly more than ten pounds of morels.
Providing the intense antioxidant therapy my body just happened to be needing. And with plenty left over to share. How can I not pay attention to relationship — visible
and invisible? There is no division. No separation. It's ALL relationship.
And so my willingness and devotion is to resting in the open limitless Field. In divine neutrality. In zero point neutrality. Listening. Alert. Always ready to act as
prompted and propelled inside out. Expressing in each moment all that is uniquely mine to contribute to the functioning of the Whole. We are divine HUman BEings designed
to be be ceaselessly and effortlessly CoCreating in joy, love and community. Relationship is the only constant in my life. First within me. As I often say — me,
myself, I, and I Am😄 — all joining and chillin' as One! I adore my own company! Can't get enough!😂 Been making space for more at this
time of passage between ten year cycles. Loving it. And from this place of
completion simply overflowing inside out in beautiful relationship with every one and every thing. In every single moment Till there is none other so different as to be
‘left out’. For there is no ‘outside’ in Oneness.
Just a week ago I experienced another sharply beautiful helical spin within. I had some challenging exchanges. In a Zoom conversation intended to begin the softening
and bridging of two communities at odds with each other. A growing disconnect and frustration arose acting like a vortex. Stirring up debris at the bottom of my (seemingly
clear😳) pool. Fiercely demanding that I look deeply inward with new eyes. Eventually taking the time to turn and face myself, my complacency and my fears. With tears,
tenderness and compassion. Taking full responsibility for comparisons and judgments I'd somehow hidden from myself. Willingly stretching, expanding, and feeling it all
was deeply painful. And at the same time beautiful, perfect, joyful and liberating. The inward pull acting as a powerful slingshot Flowing me forcefully onwards upwards
outwards in greater and greater spaciousness! And the best part? The other responded with equal matching courage honesty and humility. Launching us both on a path that
promises an exciting new depth of exchange and infinite possibilities. A new way that was previously unavailable to us. How sweet is that? Not just for us. But for all
in the two communities!
Relationship is real. It is all that is real. Relationship is the genesis of all there is. In truth there is nothing else. For nothing would exist without relationship.
Quantum scientist Fabiola Gianotti who discovered the Higgs boson at CERN in Geneva in 2012. Definitively verifying that elementary particles like the quarks and electrons
inside atoms get their masses from an invisible field that stretches through all of space. Without this Field/Relationship ceaselessly giving particles mass there would be
no stars, no planets, no you, no me, no life as we know it. All remaining doubts are dissipated! I remember being so excited back then and I still am!
We are designed to Flow in perfect harmony. It is from my experiences that I write these words. There is a single root cause of every disturbance in the Field Flow and
Feelings. Of every problem issue or difficulty that arises anywhere in the world. In practice this root cause can be traced to a communication glitch. In a nutshell — the
Absence, the Avoidance, or the Breakdown of communication between two people. A rift in the Field. A rip in Indra's Net. Whether by omission, by intention, or by happenstance.
It matters not. And when communication goes wonky .. all bets are off!
“We are all familiar with breakdowns in communication. We complain about them a great deal and we assign blame for them. Avoidance of communication
is less visible, less discussable, far more insidious, and often designed to control people and/or outcomes. And not least of all, the absence of communication while appearing
to be more benign, may well have the farthest reaching destructive effects. In today's world obliviousness is no longer an excuse.” — CoCreating Clarity, October 2010
Why then do we not pay more attention to every interaction we have? Doing our part to tend, mend, and strengthen the invisible Field! Let's try it! The moment you feel
a disturbance arising 💛Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen In 💚Feel 💙Accept Your Feelings 💜Trust YourSelf 💖 and only then Respond💛 Knowing that every single choice for kindness
and compassion matters. In fact it's the ONLY thing that matters. Loving you all🌺
“When so many are struggling for connection, inspiration and hope, Fantastic Fungi brings us together as interconnected creators of our world. Fantastic Fungi,
directed by Louie Schwartzberg, is a consciousness-shifting film that takes us on an immersive journey through time and scale into the magical earth beneath our feet, an
underground network that can heal and save our planet. Through the eyes of renowned scientists and mycologists like Paul Stamets, best-selling authors Michael Pollan,
Eugenia Bone, Andrew Weil and others, we become aware of the beauty, intelligence and solutions the fungi kingdom offers us in response to some of our most pressing medical,
therapeutic, and environmental challenges.” (Watch the official trailer.)
💛 Christ Consciousness
“... God is the oneness and the separation. Life is the relationship. God is what is. Life is the relationship of what is with Its Self. Separation, of
itself, is nothing. What is separate and joined in relationship is All because it is all that is knowable... To be separate in truth would be to not exist. To be the All
of Everything would be to not know existence. Only what exists in relationship knows that it exists. Thus relationship is everything. Relationship is the truth. Relationship
is consciousness. Christ-consciousness is the awareness of existence through relationship. It is not God. It is not man. It is the relationship that allows the awareness that
God is everything... Life is the connecting tissue of the web of form with the divine All. Life is consciousness. Christ-consciousness is awareness of what is. It is the
awareness of connection and relationship of All to All. It is the merging of the unknowable and the knowable through movement, expression, and being.” — A Course of Love, The Dialogues, D:Day11.5-8
💛 Living It!
“You would have to work mightily to turn the lessons of this Course into a tool, but many of you will not tire of this work until you succeed. This is how
truths become dogma and dogma becomes tyranny. This happens by accepting a static state. A static state is not a living state because creation is not occurring within it.
This is a living Course. This is why you are called to live it rather than to take it. This is why you are called to be a teacher and a learner both. This is how the exchange
of giving and receiving as one occurs. This exchange IS unity.” — A Course of Love, A Treatise in the Nature of Unity and it's Recognition, T2:10.1

💛 Buoys
10th November 2019
Precious Jewels💎 you have all been ... and are ... so deeply and tenderly held within me. For you are me and I am you. We are unique sparkling Jewels in the Indra's Net
of the limitless multiverse💎🕸💎 And we are the Net itself. I've been moved to write more than once. Yet the pieces did not complete. I'm feeling amazing. Yet I've been weary
to the bone. Joy and gratitude flood my being constantly. Two weeks ago a beautiful family weekend all nine of us together — the open sky, a field of cosmos,
a monarch butterfly, and son#1 running the Cape Cod marathon. And this Friday, birthday celebrations for him! Yet tears flow at any moment. A movie, a thought, a zoom call,
a news item. Jazz's blog. Talking with Wayne whose
tears flowed too. Like the oceans of leaves shed by our trees that he'd just cleaned up for us. Necessary tears. Comforting tears. Purposeful tears. Knowing feeling experiencing
in our bodies the excruciating lightness and joy of literally living as ONE.
The completion I wrote of has
initiated a passage of intense movement. Another turn in the helical spiral of life. Pulling me within. Rearranging the particles of my being In order to slingshot me outwards
upwards onwards? Do you feel it too? Perhaps so. For now I've been turning inward. Resting in zero point neutrality. Indra's Net in-person gatherings at Muffins on Main have drawn
to a close 1 Nov. Yet I'm feeling the pull of Indra's Net more strongly than ever! Morphing and available where any two or more are moved to gather in-person or online
(Indra's Net) Past commitments both visible and invisible are drawing to a close.
And yet I'm feeling the opening of new calls to movement. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a while. And yet I'm imagining soon posting the ‘incomplete’
writings as they are. Inviting you to fill in your own meaning experience and completion! Perhaps you'll even write to me! That would be so much fun wouldn't it?😄
Perhaps this is the way of the New. The Both/And way of CoCreating the New. Both stillness and opening. Both pulling within and expressing without. Seamless. Indistinguishable.
CoCreating newly with the intent of Creation itself! It has begun. For all of us whether we're aware of it or not. We are in this together. Unity Consciousness is here now.
Available in an instant. 💛Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖 Embodying Love. Being Love. Living Love. We are Divine HUman BEings. Each one unique within the Whole.
Inextricably linked. Assured always of the loving guidance and support of pure Source, God, the Multiverse, Compassionate Christ Consciousness... call it what you will. are Forever
held safe in Love's embrace. Of this I am certain.
They say 10/10 (the day we drove to The Mountain in NC) was the completion of a very challenging ten-year cycle on the planet. It also began this passage to a new
hopeful and creative ten years! They also say that
tomorrow 11/11 opens a powerful flow of loving support for all willing hearts. As does 12/12, 1/1, and 1/11. They say the tipping point of 144,000 people awakening their Crystalline
DNA and anchoring Love Embodied on Earth is accomplished. Who knows? I simply welcome these as linear markers along a vast nonlinear multidimensional journey. Delicious little delights
for my human self Like brightly colored buoys bobbing in the limitless ocean of possibilities. Buoys where we rest a moment listening for meaning revealed within. Before diving deep
again as the mermaids🧜🏽♀ and mermen🧜🏽♂ we know we are. Swim on dear ones. Keep your eyes on the prize.
Know that all that matters is how you choose in each moment. The only response
is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones. With so much love to all 🌺
💛 Revelation
“...Realize now that you have come to recognize unity. You do not any longer see each person and event as separate, with no relation to the whole.
You are beginning to see the connections that exist and this is the beginning... Examine what you may have felt the onset of true vision would mean... Have you suspected that you
might see in ways literally different? That you might see auras or halos, signs and clues previously unseen? Have you included other senses in your idea of sight? All of these things
are possible. But true vision is seeing relationship and union... with an expectation first and foremost of revelation. Seeing with the vision of Christ-consciousness is already
upon you...” — A Course of Love, Treatise on the New, T4:2.30-33
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💛 A Rebel's Journey
2nd November 2019
This morning my heart bursts with tears of love buzzing with the sheer joy of Jazz's story — the movement of A Course of Love and A Course in Miracles
and every single little thing in her life and in mine that brings us here to this moment now. Sharing with you and loving you all so much! 🌺

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