💛 Squatting
Monday 17th August 2020
I awoke this morning praying for strength. To be reminded constantly of the invisible love and support all around — angels, elementals, the ascended masters
Jesus, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Maitreya, BEings of pure light, my star family, God — call them what you will! To FEEL them close To be SHOWN. In form!
In physicality. I need that I prayed. For I am human and I often feel overwhelmed! I prayed to dwell in the ocean of divine zero point light love and neutrality as
I move about in the world as it is with myriad encounters every single day. And I prayed to find the strength to lovingly enfold and embrace the creature lurking close.
A shadowy faceless ravenous monster waiting to devour me. It has no name. And it has been showing up more so this week than ever before. Do I have the stamina for this
surreal and demanding time of the great turning of the world? Am I up for the callings of my heart? For all the tasks that are landing in me? For all that I am willingly
taking on in love? Am I resilient enough to be with the craziness of many encounters with people ‘temporarily insane’ in their fear and need — who
strike out in attack and blame? Father forgive then for they know not what they do I whispered. Help me to hold firmly to the truth and withstand the chaos arising
as the necessary undoing of our upside down world continues ...
One moment at a time I KNOW I AM up for it all. I get out of bed blessing the ground as I take each step. I bless my hands as I wash my face. I bless my toothbrush
as I freshen my mouth. I bless my home — my precious little family, my safe haven of infinite love and laughter. I bless Colin and our instant ever-present ability
to see the ridiculous all around us, feel the frustration, and steadfastly move on. I bless his intuitive ability to bring me inspiration when my addled brain is
struggling deep in linear details. Offering me cups of hot tea at my PC as I joust with social media. And steaming an ever present supply of broccoli, cauliflower,
and sweet potato, as I wander tumbly rumbling, into the kitchen grabbing something to eat before my evening Zoom. He knows. Responding to every call of “Colin can I
borrow you for a second?” with “Will you give me back when you're done?” He knows that I am beyond determined. That love always prevails in my ongoing
love-hate relationship with technology. Just as my intent joined as One with the Intent of Creation itself always prevails over my own transient doubts. And in the end,
we know the truest purest energy of love is infusing every particle and bit and pixel of ‘A Journey into the Unknown’ as Rick, Jo, and I freely offer its
message to our hurting the world.
I am sitting outside in the chill (it's 61°F/16°C) of dawn as this pours out of me. Bathing in teeny sun diamonds sparkling and winking at me through the leaves
rustling in the wind. Flashing freedom codes of power into my eyes and body and soul. I marvel how the torus light field of a diamond sparkle comes into focus now
and again! That I can see the geometry — the circular ripples of light radiating/spiraling outwards. Floating in this place I call ‘The Trimmering’ — an
infinite ocean of eternity, my whole being shimmering, my body buoyed up, buzzing, trembling. A field of electric magnetic energy pulsing thick and palpable.
Feeling lighter — yet stronger and more solid than ever. Yes, it's a BOTH/AND kind of thing for me. Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine — SOUL and BODY — joining
and spinning forth a powerful unstoppable force field of PRESENCE and ACTION. In both The Way of MARY and The Way of JESUS.
Next thing I knew I am opening my iPad to find Dropbox and ‘Mirari: the Way of the Marys’. I am
grateful this past year to have been sharing in Mari's journey as she has devoted herself to receiving, CoCreating, and giving form to this beautiful gift. Which is coming
very soon, available to every precious Jewel 💎🕸💎. Searching on ‘The Way of Jesus’, I find the gem my heart needs in the words of blessed Mother Mary —
“My son, your brother, spoke to you of an in between time, of the twin circles of one way passing and a new way coming into being. In A Course of Love
these circles represent the way of Jesus and the way of Mary. Yes, my son is still my son, the son of God and the son of Woman, holy and human in origin and nature,
attached to the earth and to all that grows within. The “within” is the incubator of all that can come to be, the womb of the imaginal realm, of all that
exists “between” Heaven and Earth, held separately and out of reach. The reach is within. It begins in a mother's heart. It is a yearning for Life.”
Next moment, I am searching on the word ‘solid’, and I find the gem my body needs —
“My son spoke of anchoring (*) The New and I want you to imagine now the women around the campfire, squatting while they tend the fire, squatting as
they birth new life. This is the posture of the anchor, solid as an anvil, feet planted, balance fine and deliberate, poised. Poised for what will be needed next. Poised
and ready for the invasion of The New and the old's lingering encroachment, as mesmerizing as the flames of the fire that signals The New. The invasion is an intrusion
of The New into the old, a force meant to quicken the passing of all that lingers of death in the living. To end living death and welcome living life. To end division
and become one with what is being birthed. To mother The New into existence.” [*Footnote: “Others of you will follow your hearts to a bypassing of the final
stage of the old and to anchoring the new within the web of reality.” — A Course of Love, D:Day18.1 ]
Suddenly I am weeping. My body remembers this position. Squatting! Solid as an anvil. Strong as an anchor! Even as the tears flow I find myself googling for images
of anchors. None that pop up first suit the eyes of my soul. I keep on scrolling down ... and there it is! And it's free-no-permission-no-credit-needed! OMG!😳 The perfect
image, the precise specific gem my soul needs — a gift! Joy surges through me Closely followed by a sense of relief, power, and freedom. Affirmation that in the moment
I always KNOW! I can trust myself. I must trust myself! Whatever is needed is being accomplished with grace. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. Just look at this
beautiful image! A heart, a cross, and an anchor all interwoven on a puzzle piece backdrop! How perfect!
Squatting. My body remembers this position.
Every particle of me knows the strength of squatting. I sit here resurrecting the cellular memory of this experience. The solidity. The power of this position.
Feeling myself as a child squatting to play, to work, to rest! Squatting playing, close to the earth, poking at a fire ant, upending a snail, searching for seashells,
picking weed flowers. But mostly I remember squatting working, peeling mountains of onions and garlic, scrubbing clothes, picking stones out of rice, polishing the brass
piano pedals, scrubbing floors, picking debris out of masses of dried hot chillis about to be taken to the mill, shredding coconut flesh on a scraper, picking up garden debris.
Hours and hours spent squatting, being productive in the sacred womb of women's work — caring for, nurturing, nourishing, and feeding many, body and soul.
(And yes In case you're wondering, I also squatted to pee and poop!💩) Yes indeed — squatting is alive in me. My body knows how to anchor the New and she is
accomplishing it in every sacred moment. I am coming to trust her more and more each day! The message is clear — I GOT THIS! No doubt. I get up from my chair
and squat on the damp ground in silent prayer and gratitude as I finish typing this. The dew on the grass sparkles golden sundrops at me. And I know I AM.
✿ I am Ethereally Earthy
✿ I am Mystically Mundane.
✿ I am Loving Light.
✿ I move in Alchemical Action.
✿ I AM
Feeling wonder and awe for the many helical spirals of my life's journey to A Course in Miracles, A Course of Love, and now to A Journey Into the Unknown, and who knows
where next!? Reverence for my own presence here, squatting on this spot in harmony with all of everything. Devoting myself wholeheartedly to BEing who I am. And to my part
in birthing Heaven on New Earth, one quantum moment at a time, simply doing the next right thing. So much gratitude to all who show up for me along the way. Blessings to
Jon Mundy, Mari Perron, Glenn Hovemann, Rick Greathouse, and Jo Nagle. Blessings to all🙏🏾with so much love 🌺
PS: During this entire time of listening, feeling, and writing this post , I've been aware of loud nearby screeing of hawks. Finally done, I look up and they fly into
full view. Two red-tails circling several times right over my head — one clockwise and the other counter-clockwise! “As does the Mer-Ka-Ba!” pops into my heart!
The chariot/vehicle of Light we each have. The Lightbody. Two tetrahedrons joining, forming a Star. The Source/Father-God/descending tetrahedron spinning clockwise.
The Form/Mother-Earth/ascending tetrahedron simultaneously spinning counter-clockwise. Both seamlessly MERGING as ONE. Generating an infinite force field! The stuff that
powers the New. The Elevated Self of Form. The Divine HUman BEing. No separation. I am speechless But that's a whole other post! Suddenly Colin pops his head out calling
“Coffee is ready”, walks over and kisses me. And I am complete in solid sparkling bliss! ⛰💖🌍
PPS: I have been hearing the hawks all day. Later in the afternoon I watch in awe as three red-tails rise and dip on the wind. One of them smaller and making young
chirruping noises along with the screeing. The Babe, the Mother, and the Father! How perfect! with love🌺
💛 Anchoring
“... it is necessary for those of the way of Mary to support, encourage, and reflect the new to those being examples of the way of Jesus. This too is
tricky for it can lead to judgment. When there is more than one way, there is always room for comparison and judgment. Thus it is realistic to see the two ways as
intertwined circles existing in support and harmony with one another... Without those pursuing the way of Jesus, those pursuing the way of Mary would have a much more
difficult task. There would be little space in which to anchor the new. Those following the way of Jesus create the openness of the spacious Selves who allow for the
anchors of the new to be cast and thus to ride out the many storms of this time of transition.
— A Course of Love, The Way of Mary, D:Day19.16-17
“Silently blessing everyone you see and meet, everyone you come across, is the Way of Mary that was introduced in the second volume. This is what we need
all of you to do. Don't turn your back and pretend that the need isn't there because of Karma or because you're not “really” seeing your brother or sister's pain.
Wake up and know that in this temporary “illusionary” place, that what your eyes and ears show you is real, and your spiritual power is needed. You are here on
this earth to perform miracles through intentional blessing, through dutiful prayer. When you are led to action, whether it is a kind word or something more, you are involved
in the Way of Jesus.” — A Journey into the Unknown, J3.6
💛 Squatting — The Discovery Continues
Tuesday 18th August
The discovery that began with my agony and doubt continues flowing in every encounter in the last 48 hours through my cracked-open-even-wider-heart! Marveling this is
even possible? I guess I'm feeling a touch of the meaning of the heart's infinite all-inclusive capacity to hold and feel and know and weave together every disparate thing
into deep meaning for one and all! A heart that is full and overflowing in gratitude with and for ALL precious jewels here and everywhere 🕸💎🕸💎🕸💎🕸 From the Way of Jesus
with Mari and Mother Mary, to the Anchor (solid as an Anvil) to the Cross, to both intertwined with the Heart — symbol of Faith, Hope, and Charity/Love!
To the spiraling Hawks to the MerKaBa; with Matt who first mentioned the similariy of the Anchor to the Ankh — the symbol called The Key to the Nile! With Lori who
sent me this photo of her ceramic wall hanging that she purchased years ago on a trip pilgrimage to Provence, following the path of Mary Magdalene! To finding the name of
it — The Carmague Cross! Which is the emblem of the little town of Saintes Marie's de la Mer on the Mediterranean coast of Provence! The town of The Three Marys of
the Sea 🧜🏽♀🧜🏽♀🧜🏽♀ companions to Mary, mother of Jesus and the first witnesses of the empty tomb — Mary Magdalene, Mary Salome, and Mary Jacobe. Who reportedly landed
there after drifting for days in a boat without oars, which is how they escaped persecution after Jesus was crucified. Wow! Remembering how I'd ordered an oar a couple of
weeks ago from Amazon for my granddaughters to paddle around the pool in their Unicorn float, but all it did was spin them around in circles. And how I ordered a second oar
last week instead of which a tire arrived! Yes — a tire — with a packing slip that said they'd packed an oar! And as I type this I'm realizing that
‘oar’ and ‘awe’ sound the same which is what I'm feeling! The discovery continuing later the same morning with Lauren (as I read her blog) to Egypt
to the KaABa, the MerKaBa, the Kabbalah, to the symbol for the ‘Key to the Kingdom’ ..
Wednesday 19th August
And last night's powerfully birthing Leo🦁 New Moon (Tuesday 18th August, 9:42pm EDT) found me creating my first ever crystal grid! Inspired by Sajit's
newsletter and my daughter Tyler's video!.
And what I haven't even mentioned yet .. you see the two gold necklaces laying in parallel arcs over and to the left of the rose quartz wand? The longer one is my tali — my
marriage talisman, fastened around my Neck by Colin in our wedding day almost 45 years ago — which I have worn next to my skin under my top every single day since!
It is a smaller replica of my mother's tali which she was married with in 1948 and designed for her by her father, my grandfather! Twin hearts bonded as One with a cross
and a star engraved in it! And the shorter one!!? Well it smacked me upside the head as I was brushing my teeth upon waking up yesterday morning — I actually have a
necklace of an anchor within a diamond within a circle! How could I have forgotten? It was given to me by my parents when I was maybe eleven or twelve years old.
And was worn only on Sunday's when I would put on my best dress to go to church! (And even as I write this two red-tail hawks call to each other skreeing as they rise and dip
and spiral in the crazy stormy wind currents playing out above my head close to sunset!) Running to my jewelry box I found it, and put it on, and I haven't taken it off since!
How wild and wonderful is that? Not to mention the rose quartz wand (which symbolizes a lighthouse — standing tall and firm, solid and steadfast in my sovereign power,
being a Lighthouse! Shining my/the Light for all who flounder. It arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago around my birthday! I loved it instantly ... I've always wanted
a rose quartz (unconditional Love) wand and was so delighted that someone has sent me this gift of the Heart💖. I asked Tyler, then Lori, then Sajit ... nope, none of them knew
anything about it! Tyler quipped “It's another witchy friend of yours”. And would you believe it was only a week ago that it dawned on me! I had ordered it for
myself! Tyler was right! Ordered over a month ago and completely forgotten! I like to think it was actually my Higher Self who stepped in and did that! Or perhaps some wiser
more ancient, galactic, cosmic aspect of me who KNOWS far more than my present self! Whatever/Whoever it was it was perfect — alchemical! Magical! Powerful! And Pure!
I love Her and I trust Her and am feeling her closer each day as we merge as one into ALL of who I AM! Right here on the earth — Pure Unconditional Love in FORM — birthing
the New — a kinder gentler inclusive New Earth for ALL!
Thursday 20th August
And the discovery continues. Yesterday I WhatsApp'ed with my precious friend Sharon who lives in Israel. She was reading my post (Squatting) while on holiday with her family
in a northern town on the Sea of Galilee right next to Migdala! Birthplace of Mary Magdalene! A chuckle bubbled up along with tears of recognition, awe, and gratitude.
And this morning as I sit here in the trimmering a twin memory arises in my body of simultaneous laughter and tears. It was in March 1995 on a work trip to Israel initiated by
Sharon, when stepping out my hotel in Jerusalem, I suddenly realized with deepest awe flooding every particle of my body, that I was actually walking the very same ground Jesus
walked! Wow! And here I am today writing my heart out, sharing this feeling. And I know beyond doubt that something is being secured, completed, anchored — through my
precious sweet tired resilient willing body for ALL. For I know we can only do this one by one by one .. alone together. With love to all 🌺
(Photo credit: ‘Think With Your Heart’ — for Ankh, Key of Life, Jesus, Golden Sun)
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💛 Sovereign Creatorship
Thursday 13th August 2020
We're now seriously being faced with the many aspects of ourselves that we haven't wanted to look at. That we've ignored, resisted, rejected within, or
ejected/projected outwards on others. And they're showing up fast and furious, as loved ones and not-so-much-loved ones. No matter who or what the messenger
looks like, I'm paying close attention to everything that's in front of me. Willingly, gratefully, and doing my best remembering to ask for all the help
that I know is so readily available right now from all realms, both seen and unseen. And this morning tears flowed, as after a time of deep stillness sitting
outside floating in the ocean of eternity, I looked up at the sky and received this gift. So feeling a merging deep within me, a sacred union being anchored,
secured, sustained. Not only in me but within all willing hearts everywhere! Empowering us to hold every precious Jewel 💎🕸💎🕸💎in spacious loving compassion,
even as a ‘timeline split’ is happening. This cloud so looked to me like a feathery fallopian tube as it gently floated in, touched, and joined
with the crest of the bifurcating double rainbow! Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“Things are rapidly moving toward the dismantling of an old reality and we are being called to step up and into our divine callings... In
divine order. All is revealed. This is a step towards you fulfilling what you came here to do and a quantum leap toward remembering who you really are... You
may be experiencing struggle right now and if you are, congratulations! There is a massive dismantling of the old reality happening in the world right now,
that is made possible because of the massive dismantling of the pain body that has limited, inhibited and prevented humanity from being the light they are.
The pain that arises now, is only showing you what is ready to fall away. So embrace it, run towards it with gratitude and know that beyond the pain is a higher
version of you, about to be met. A more powerful you, intent on participating in a New Earth as a sovereign creator being. The pain is the shadow, ask it to be
near you so that it is no longer hidden. Tell it that it when you shine your light on it, it won't hurt a bit, it will tickle a little and sparkle a lot. Tell
it that you won't shame it, or name call it, you won't hate it or tell it go away. For perhaps the first time, you will welcome it as you realise that it is
the birthplace of the higher you.
Be who you are meant to be now, because you can carry the hardship and density no more. It is time to be free. Pain free and life filled.” — Kerry K
💛 New Earth
“Giving ideas life is the role of creatorship... your acceptance of the truth of who you are and who you can be is essential to the
accomplishment of our mission—to the creation of a new heaven and a new earth. The only way to create it is to experience it. The only way to experience it
is to create it. All that stands in the way of your creatorship is your final acceptance of who you are in unity and
relationship. — A Course of Love, D:Day36.10,19
“We form a web that will become tighter and tighter as time passes. This web will form the new earth. It resonates at a slightly higher
frequency than the egoic level. Our modeling will attract others and encourage them to awaken to the truth about themselves and each
other.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J23.3-4
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💛 World Dancer
Lion's Gate 8 Aug 2020
Thursday 6th August 2020
We're in another powerful passage! Are you feeling it? The Lion's Gate — opening on the Feast of Mary Magdalene (22nd July), moving us
through ‘The a Day Out of Time’ (25th), into the Mayan/Planetary New Year (26th), and carrying us through its peak this Saturday 8th August.
Sharing this beautiful encouraging message from Archangel Michael. With so much love 🌺
“this will be a powerful transit, not least because Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto are gathering, in retrograde, in the 10th house of Capricorn,
while on the 8/8 which is the apex of the Gate period, the Moon and Mars will be in Aries. This suggests, Beloved Ones, that the current collective energies
of dis-ease and dissension will continue as old energies are released, and the emotions and responses of people continue to be aggressive and confrontational.
Those who are wise will use this energy to stand in their power in a firm yet gentle way and to be creative even if the energy is unstable at times.
You can be sure, dearest ones, that these difficult energies will continue at least until the end of the year. So, resolve to find your Inner Peace
and Stability to support your path forward.
Beloved Ones, it is only within your Sacred Heart that you will find a Space of Peace and Balance There is so much in your outer reality that is
chaotic and out of balance.. the result of the collapse of the structures or “containers” that held the old ways in places for so long.
As they collapse, the energy they contain is released into a powerful and turbulent flow of chaos... it can be exhausting to be continually swept up
in the maelstrom of energy and emotion... many people are fixating on ideas and ways of thinking that seem to explain things for them. They have difficulty
in letting go of the idea of narratives within narratives, and their busy minds keep “hopping” from one rabbit hole to the next.
To be a Master of Energy right now is to be outside of the narratives... go into Silence, access the Diamond Light Body and draw the Diamond Light
(Adamantine) particles and codes into your Heart. There, you can balance Heaven and Earth, Masculine and Feminine, in the Consciousness of One.... move
into the Present, the NOW, and the more easily you will transit through this Lions Gate on the 8/8.
In this new Golden Age that is arising, you will be led forward by the power of the Divine Feminine energy of Sophia... the veiled Divinity who is always
hidden. She cannot be found in the outer reality, but only by going deep within and coming to know yourself... It is here that you will confront chaos
and learn how to be the wing of the butterfly that shapes destiny within the chaos... Sophia will aid you to become the rising archetype for the next cycle
of experience, the World Dancer... the Feminine power of Sophia in her form of Shakti, who dances and shapes reality in her steps... a path of Beauty
and Love that is beyond words and exists in the Higher Dimensions of Consciousness and which is anchored in the 5th Dimensional New Earth by you as
Master Dancers of the New Reality.
Always present at the Lions Gate are the Powerful and Regal Beings who are the Guardians of the 8/8 Portal and Teachers of the High Wisdom of Sirius
and Regulus (Alpha Leonis)... the very high frequency blue white light of Regulus accelerates the Diamantine Time Crystals and creates the conditions
for each soul to accelerate their time line and begin a new cycle at a Higher Frequency of Consciousness. This can only be achieved by a meditative
focus on the Lions Gate transit, not being distracted into lower frequencies at this crucial time. The Royal Lions will walk with you and work with you
to assist you to stay on purpose and achieve such Mastery. But you can only achieve this if you are balanced in your heart and your inner wisdom... your
time can not be taken up in duality and conflict which will slow you down and cause you to lose your rhythm and flow... be in clear intention and clear
focus as to what you will create through your Dance of Diamond Light in the New Earth. We wish you Joy and Creation at this
Lions Gate 2020” — Archangel Michael ( Star Child Global)
💛 Sophia/Shakti/Mary
World Dancer — the Feminine power of Sophia in her form of Shakti, who dances and shapes reality in her steps. I'm on it! Will you join me? With so much love🌺
“Christ-consciousness is the awareness of existence through relationship. It is not God. It is not man. It is the relationship that
allows the awareness that God is everything. It has been called wisdom, Sophia, spirit. It is that without which God would not know God. It is that which
differentiates all from nothing. Because it is that which differentiates, it is that which has taken form as well as that from which form arose.
It is the expression of oneness in relationship with Its Self.” — A Course of Love, Christ Consciousness, D:Day11.7
“Silently blessing everyone you see and meet, everyone you come across, is the Way of Mary... This is what we need all of you to do.
Don't turn your back and pretend that the need isn't there because of Karma or because you're not “really” seeing your brother or sister's pain.
Wake up and know that in this temporary “illusionary” place, that what your eyes and ears show you is real, and your spiritual power is needed.
You are here on this earth to perform miracles through intentional blessing, through dutiful prayer. When you are led to action, whether it is a kind word
or something more, you in the Way of Jesus.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J3.6
Here are the two posts on FaceBook
💛 Love — Thy Will Be Done
Sunday 2nd August 2020
Up with the sunrise at 5:40am this morning. Joining Amanda Lorence and 1000+ souls around the world. In a beautiful anchoring and amplifying
of Love and Light — at 6am, the Tor, Glastonbury, UK — Gaia's Heart Chakra. Where I heard the sweetest song sung by Prince, perfect
for this surreal time we're navigating! Then joining at 8:11am with Sandra Walter and thousands more for another heart opening Christ Light Expansion meditation.
All of this ... my birthday gift to you today ... with so much love 🌺
“In this action of joining in union and relationship is contained the key to creation of the new. ... It is where creation of
the new can begin because it is the intent of creation, rather than the intent of the observer, that is the creative force, the animator and
informer. ..” A Course of Love, The Way of Mary, D:Day19.15
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action
LOVE — Thy Will Be Done
Love thy will be done
I can no longer hide, I can no longer run
No longer can I resist Your guiding light
That gives me the power to keep up the fight
Oh Lord, Love thy will be done
Since I have found you, my life has just begun
And I see all of Your creations as one
Perfect complex
No one less beautiful or more special than the next
We are all blessed and so wise to accept
Thy will, Love, be done
Love thy will be mine
And make me strive for the glorious and divine
I could not be more, more satisfied
Even when there's no peace outside my window, there's peace inside
And that why I no longer run
Love thy will be done
Love thy will be done
I can no longer hide, I can no longer run
Oh Love thy will be done
Thy will, Love, be done
Written by Marta Marrero & Prince Rogers Nelson, 1991
© Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
💛 Creation of the New
“This is the new realm of power that few in physical form have practiced and that has never been practiced by many at one time.
It is a major shift because it is not neutral but creative. It is of creation and can only flow through those who have mastered neutral observation
because the intent of creation, rather than the intent of the observer, is the creative force, the animator and informer. Yet informing is a
quality of oneness and thus the joining of the self with the spacious Self in oneness and wholeness must precede this step. This power cannot
be misused because it is unavailable to those who have not realized their oneness with the creative force. Thus while it is not the self who
informs and is informed by the creative force, it is the Self joined in union with the creative force that informs and is informed. In other
words, in union there is no distinction between the Self and the creative force of the universe, the animator and informer of all
things.” — A Course of Love, D:Day15.10
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