🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Twenty
Saturday 21st November 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
We welcomed five ‘new’ people into our weekly zoom conversation last Wednesday. Hailing from Michigan, Maine, and Brazil, they somehow
discovered the Journey website. Responding in perfect timing, exactly as is meant to happen with all willing hearts and minds everywhere. As the message
of Journey continues to be shared freely on the interwebs😉 it is surely taking on a life of its own. Wending its way organically into corners of the globe
beyond any linear means of tracking. Calling to all awakening souls to weave their own unique gifts into the web of the New. How fun and how perfect!
“Rejoice everyone, freedom is here. You are completely free to express your divinity as you please. You are free from anyone's attempt
to control you, and attempt they will... No one can truly control you and yet very few actually believe this. People are afraid to not buy into all of
society's “shoulds”. Please give yourself permission to not buy into anything that isn't 100% love... your feelings will let you know when you are
being asked to respond... Mature souls are always connected to source energy and they always know perfect timing. They always know the next right thing
to do. — A Journey Into the Unknown, J148
Today we're happy to announce Installment Twenty of A Journey Into the Unknown — Chapters 158 to 170. These thirteen punchy and revealing chapters
feel freshly custom-delivered for this intense 11/11 to 12/12 transformational passageway we are navigating. We will have two weeks to receive and
integrate the depth and the urgency of their message. And to respond to the unequivocal question asked in Chapter 159 — Right now, in 2020, will
you step up as a mature soul of love? What an exciting time to be activating a body on this planet! Enjoy the ride!
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating
Clarity YouTube Channel, and sign up to join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Twenty Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 158 Is your goal to be always bring love to the surface of your character?
✿ Ch 159 Right now, in 2020, will you step up as a mature soul of love?
✿ Ch 160 Are you ready to help produce “beautiful souls” in human form?
✿ Ch 161 Do you honor all living beings as intricate projects of soul?
✿ Ch 162 Are you aware that human life exists for the benefit of the soul?
✿ Ch 163 Are you ready to act as a soul having a human experience?
✿ Ch 164 Do you always ask to know what is in the best interests of love?
✿ Ch 165 Do you desire a relationship with the unseen world?
✿ Ch 166 Will you discard all your heavy baggage and travel lightly?
✿ Ch 167 Do you live as part of the tightly woven braid of the Christ Mind?
✿ Ch 168 Are you aware that every experience, thought, expression, and intention is recorded?
✿ Ch 169 Do you listen in unity, opening to communication without language?
✿ Ch 170 Are you willing to have your life review on earth in form, the ultimate goal?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Twenty of A Journey into the Unknown.
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
[ Photo credit Hermann, Pixabay ]
💛🌎 The Christ Mind
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“The Holy Spirit is the Christ Mind which is aware of the knowledge that lies beyond perception. He came into being with the separation
as a protection, inspiring the Atonement principle at the same time. Before that there was no need for healing, for no one was comfortless. The Voice of
the Holy Spirit is the Call to Atonement, or the restoration of the integrity of the mind. When the Atonement is complete and the whole Sonship is healed
there will be no Call to return. But what God creates is eternal. The Holy Spirit will remain with the Sons of God, to bless their creations and keep them
in the light of joy.” — A Course in Miracles, T-5.I.5
“The thoughts that come to you from unity can thus be seen as both your own thoughts and thoughts that arise from union. Union is not
other than you, as I am not other than you. Union includes you, just as the All of Everything, the whole of wholeness, the one of oneness, includes you.
We are, in unity, one body. We are, in Christ-consciousness, one Christ. We are, in wholeheartedness, one heart and one mind.”
— A Course of Love, D:12.19
“We each share the Christ Mind. Because you are in the world of form, you also have the body's brain to utilize or contend with, depending
on the moment. That's pretty much the only difference between you and me... The planet earth is where your souls awakened, grew, and took control of the
body/mind vehicle, with the Christ Mind and love in the forefront. This was no small feat. Together, we are the divine feminine and the divine masculine
energies. My energy combined with Mother Mary's energy, combined with all energies from the ascended masters, combined with all energies from the elevated
selves of form, create a tightly woven braid that makes up the Christ Mind.”
— A Journey Into the Unknown, J167
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Nineteen
Saturday 14th November 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
A great Zoom conversation last Wednesday, with people joining from Spain, the UK, Canada, and across the US including Hawaii. All of us reading this
newsletter are navigating this time of uncertainty, each in our own way. The shape of the next several months unknown, and unlikely to be known, until
the moment it is known, because it is actually happening! Our call on the 11/11 gateway served as an oasis of calm sanity, and faith. Sharing a quiet
yet action-oriented knowing that everything is unfolding perfectly and in perfect timing for everyone. The theme of Union remains very much alive and
applicable for all.
“There is no spirit being that has a magic potion to make the earth into a paradise. It will require the work of each one of you joined
with legions of spirit beings to pull this off. The idea that I would or even could descend from the sky and solve everyone's problems is ludicrous.
We all have to solve them together. Not you by yourself or me by myself. All of us together. The awakened in union with me, will work together to
awaken sleeping souls, one soul at a time.” — A Journey Into the Unknown,
Today we continue our Journey Into the Unknown, with Installment Nineteen (Ch 148-157).
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel.
Sign up and join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Nineteen Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 148 Do you feel free to not buy into anything that isn't 100% love?
✿ Ch 149 Do you respond to love with radical daring, whenever it calls?
✿ Ch 150 Do your choices always make you feel good?
✿ Ch 151 Do you live as an example life, blessing and sharing resources?
✿ Ch 152 Are you in the habit of checking in frequently with spirit?
✿ Ch 153 Are you always giving love both silently and demonstratively?
✿ Ch 154 Do you focus on your own soul's assignments, not on other souls' parts?
✿ Ch 155 Will you stop resisting and let your soul lead you from here?
✿ Ch 156 Do you trust that all your knowings come from the Christ Mind?
✿ Ch 157 Are you always aware you are an eternal soul not a character?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Nineteen of A Journey into the Unknown.
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
💛🌍 Freedom
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“Love is freedom. To look for it by placing yourself in bondage is to separate yourself from it. For the Love of God, no longer seek for union
in separation, nor for freedom in bondage! As you release, so will you be released. Forget this not, or Love will be unable to find you and comfort
you.” — A Course in Miracles, T-16.VI.2
“Creation of the new has begun. We are an interactive part of this creative act of a loving Creator... What will the future hold?
It is up to us dear brothers and sisters. It is up to us acting as one body, one mind, one heart. It is up to us creating as one body, one mind, one heart.
Because it is the new future of a new form joined in unity and relationship, the only guarantees that are known to us is that it will be a future of love,
a future without fear, a future with unlimited freedom.” — A Course of Love, T4:12.34-35
“A life that is filled to the brim with all kinds of demands and obligations isn't really free at all. None of you have ever truly experienced
freedom in form. It has been a lot of hardship and drudgery with just a little bit of rest and relaxation thrown in. Even your holidays are stress inducing..
The goal of complete freedom is to be able to respond to love whenever it may call, and you will never know when that may be... Be radical and daring because
love is radical, daring, and free.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J149.1,3,5
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 Both/And — A Love Story
Saturday 7th November 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Both/And has been a theme I've translated and lived as best I can ever since I was little. Perhaps in part because I've lived in four countries, ‘outside’ the system
and as a ‘minority’ in all of them. A theme lived with more success at times than at others. With many tears and teasing — a dismissive nickname for instance in my
corporate career was “little miss oneness”. For I was always seeing the invisible spaces in between, and the Indra's Net of Jewels of the Whole. Working overtime to see
through everyone's eyes and advocating for focus on relationship, which to me is everything! As it is in Quantum space and time as I've come to see and understand!😁 Grief is an ever
present companion for me at the moment — grief that it had to come to this, for us (the larger us) to begin to pay attention. Tears transmute the pain. And of course there
are ‘attacks’ or ‘calls for love’ along the way too, some more veiled than others. For whatever reason, unity and relationship with all of everything, whilst
discerning what is mine to do, with complete abandon, freedom, and joy ... is extremely threatening to many. No matter! With love, and with each other, we enfold all in our embrace
and simply keep going. Bless you all🔥who have discovered this post. Enjoy my words, and these three amazing people as your hearts prompt. With so much love🌺
Here's something that I trust will open hearts, breathe some space into us, and spark more than a glimmer of hope. I hope it will spark action within and without,
in clarity that it is truly up to each one of us to bring our light to the darkness. We are being called right here and now, to BOTH love deeply — ourselves, our country,
every person we encounter, the planet, the world — AND at the same time, face the truth of what is in front of us and speak it. Silence is consent. If nothing else, may
this post stir our souls as we ponder the meaning of the results of the US election.
It was Marianne Williamson's book ‘A Return to Love’ (her experience of living ‘A Course in Miracles’), via an Oprah Winfrey Show in 1992,
which set me squarely on my path home to myself, living as both human
and divine. No separation. Both/And. Every person uniquely distinct within the whole. Relationship is everything. Facing duality — love and the call for love — within
the embrace of our ONEness. A theme that has been on my radar in solid pragmatic ways since 1984 when I began exploring software systems engineering in my job. The recognition
and relief I felt back then, as I read the straightforward message of her own experience, was life-changing.
Here she is in conversation with one of my favorite journalists Anand Giridharadas. Two brilliant and controversial lights in my world whom I enjoy. Both are wholehearted beings,
enlightened enough to hold it all — both the light and the darkness. Both are unafraid to buck the system, their words overflowing in love enough to tell the truth with fierce
compassion and understanding, without blaming nor shaming. In this show they go deep, exploring the absence of curiosity and love for each other, as a cause of fear, division,
and duality. And our inability or unwillingness to embrace Both/And as the root cause of the state of our world. Enjoy!
Read an excerpt.
And watch the full podcast.
💛 Win-Win-Win
Monday 9th November
And today I'm sharing another striking Both/And Love Story! A Win-Win-Win Story as he calls it from John Mackey, Founder and CEO of Wholefoods, whom many love and whom many
more love to hate! Colin and I listened yesterday on our drive down and back for our son #1's socially distanced birthday celebration.
John Mackey is an ordinary yet extraordinary man who lives LOVE in his own uniquely authentic and imperfectly perfect way. Who visited with me here in Westford one afternoon
24 years ago. Sitting on the couch in my living room, engaging in three hours of wholehearted and animated conversation about how we were truly living the principles of A Course
in Miracles every single day in our work. Him in the whole foods business. And me in the networks and communications systems business. I've never forgotten that afternoon!
No one ever said that living as our true selves, both human and divine, was an easy proposition! It is a courageous choice that we make for ourselves one moment at a time,
as best we can. With love🌺
Listen to the story and/or read the transcript of the 4 Nov Freakonomics podcast, Episode #438
💛 Conscious Capitalism
Update, Tuesday 10th November
John Mackey also cofounded the Conscious Capitalism movement in 1990 based on the foundational bedrock of Love in action, Both/And. It was his impulse to share the experience
of putting the principles of Love (A Course in Miracles) into practice as he grew Whole Foods (founded in 1980 in Austin, Texas) from a garage farmers market into a thriving business.
Along with Raj Sisodia (then at Bentley University, MA), the movement has been growing rapidly and quietly these past three decades. You'd be surprised to know how many and which
of of your favorite businesses are a part of Conscious Capitalism.
“The movement is oriented around four major pillars. First, every company has the potential for a higher purpose than just maximizing profits. Second, all
stakeholders matter — not just the shareholders — and business must create value for all of them. Third, a different, more conscious type of leadership — one that
is less about enhancing its own wealth and power and more about serving the organization and the stakeholders — is needed in the world today. And finally, companies need to
create cultures in which people can flourish and develop their potential.” — John Mackey
In this episode of the Fortune Magazine podcast, Leadership Next (8 Oct 2020),
John gives a pretty good overview of his lived vision and hopes. Enjoy as your heart prompts. God Bless John Mackey and God Bless all who discover this post. Sharing with so much love🌺
💛 Cause and Effect
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“Cause and effect are one, not separate. God wills you learn what always has been true: that He created you as part of Him, and this must still be true because
ideas leave not their source... Trust is the foundation on which their ability to fulfill their function rests. Perception is the result of learning. In fact, perception is learning,
because cause and effect are never separated. The teachers of God have trust in the world, because they have learned it is not governed by the laws the world made up. It is governed
by a power that is in them but not of them. It is this power that keeps all things safe. It is through this power that the teachers of God look on a
forgiven world.” — A Course In Miracles, T-26.VII.13, M-4.I.1
“God remains God who is one in being with all, and God also is given form, or is, in other words, differentiated. God is All in All... Through differentiation,
God is you as you are God. God retains oneness of being and also becomes a being in union and relationship—in short—a being in union and relationship with you. Yet you do not disappear
or cease to be. You are not replaced by God whom you have always been one with in being. You simply accept the truth of being and the truth of being in union and relationship.
Both at the same time. Both/and rather than either/or. Cause and Effect. Means and End. You accept the end of choice and the beginning of
creation.” — A Course of Love, D:Day36.17-18.
“You have done it all my friends. You have seen life through so many lenses... Each microdroplet or soul has not done all of this. But we have accomplished it collectively.
Because as you know, we all swim in the same ocean. We are one being and we are one consciousness, while also being the many within the one. We are both. It is not either/or. It is literally
true here. You are not having a weird type of hallucination, as some would lead you to believe... What is true of you is also true of everyone. One day, everyone will become cause and effect,
all wrapped up in a cohesive package.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J2.5-6,
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Eighteen
Saturday 7th November 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
A fun zoom conversation Wednesday, sharing experiences of trusting that the most benevolent outcomes are unfolding, expecting the unexpected and being surprised
“in a spectacularly magical way” (J130.2)
“The universe is actually highly organized and benevolent. Everyone is given what they need when they need
it (J90.5)... Expect the unexpected because not only will “you” be showing up but so
will “we”. The entire plot can change, due to the power of love that is being infused (J133.4)...
Expect the unexpected when we start appearing in your life. The more you open up to us, the more unexpected surprises will arrive (J134.1)
Today we continue our Journey Into the Unknown, with Installment Eighteen (Ch 138-147).
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel,
and join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Eighteen Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 138 Are you ready to live here as a spirit being infusing the earth with love?
✿ Ch 139 Can you see the content, love, inside everyone and everything?
✿ Ch 140 Are you raising children with love in the truth of their being?
✿ Ch 141 Have you stopped with the shoulds, coulds, supposed tos, and musts?
✿ Ch 142 Do you bring light everywhere you go and bless everyone you see?
✿ Ch 143 Are you freeing yourself to be You in the present moment?
✿ Ch 144 How can you support someone's initial awakening process?
✿ Ch 145 How could anything but wonderful things happen to an aspect of God?
✿ Ch 146 Are you joined to spirit in union as both cause and effect, not either or?
✿ Ch 147 Do you shine as a shimmering jewel whose peace is so strong it can never be stolen?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Eighteen of A Journey into the Unknown.
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
💛🌎 Union
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“Such is my will for you and your brother, and for each of you for one another and for himself. Here there is only holiness and joining without limit. For what is Heaven
but union, direct and perfect, and without the veil of fear upon it? Here are we one, looking with perfect gentleness upon each other and on ourselves. Here all thoughts of any separation
between us become impossible. You who were a prisoner in separation are now made free in Paradise. And here would I unite with you, my friend, my brother and
Self” — A Course in Miracles, T-20.III.10
“Bring your voice to this continuing dialogue. This is all that is asked of you. This is the gift you have been given and the gift you bring the world: your own voice,
the voice of Who You Are This is not a voice of separation or of the separated self but a voice of union and of the One Self. It is how union is expressed and made recognizable in form.
It is what will usher in the new and change the world. It cannot be accomplished without you—without your ability to stand in unity and relationship as
The Accomplished.” — A Course of Love, D:A.49
“There is no spirit being that has a magic potion to make the earth into a paradise. It will require the work of each one of you joined with legions of spirit beings
to pull this off. The idea that I would or even could descend from the sky and solve everyone's problems is ludicrous. We all have to solve them together. Not you by yourself or me by myself.
All of us together. The awakened in union with me, will work together to awaken sleeping souls, one soul at a
time.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J138.3-4
Here are the two posts on FaceBook
