💛 Love Sparkles, Frozen II, and Archangel Michael
Wednesday 29th July 2020
This morning I googled “adamantine particles” and learned that they are particles of God Light. The teeny sub-atomic particles of Quantum Light
that flow as waves or drop into form as we observe and choose love or fear. They are the minuscule evanescent light wrigglers that middle-schooler Nick and I would
watch on a sunny day — lying on our backs under the living room skylight, softening our gaze into the near distance. We called them ‘orgones’ back
then, as we were all into super-plant growing and Findhorn! I remember showing my friend Pia how to see them. I could show you too! And no, if you're wondering,
these are not eye ‘floaters’! These are the sparkles of Love I've always known and felt and first saw depicted in the children's book
‘Wherever you go my Love will find you’, gifted to me by Paula! So there it is. Yes God's Love surrounds us, flows through us, is us ... always! And it's
‘real’ and visible with the soft multi-dimensional logic, knowing, and gaze of the heart. Resting in the Way of Mary, allowing and giving rise to the perfect
action and example out in the world in the Way of Jesus. Love in form is arising all around us, for it is arising through us. Try gazing gently ... you'll see!
I also learned that whomever wrote the story for Disney's FROZEN II knew a lot more than I realized. Queen Elsa listening to the call of her soul song, unifying the
elements Fire, Earth, Air, and Water through her love! And the north river Ahtohallan ‘full of memory’ sounds a lot like ‘Antakarana — the River of Life’!
This month-long heat wave might be a good time to watch FROZEN II with your friends, your children, your grandchildren, for an easy, painless burst of inspiration It'll
happen whether you're aware of it or not! Trust me! And perhaps read my 30 Nov 2019 post
and this excerpt of the blog I just found! Enjoy! With so much love to all🌺
“Beloved masters, an understanding of the Elements of FIRE, AIR, WATER, and EARTH, which are unique components, Facets or Elements of the nature of our
Father/Mother God within this Sub-Universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and strive to claim Self-Mastery. These are the four major Elements,
which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self-realization and Self-mastery on the material plane of existence. These Elements
are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels' RAY-diation of the twelve Rays of God Consciousness from the Heart Core Essence of our
Father/Mother God. The Etheric Body and Soul Self are attuned to and are fed by the Element of COSMIC FIRE. The Mental Body resonates to and is energized by the Element
of AIR /ETHER. The Emotional Body is attuned to and affected by the Element of WATER. The Physical Body is anchored by and attuned to the Element of EARTH, for the duration
of each Soul's journey into the realms of density, the First through the Fourth Dimensions. ..
Never before have so many masters of Light walked the Earth among the masses. Many brave Souls were given the option of leaving the planet, and continuing their work/mission
from within the Sixth-Dimensional Celestial Cities of Light, or to continue their service to humankind within the framework of their chosen earthly environment. We wish you
all to know that we are well-pleased with those of you, the Light Bearers, who are steadfastly walking through the dense, shadowed valleys of darkness in order to create a
pathway of Light for others to follow. ..
The Mental Body provides the seed thoughts and the Emotional Body fuels the E-motion or energy in motion. As we have often explained, your creations are either a product of
the ego desire-body or the desires and inspiration of the Soul. The throat and the solar plexus are integral power sources for the Emotional Body. However, the full power
of manifestation begins when you have tapped into the Kundalini Sacred Fire, or the Adamantine Particles of God Light stored within the Root Chakra, and when you have completed
the connection with your Soul Star and OverSoul Self so that you have access to the Antakarana, River of Life. ...
Do you understand that each and every person is constantly releasing or emitting energy which originated from the God Source? You are using this God-given gift of Light/Life
in either a positive or a negative manner. Via your free will, to a great degree, you are the cocreator ‒ the builder of your own reality”
(Archangel Michael through Ronna Vezane, 1st November 2018)
💛 Spark of Creation
“Beyond imagination is the spark that allows you to conceive of what never was conceived of before. This spark is inspiration, the infusion of spirit.
..” — A Course of Love, C:23.19
“Your form does not contain your heart, or the energy of creation, or God. Your form is but an extension of this energy, a representation of it. You might
think of this as a small spark of the energy that has created a living universe existing within you and uniting you to all that has been created. You are the substance of the
universe. The same energy exists in the stars of the heavens and the waters of the ocean that exists in you. ...” — A Course of Love, T4:5.5
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Four
Saturday 25th July 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
‘A Journey into the Unknown’ continues to reach open and willing hearts wherever they are. We had another good Zoom conversation last Wednesday.
Enjoy the recordings of the three conversations so far on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel. And today we're happy to announce Installment Four of
‘Journey’ — Chapters 25 to 29 — five very powerful chapters. So powerful in fact that it feels super-important to allow some extra time
for us all to live deeply into their message. And indeed into the message of all the twenty-nine chapters offered this month. Before we plunge onward, alone
together, on this wild adventure into the unknown. You'll find the ‘Questions to Live By’ above each of the chapter numbers on the Journey website,
and also summarized in our recent CoCreating Clarity FaceBook and Instagram Posts. Enjoy! The next installment of Journey will (most likely) be offered on
Saturday 8th August! With love to all🌺
Installment Four ‘Questions to Live By’ –
--✿ Ch 25 Are you willing to be transformed inside-out?
--✿ Ch 26 Do you listen for specific instructions in the moment?
--✿ Ch 27 Do you model how to fully feel and process painful moments?
--✿ Ch 28 Are you sharing how to look deeply and understand others?
--✿ Ch 29 Will you start over and allow your light to pour out on all?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action!
Read and/or listen to Installment Four of A Journey into the Unknown
Follow us on Instagram #CoCreatingClarity
Here's the post on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Three
Saturday 18th July 2020
The response to A Journey into the Unknown continues to grow with several shares of the first two installments on Facebook groups, and an announcement in
Take Heart Publication's ‘The Embrace’ Newsletter. Folk joined Rick and myself from around the USA and the UK for an illuminating Zoom conversation
on the content of Installment Two; including the Chapter 14 Question to Live By — What about sex? You can enjoy a recording of this conversation on the
CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel. And today we're delighted to announce Installment Three of ‘A Journey into the Unknown’ — Chapters 16 to 24.
Enjoy! With love to all🌺
Installment Three ‘Questions To Live By’ –
--✿ Ch 16 Are you spreading the Love of God 24/7?
--✿ Ch 17 Do you walk the talk as a role model?
--✿ Ch 18 Are you choosing love over fear as the ultimate creative act?
--✿ Ch 19 Have you quit blaming others and yourself?
--✿ Ch 20 Are you lit up alert for sisters and brothers sent your way?
--✿ Ch 21 Do you model a way out of suffering?
--✿ Ch 22 Are you ready to be a spiritual warrior?
--✿ Ch 23 Are you an activist spreading the truth wherever you go?
--✿ Ch 24 What about money?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action!
Read and/or listen to Installment Three of A Journey into the Unknown
Follow us on Instagram #CoCreatingClarity
Here's the post on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
A New Manuscript
Saturday 4th July 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
In early 2016 I shared a little of my own journey in ‘Metamorphosis: A Journey in Seven Parts’.
In the opening paragraph I wrote —
“I love the Bible. I love A Course in Miracles (ACIM). I love A Course of Love (ACOL). Each arriving and delivering its gifts at the precise time
I needed them and was ready to receive them. ACIM in 1992. ACOL in 2008. Both together working beautifully hand-in-hand in my life. Each one I carry in highest regard.
Eternally. Gratefully. Yet always remaining open to new discoveries. What might I love next that loves me even more fiercely into being who I truly am?”
Since then through many challenging experiences — willingly welcomed, lived and shared — I am at last falling in love with who I am. Fearlessly trusting
and joyfully sharing myself as a unique expression of Love/Light and a fractal of all that is. Today I'm introducing you to a new manuscript shared with me by Glenn
Hovemann — ‘A Journey into the Unknown’. Received and written down by Rick Greathouse,
Journey's message resonates with my lived experience and my heart's deep knowing. It is freely offered to all with infinite love from Rick and myself, beginning today.
Some of us discovered ‘A Course in Miracles’ and ‘A Course of Love’ which helped us heal our minds and hearts, showing us the way home to
our wholehearted selves. Many of us who have never even heard of these Courses have found our own diverse ways of accomplishing the same! Now,
‘A Journey into the Unknown’ invites all of us to come “down from the mountain and onto level ground, the ground of the earth, the place where you
are connected and interconnected to all that lives and breathes along with you.” And to boldly go into the world as it is right now. Seeing with clear unflinching
eyes and the fiercely compassionate logic of the heart. Unafraid to express who we truly are, each in our own unique way. Being example lives through our very presence,
in order to gather up all of our sisters and brothers. For as I have written so many times over the years, not one of us is home unless and until each and every single
one of us is home. This is what it means to live Oneness — to sparkle as a distinct Jewel in the Net while simultaneously holding the infinite multi-dimensional
entirety of Indra's Net of Jewels. It's a Both/And kind of thing!😉
“As form becomes a representation of Christ-consciousness, it will take on the nature of Christ-consciousness, of which my life was the example life.
To sustain Christ-consciousness in form is creation of the new. My one example life could not sustain Christ-consciousness for those who came after me but could only
be an example. What you are called to do is to, through your multitude sustain Christ-consciousness, and thus create the union of the human and the divine as a new state
of being.” — A Course of Love, T4:4.18
“The central lesson is always this; that what you use the body for it will become to you. … Use it to bring the Word of God to those who have it not,
and the body becomes holy.” — A Course in Miracles, M-12.5
If you are reading this note then clearly you are meant to hear about this new book ‘A Journey into the Unknown’. You will know within, if Journey's message
is for you at this time of the great turning of the world. If there is recognition and resonance in your heart, that's wonderful! If there is little or no resonance in
your heart, that's wonderful! If some parts of Journey resonate and some parts don't, that's wonderful too! There is no longer any right and wrong. Only freedom of
choice — whatever works for you in this present quantum moment. And only you know what that is. 💛Pause ❤️Breathe 🧡Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action
We are literally walking into the unknown. The only way forward with ease, is for each of us to listen in, trust our own knowing, and just do the next right thing.
Exactly as Queen Elsa and Princess Anna of Arendelle have so beautifully demonstrated in Frozen II.
The right thing arising with certainty from Source within. A certainty that's available only in the quantum now moment. As we return to our wholehearted selves in
zero-point/divine neutrality. Right actions in the Way of Jesus arising in joy, freedom, and power from within the all-inclusive embrace of the Way of Mary.
“Beloved brothers and sisters, You are the Accomplished.” — the elevated Self of form. Together we're CoCreating New Earth in sacred 5D form — a
wild and magical adventure that's only just begun! Read and/or listen to the first installment of ‘A Journey into the Unknown’
With love to all🌺
💛 Freedom
Happy 4th of July!🕸🌟🕸🌟🕸
“You cannot express yourself independently of the whole! It is as impossible as it would be for the finger to do so. And yet you think that this is
possible and that this is the meaning of free will. Free will does not make the impossible possible. It makes the possible probable. It is thus probable that you will
use your free will in order to be who you are. But it is not guaranteed! It is your choice and your choice alone that is the only guarantee. This is the meaning of free will.
To align your will with the Will of God is to make the choice for Christ-consciousness, to make the choice to be aware of who you truly are. To know your Self as my brother
or sister in Christ; to be the Body of Christ.” — A Course of Love, T4:5.9
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 Love is the Answer
Wednesday 1st July 2020
Precious Jewels 🕸💎🕸💎🕸💎🕸
Sharing with you all today a recent podcast I was invited to do with Laurel Elstrom and Lynn Kidd. Trusting you'll enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed
responding to their thoughtful questions. With so much love to all! 🌺
This is Episode #4 of our PODCAST, *Love Is the Answer*, hosted by Lynn Kidd and Laurel Elstrom. In this episode, Christina Strutt answers questions such
as “What does love mean to you?”, “How would you apply your approach to someone who is going through a really tough time?”,
“In what way could love be the answer to my depression?”, and more.
LOVE IS THE ANSWER is a podcast that explores the POWER OF LOVE in real life. We look for answers to the problems we face within our lives. What if the
solution is right within us? What if LOVE is the answer? In each episode, we ask our guests questions related to ordinary life situations, and let them share
their experiences with living from love.
Listen on YouTube
Or through any of these channels —
💛 The God Man
“.. You may wonder why it should matter whether this power be called Buddha or Allah, Muhammad or God. It matters not. The power of God
is not what is being spoken of here. It is our power that is being spoken of here. The power of the god man. The power of God brought into form. The power
of who we are rather than the power of who God is. God cares not what you call Him. God knows who He is. It is man who has known not who he is, and it is
through me that this knowing can be returned. This is simply the way it is It is not about being right or being wrong, about one being more and others less.
This is simply the way to sameness of being, to the reunion of all, from the holiest of the holy to the lowliest of the lowly. Had any of the holy men and
women who walked the way of the world since my time learned, accepted, and lived the teachings that have brought you to this point which I now would like
to lead you beyond, the world would be a different place. Have I not called you to a new time in which the conditions of learning exist no more? In which
the suffering and death that have obscured that love is the answer are banished, rejected, and a new world of love accepted in their place?” — A Course of Love, D:Day1.11-14
Here are the two posts on FaceBook