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💛🌎 Completion and Sharing
A Journey Into The Unknown
Newsletter, Thursday 31st December 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Sharing with blessings for 2021 and with so much love to all 🌺
Today's newsletter concludes the first original offering of ‘A Journey Into the Unknown’. With so much gratitude to all who have answered the call
and participated in every way, this particular ‘assignment’ is now complete. These past nine months have been a blessing, a joy, and b***dy hard work!😃
It has been a choiceless choice, a challenge gladly accepted that continues to transmogrify me in delightful ways I am discovering each day. Pausing now in
stillness at the start of the new year, 2021. Resting in zero-point neutrality, observing all, willing and available, I am listening for however love moves me next.
“You are each the resurrection and the life. You can introduce what used to be esoteric and almost forbidden knowledge to anyone who asks. You are this
knowledge. The truth has come to claim the earth as its own. Your life will never be the same, and in many ways, it is just beginning. Let us continue our individual
and collective journeys into the unknown, where love and freedom reign supreme. Who knows where love will take us?” —
Be sure to sign Up for the Journey Newsletter if you'd like to receive notifications
of future zoom conversations, events, or new materials being offered.
The message of Journey is rippling out into the world in new ways both known and unknown. Gathering momentum and taking on a powerful life of its own!
Living your own example life at the very foundation, we invite you to join in the fun, sharing the message of Journey and your lived experiences as your heart
prompts, in your own unique way. Check out the new RESOURCES webpage for ways to
connect, and for existing Journey materials that make it easier for you to share on social media.
And do contact us If you would like to host a regular Journey conversation
online or in person.
We ask that with all material adapted and/or shared from the Journey website, you please include this Copyright Notice and URL — “© 2020 Richard
Curtis Greathouse, A Journey into the Unknown,”
And encourage your audience to visit the website to experience Journey for themselves. We would also love for you to share with us all adapted forms of this
material you are creating, and all the new places you are reaching.
So we may link them together on the Journey Resources page.
Each one of us is stepping up, discovering and claiming the strand of shimmering golden thread that is uniquely ours and essential to the whole. Weaving a
seamless tapestry of light across the globe, ushering in a new era of Freedom, Power, and Joy. Together CoCreating a kinder, gentler, more compassionate and
inclusive world with spaciousness for all of Love's expressions. Birthing a SOULfull New Earth through our everyday unconditional loving and indiscriminate
blessing of all.
Who knows where love will take us?
With blessings for 2021🔥 and with love♥️ to all,
Christina 🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Here are the posts on FaceBook

💛🌎 Giving and Receiving as One
A Journey Into The Unknown
Newsletter, Saturday 26th December 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Listening to our favorite carols, writing this newsletter on Christmas morning, blessing all who receive it on Boxing Day and beyond, I am filled with
gratitude and wonder for all that has transpired to bring us to this moment of completion together. What a Journey it has been! And what a Joy to know
with certainty that the best is yet to come as we continue, alone together on our Journey into the Unknown!
We had a lively Journey zoom call last Wednesday 23rd December, talking of how we are moving forward living example lives of freedom, loving unconditionally
and blessing indiscriminately. And of the new ways we each might share the message of Journey. Examples include in-person groups, zoom groups, sharing an
installment each week for twenty two weeks in online groups we are a part of, or simply sharing on our own FaceBook pages.
Signup and join us next Wednesday 30th December to share your own heart prompts,
as we conclude this first offering of A Journey Into the Unknown and launch our first next steps.
Today we're delighted to announce that you can listen to all twenty-two audio installment recordings of Journey on the
CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel. With many thanks to Jo-Ann Chinn
who created this Journey adaption and shared it with us, giving and receiving as one! And with special thanks to Rak Dixit who courageously, first introduced
Journey on Tina Spalding's Channeling Jesus Community subscription platform, reaching many folk studying A Course in Miracles, including Jo-Ann.
And we also announce today, with gratitude to Jacques Tétrault and Maryse Thomas, that the final three Journey installments 20, 21, and 22 are now available
in French on the Journey website. Enjoy!
Living your own example life at the foundation, we invite you to share the message of Journey, and your experiences in your own unique way, and as your heart
prompts. All we ask is that with all material adapted and/or shared from the Journey website, you please include this Copyright Notice and URL —
“© 2020 Richard Curtis Greathouse, A Journey into the Unknown, ” And encourage your audience to visit the
website to experience Journey for themselves.
Follow Journey and join in the exchanges on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity. And enjoy video recordings of the six months of weekly Journey Installment
Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel
With a special shout-out today to my invaluable CoCreatrix Jo Nagle who is constantly enhancing Journey's online presence, infusing every bit, byte,
and pixel of her work (along with every particle of my being) with so much joy and love. Without her expertise none of this would have been possible.
She is a blessing indeed!
Sharing with you today with gratitude, this message that came through Journey's First Receiver, Rick Greathouse —
“It is I, Jesus. Today is a day of new beginnings. Train your mind to always see it this way. “Same old same old” isn't in
our vocabulary… life provides subtle clues and inspiration more often than imposed change. This is where each of you come in. You are creators now in your
own right. You co-create by responding to loving inspiration… So, tell me, what do you feel inspired to do? What will be your new beginning?”
Who knows where love is taking us?
With blessings and love to all,
Christina 🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Here are the posts on FaceBook

💛🌎 Endings and Beginnings
A Journey Into The Unknown
Newsletter, Saturday 19th December 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
‘A Journey into the Unknown’ is now complete — shaped, formed, and offered freely on the Journey website.
If you would like to receive notifications of future zoom conversations, events, or new materials we may be prompted to create in support of our movement,
please do Sign Up for the Journey Newsletter. As we go forward alone together
on our collective journey into the unknown, this will be a good way to stay in touch. And do let others know to sign up too if they're interested.
Journey is rippling outwards, taking on a life of its own. We will be hosting a “working” Zoom call on Wednesday 23rd, and on Wednesday
30th December — to talk about the future of Journey Conversations. Register
and join us on either/both dates if you would like to host a weekly Journey zoom conversation at a day and time that suits you; or if you have other ideas,
thoughts, heart-prompts as to how you would like to contribute, cocreate, participate in this ever-expanding movement into the New.
Living your own example life at the foundation, we invite you to share the message of Journey, and your experiences in your own unique way, and as your
heart prompts. All we ask is that with all material adapted and/or shared from the Journey website, you please include this Copyright Notice and URL —
“© 2020 Richard Curtis Greathouse, A Journey into the Unknown,”.
And also please encourage your audience to visit the website and experience Journey for themselves. “Who knows where love will take us?”
— J190
Follow Journey and join in the exchanges on the on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity. And enjoy video recordings of the six months of weekly Journey Installment
Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel.
Sharing with you today this message Rick received, Saturday 28th November — “It is I, the one known as Jesus. I wish to talk to you today
about endings. Endings and new beginnings blend together. We are approaching an end point with the release of Journey and we are also approaching a new beginning
for it, as well as for each of you. Endings can be difficult but they can also be freeing and joyous. We celebrate where we have been and where we find ourselves
now. We let life be in the driver's seat, while we gaze out the windows in the passenger seats. Life always gives us beautiful, wonderful things that unfold in
mysterious ways. If life wants your help, your expertise, in unfolding and opening up something that may need a little help, a little encouragement, a little
love, to manifest, then know that this is why life has brought you here to this place. Don't get too attached. Get back into the car and let life take you to
the next destination. Accept endings. Feel your feelings about them and then journey onward to the next stop. Love, your ship captain, Jesus”
With blessings and love to all,
Christina 🌺
Here are the posts on FaceBook
💛 The Serpent, the Spiral, and the Solstice
Wednesday 16th December 2020
Precious Jewels 🕸💎🕸💎🕸
A massive snowstorm (18" to 24" predicted) is beginning outdoors tonight, the ground already dusted in sparkling white crystals. And indoors, I am reveling
in the powerful alchemical movement that's palpably afoot in service of Love expressing in form on the planet. A New Earth arising — a kinder, gentler,
more equitable way for all. The Divine Feminine (inclusive of the Divine Masculine) arising within and through us — men and women alike. I cannot yet
crystallize and distill all that I am feeling, all that I am coming to know, nor the depths of the not knowing still to be plumbed. But I am paying attention.
There are many clues arising. So this evening I'm simply going to share these bread crumbs with you, and invite each of you to explore as your heart prompts
and weave your own meaning out of it all. Do share with me if you'd like to. I would love to hear your stories! With so much love 🌺
🍞 Preparing the final Installment of ‘A Journey Into the Unknown’ eight days ago,
I just knew that the image meant for the lead Chapter 181, was the Serpent and the Spiral. A beautiful stone mosaic art created by my sisStar Sally a few weeks
ago on the mesa in Abiquiu, New Mexico. (Second image on the right) The chapter asks us
“Do you know who you are in truth, and are you truly free to love? Ask your own
true self, your soul, to show your brain where its blinders and roadblocks are. Be willing to look at them honestly and let them go their own way. Be more free
today than yesterday. Be more loving today than yesterday. The love lifestyle takes more bravery than being a member of a totalitarian elite military force.
Think about this for a while. You are almost there my friends. Allow yourself to be bitten by the snake that is love.” —
🍞 I've always been drawn to Mary Magdalene, a woman who was as reviled as she was loved. Courageously and freely being who she was, even as she was ostracized
by many. She's almost an obsession with me, this identification with a woman who wasn't afraid to be a bad-ass. Who didn't care what people said about her.
Who wasn't afraid to hone the capacity of her lightbody/soul, right down and dirty, within the messiness and grief of real life. No spiritual by-passing for us!
This channeling from her, shared with me four years ago by the same sisStar Sally as I faced a rare form of cancer, popped forward on my radar seven days
ago — Compassionate Heart. Alongside dear sisStar Sajit inviting me
to join the Facebook Group ‘Mary Magdalene’s Great Passage: 29 Nov to 21 Dec’! Then of course there's
‘Mirari: The Way of the Marys’ through precious Mari,
available just six days ago. And also a deeply personal and meaningful set of messages from Mary Magdalene received via my dear friend Rick at my request,
that pushed me into a lengthy whole body, ugly cry three days ago. And just yesterday I ordered Pamela Kribbe's
‘The Forbidden Female Speaks’ a channeling from Mary Magdalene
recommended by a new friend from Tina Spalding's ACIM community.
🍞 Then there's Mary Magdalene's followers the Cathars. Would you believe my maiden name is Catherasoo (சதாராசு)? (Equally often spelled Catharasoo) I've always
known the ‘asoo’ (pronounced yaysoo) was Jesus. And after the discoveries I wrote about back in August in the piece called
‘Squatting’ I began to wonder if the ‘cather’
was for the ‘Cathars’ — the Latin root word meaning ‘pure’. It was back then that my sisStar Lori shared with me the
Cathar Creed — the Cathar Prophecy of 1244 AD. It blew me away! (Third image on the right) It describes New Earth!
🍞 And this evening as I sit down and put my feet up after completing the final Journey Zoom Conversation work. I open a new email about the Upcoming Solstice
Solar Portal, and find this mystical image of Serpent and Snake at Uluru! (Fourth image on the right) I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried! Here's an excerpt
— “We began on the 12/12 portal that opened to the Abundance and Compassion of the Divine Feminine... On the day of the Solstice, the power planets
Jupiter and Saturn will be conjunct at 0 degrees of Aquarius, which is believed to be a potent symbol of the start of the new Age of Aquarius. This conjunction
will be visible in the sky as the two planets will seem like one bright star. A new Christmas Star signalling the return of the Christ Consciousness to Earth.
Archangel Michael also speaks of the Return of the Feminine Christ and the frequency of Mary Magdalene to the Earth in 2021. This is exactly 800 years since the
prophecy in 1321 that the Cathars (followers of Mary Magdalene) would return to the Earth.” — Celia Fenn.
And here's an article on the significance of the Serpent and Spiral, and
‘The Great Ngaltawaddi Ceremony’ at Uluru on the Solstice, with many
thanks to sisStar🌟 Lori♥️.
Here are the posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Twenty Two
Saturday 12th December 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Today we're pleased to announce the concluding installment of the epic adventure called ‘A Journey into the Unknown’. This is Installment Twenty Two,
Chapters 181 to 190. It is a bittersweet moment of joy for the graceful culmination of nine months of work, and sorrow that for now, we appear to have arrived at
the conclusion of this delicious book.
It is time for the training wheels to come off. For each one of us, wild and courageous hearts that we are, to stride out into the world. Ever more resolute,
free of evaluative judgment, blessing every one indiscriminately, loving unconditionally, and taking action as prompted. Truly this is what it means to live in union
and relationship as a distinct, unique expression Love — the Elevated Self of Form. Resting as the presence of Love in the Way of Mary, yet ever willing and
available, listening and responding in the Way of Jesus as called.
“No one has to look far for life's mysteries, because they are within each of you. You are each the resurrection and the life... The truth has
come to claim the earth as its own. Your life will never be the same, and in many ways, it is just beginning. Let us continue our individual and collective journeys
into the unknown where love and freedom reign supreme. Who knows where love will take us?” — J190.2-4.
Be sure to sign up on the Journey website to receive email notifications of any future
Zoom Conversations, events, and new materials we may be prompted to create in support of our collective journey into the unknown. And enjoy video recordings of all
Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel
Interest in Journey is growing. Last week, participants in our Conversation included folk from England, Wales, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and across the US.
Momentum is also building within on-line ACIM, ACOL, and other spiritual communities. So today we offer these ‘Guidelines for Sharing’ which encourage
the rippling movement of Journey out into the world, while preserving the integrity of its message for a long time to come.
“This website is the sacred official container for the complete original received material of the book ‘A Journey Into the Unknown’,
registered with the Library of Congress' Office of Copyright. The material includes all Text, Audio, Images, and PDFs contained herein, and is offered to all as an
invitation to live in freedom as the energy of Love in form, on this planet, now. Together, like a living breathing organism, the materials cradle you in a wholehearted
mind, body, and soul experience of the message. With all material adapted and/or shared from this website anywhere else, we ask that you please include this Copyright
Notice and URL — “© 2020 Richard Curtis Greathouse, A Journey into the Unknown,”,
and that you encourage your audience to visit here. We would also love for you to share with us, all adapted form(s) of this material you are creating, and all the
new place(s) you are reaching. We thank you and bless you, for living deeply into and sharing the powerful message of A Journey Into the Unknown.
With blessings and love to all,
Rick and Christina 🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Twenty Two Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 181 Are you truly free to love, more free and loving today than yesterday?
✿ Ch 182 Do you think with love as your guide regardless of anyone's opinion?
✿ Ch 183 Do you practice simply observing rather than judging?
✿ Ch 184 Are you incapable of anything but love and forgiveness?
✿ Ch 185 Do you use cooperation not competition to create benefit for everyone?
✿ Ch 186 Are you aware your powerful blessings influence souls like never before?
✿ Ch 187 Do you assume everyone needs your indiscriminate blessing?
✿ Ch 188 Does your work flow with ease though you're busier than ever?
✿ Ch 189 Do you know that you are part of God, a reflection of love?
✿ Ch 190 Who knows where love will take us?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Twenty Two of A Journey into the Unknown.
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
[ Artwork/Photo credit Sally Patton, Helen Burke, Kimball Farm ]
💛🌎 Our Journey
Sharing with blessings and so much love to all 🌺
“No one in this distracted world but has seen some glimpses of the other world about him. Yet while he still lays value on his own, he will deny the
vision of the other, maintaining that he loves what he loves not, and following not the road that love points out. Love leads so gladly! As you follow Him, you will
rejoice that you have found His company, and learned of Him the joyful journey home. You wait but for yourself. To give this sad world over and exchange your errors
for the peace of God is but your will. And Christ will always offer you the Will of God, in recognition that you share it with Him.” — A Course in Miracles, T-13.VII.6
“You who have come close to truth only to turn your back and refuse to see it, turn around and look once again. You have traveled your path and the
end of the journey is in sight. You stand at the precipice with a view of the new world glittering with all the beauty of heaven set off at just a little distance in
a golden light. When you could have seen this sight you turned your back and sighed, looking back on a world familiar to you, and choosing it instead... you know that
choosing heaven is the only true way to change the world. It is the exchange of one world for another... believe that you, in union with God, can ... leave behind the
old and choose a new way, a way in which you become the accomplished, and in your accomplishment bring the new into being?” —
A Course of Love, C:P.16-17
“Now what? Is your journey finished? I'm telling you now that it is only just beginning. Your new role is to light the way for those who have gotten
lost in this oftentimes frightening adventure. Love will serve as your flashlight. There isn't a medal or trophy at the end... There is however, the pleasure of knowing
that you are serving the Creator of All Things in the highest and most noble manner possible... You are a shining beacon in the fog, a testament to the power of love.
You are ready to move forward with me and all of your brothers and sisters, on to a journey into the unknown. It is with great gratitude that I thank each reader of
this book for your time, willingness, and dedication. Let us continue our individual and collective journeys into the unknown, where love and freedom reign supreme.
Who knows where love will take us?” — A Journey Into the Unknown J130.2-3,
J180.3-4, J190.4.
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 MIRARI: The Way of the Marys
Thursday 10th December 2020
Precious Jewels of my Heart 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Today I am delighted to share with you the long awaited new book from Mari Perron, First Receiver of A Course of Love — ‘MIrari: The Way of the Marys’.
I love the word ‘MIrari’ which captures for me the wonder, awe, and astonishment of the miracle of the New! And I equally love that the book’s subtitle
is not ‘The Way of Mary’, but rather it is ‘The Way of the Marys’. For with the simple addition of four characters (‘the’ and
‘s’) we are unequivocally reminded that the essence of the New is the passionate neutrality of our individual will joined as One with Divine Will Making this
sacred choice, a choiceless choice that not one of us can fulfill alone, but only together as ‘The Marys’. In truth MIRARI is a timeless, beautifully intimate,
and revealing dialogue across two thousand years of linear time, between two extraordinarily ordinary women, Mari Perron and Mary of Nazareth, Mother of Jesus.
Sharing the words that flowed after I experienced MIRARI myself —
“MIRARI moves through me with a firm velvety fist, gently shocking my system into new levels of wakefulness. Simultaneously pummeling and soothing with
words that pierce my heart and stir my sleeping belly (and womb). Awakening ancient and current pains and possibilities deeply embedded within me, and in the feminine
psyche of all of humanity, men and women alike. It is as if time folds in on itself drawing the reader into the infinite net that weaves each of our unique expressions
and experiences into the oneness of life itself. MIRARI calls us to retrieve our very own bit of this shimmering golden thread as we fearlessly descend into the brutal
beauty and messiness of life as it is. And through our tears, reclaim the wonder and alchemy of our collective power to anchor the New — a kinder, gentler, equitable
world that values and serves all”
As Mary Oliver reminds us in her magical poem ‘Evidence’ — “Keep some room in your heart for the Unimaginable”!
And here is Mari's heartfelt message to all of us. Enjoy!
With so much love to all 🌺
“Dear Readers of A Course of Love,
More than likely, many of you may have heard the 2020 decade spoken of as the decade of the feminine. I have felt this to tremendous effect. Here, at the end of the first
year of this promising period, I am releasing Book 1 of a trilogy that expands on A Course of Love’s way of Mary. Jesus gave us a preview of Mary's way almost twenty
years ago (I completed The Dialogues in October 2001.) In it, he said we were preparing for the way of Mary. The time has now arrived.
Mirari: The Way of the Marys
I do not recall having knowledge of this feminine decade, myself, when I began this dialogue with Mary of Nazareth. Our initial encounter came in 2013 but I did not
embrace this new work fully until we began again in 2018.
At the beginning of this year, I took a sabbatical to begin to put together what had been written . . . and never emerged. I thought many times that I “ought to”
be reaching out during this isolating and frightening time in the world, but my year became a year not only of deep immersion with Holy Mary, but of leaving “ought to”
thoughts and actions behind. It took a while to free myself of guilt and shoulds. The highly scheduled life I had been living contained a lot of those. As I let it all go,
I slowly became confident that my time was being spent in the most essential way it could be—doing what is mine to do.
You too, can call on Mary to be with you. You too, can allow yourself to be transformed. What I felt emerging in myself, (slowly . . . as you will see as you read Mirari),
is confidence in my gift and the power that sharing these words, spoken so intimately between Mary and I, will have. They light the way for our movement out of
“the old,” the very movement that Jesus called us to in A Course of Love.
I would like to welcome you to this movement. It will carry to you, a sense of belonging in the life and the time in which you are living, and reveal your destiny as a
creator of The New. From my earliest contact with Holy Mary, she sought to transform my “resistance” to carrying on in an old way, into a passion to create in a
new way. Reclaiming the creative feminine energy that has been lost, we emerge for the birth of new life. We can each live in a new way.
A key reference for the initial awkwardness of this time arrived in The Dialogues with the realization that acceptance includes accepting that we have dislikes. This
liberating idea can mean that we allow ourselves to choose not to participate in some things. With that freedom, a sense of devotion to what is ours to do can at last arise.
We commit ourselves to where our energy is most drawn to be. There, we are at our most expansive. You and I have no need to avail ourselves of anything that is “more
of the same” as we begin to realize our worth. As you and I are empowered with free will, The New arises in us and we feel how much we belong in the new time that is birthing.
This is especially true for women and men in whom the feminine is arising. Through the alure of The New, along with the sympathetic understanding that Mary offers, you
and I begin to heal and to feel free of the old. We begin to accept all, rather than some of our feelings, and to sense the power of creation that rests within them.
This happened slowly in me, and so this personal account will not arise as pressure to quickly achieve a new state. There is no value to “achieve.” Mary's way,
and our feminine way, is just the opposite. It lets us slow down and realize the wonder of Mirari (“Mirari” is Holy Mary's way of expressing wonder). Wonder
captivates us. As its beauty is found, both within and without, we are readied to embrace the grief we carry from the time of learning Through our grief we are lifted to
a new beginning. We can't turn back. The new age is here and is extending as we open space for it to arrive.
As distracting thoughts and activities fall away, spaciousness opens us to The New. We are “literally” birthing The New and our undivided attention is required.
In this devoted responsiveness we find unity We begin the sometimes-slow movement to no longer being split by conflicting aims. Our potential is untapped. As I heard on Day 24
of The Dialogues: We are “the virgin, the pregnant, the birth, and the new life.” And this “is the way of the world as well as the way of creation.”
I invite and encourage you to receive Mirari in sacred solitude. Let it wash over you. There is nothing here to learn. Nothing needs to be discussed. Here, you are to
become reacquainted with intimacy. Here, you are soothed into acceptance of who “you” are. Being who you are is your liberation from all you have been taught
you are, and from your need to seek instruction in how to better yourself. Here, you begin to see yourself as you were created and desire to be.
You will know when to share.
When you do, call on Mary's assurance that sharing deeply will draw forth the knowing and being known that is our deepest and most hidden desire. Knowing and being know
is our very entrance into the way of the Marys and the way of The New. It is the felt-knowing that is our birthright, and the sense by which we will navigate this fluid wave
of our quickening, our movement to The New.
In the wonder of new life,
Mari Perron”
Mirari: The Way of the Marys
Kindle version is available on Amazon now.
Paperback version is available for order on Amazon now!
I just ordered mine! Enjoy!
Here are the posts on FaceBook
🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Twenty One
Saturday 5th December 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
We have enjoyed two lovely Journey Zoom conversations since I last wrote (Wednesday 25th November and Wednesday 3rd December). Along with the messages for us that Rick
is receiving pretty much daily from the spirit world, our experience of union broadens and deepens. Union with each other on the zoom call. Union with all who enjoy the
video recordings on the YouTube channel. Union with all willing hearts who are drawn to explore A Journey Into the Unknown. And truly a sense of union with all of everything
both seen and unseen. All of us are being invited to open to our gift of a ‘Sixth Sense’, and get accustomed to the very present and newly available seamlessness of the
known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen worlds. For ‘they’ are all clearly assembled simply awaiting our desire and sincere invitation to pop forward and assist us.
What an unprecedented time!
“Souls that have grown to the point where they operate more than 50% of a mind/body vehicle's operating system, have enabled it to have awakened to a
sixth sense, and a desire for a relationship with the unseen world. These souls will be allowed to reincarnate here moving forward. We consider them 4D. Love guides these
bodies more than not. You are already noticing this in younger generations. Controlling what level of soul can incarnate here, and implementing our mature soul (5D)
influencing plan, will both work together to help us reclaim the earth. What are we reclaiming it from?
The separate will.” — Journey, J165.
Today we announce the penultimate (I've always wanted to legitimately use that word!😃) installment of A Journey Into the Unknown — Chapters 171 to 180,
Installment Twenty One. These ten powerful chapters continue to sound the clarion call to Oneness. To living label-free, as divine HUman BEings, the pure energy of Love in Form.
To expressing resistance-free unconditional love and indiscriminate blessing as if our lives depended upon it. For indeed they do! And to have a ton of fun while we're doing it!
With much gratitude to Jacques Tétrault and Maryse Thomas, we are also very glad to announce the French Translation
of Installments Eleven through Nineteen — Chapters 72 to 157. Enjoy!
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel
and sign up to join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Twenty One Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 171 Are you aware of your own resistance to giving love?
✿ Ch 172 Will you help earth be a resistance-free place to create and extend love?
✿ Ch 173 Are you having fun serving, giving, and simply being love 24/7?
✿ Ch 174 Does love always inform you what the next right thing to do is?
✿ Ch 175 Do you remember your own metamorphosis as you share what is needed?
✿ Ch 176 Do you express love moment to moment label and identity-free?
✿ Ch 177 Are you ready to learn how to only feel love all of the time?
✿ Ch 178 Do you gauge energy rather than what characters do or don't do?
✿ Ch 179 Can you understand the human condition and not be at all bothered by it at the same time?
✿ Ch 180 Will you be a shining beacon in the fog as we move on to a journey into the unknown?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Twenty One of A Journey into the Unknown.
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
[ Photo credit Greenlander Tromsø, Beth Ann Skeen, Mariclaire O'Neal, Jill Wellington ]
💛🌍 Giving Love
“Perhaps you think that different kinds of love are possible. Perhaps you think there is a kind of love for this, a kind for that; a way of loving one,
another way of loving still another. Love is one. It has no separate parts and no degrees; no kinds nor levels, no divergencies and no distinctions. It is like itself,
unchanged throughout. It never alters with a person or a circumstance. It is the Heart of God, and also of His Son. Love's meaning is obscure to anyone who thinks that
love can change. He does not see that changing love must be impossible. And thus he thinks that he can love at times, and hate at other times. He also thinks that love
can be bestowed on one, and yet remain itself although it is withheld from others. To believe these things of love is not to understand it. If it could make such distinctions,
it would have to judge between the righteous and the sinner, and perceive the Son of God in separate parts.” — A Course in Miracles, W-pI.127.1-2
“This is a call that requires you to do nothing but to remain faithful to it. You do not need to think about it, but only let it be. You need put no
words on it, for words cannot express it any more than words can teach you what love is—or that love is. You need not concentrate on where to find love, for love will
find you. You need not concentrate on giving love, for you cannot give what you do not yet know, and when you know it you need not give it, for it will extend from you
naturally in miracles called love. Love is all that will fill your emptiness, and all that will never leave you empty again as it extends from you to your brothers and
sisters. Love is all that will not leave you wanting. Love is all that will replace use with unity.” —
A Course of Love, C:11.17.
“Giving love here involves receiving a lot of resistance, not as much from others, as from your own body/mind vehicle that you are activating... Love
is responsible. It is not at all the same as an irresponsible person not caring about tomorrow or what it may bring. This person knows there may be significant consequences
for today's wild behavior and is willing to take the risk. A responsible person would not engage in such behavior because he does not want to experience the consequences.
A person in love or a mature soul never thinks in terms of consequences because love always informs him or her what the next right thing to do is. There never are any
consequences, only more love. Again, love does not fall into the “if this, then that” category. Love is “as within, so without”. So loving actions
always produce loving results, not negative consequences.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J171
and J174.
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💛 Snowy Owl, SeaSalt Soak, Solar Flare, Sixth Sense
Sunday 29th November to Thursday 3rd December 2020
(Warning☠️ This is a long meandering post. Read at your own risk!😃)
We saw a Snowy Owl last Sunday. A first for me! Out on the beach at Plum Island with Colin, our younger son Nick and his wife Jen. It was a spectacular crystal
clear fall day. Shimmering sunshine and sparkling sea under a brilliant blue sky. Perched on the rocks sunning herself, this magnificent creature radiated a mystical
other-worldly energy. She sat perfectly still looking at us looking at her. A great big fluffy ball that I just wanted to hug. A pure white face with dark speckled
body. Swiveling her head now and again to gaze all around, as we stood transfixed with cameras and binoculars to our noses. Jen named her ‘Lady Di’.
It was a magical moment. A timeless moment of endings and beginnings for all of us for so many reasons. Not least of all that the two beautiful young people with us
were leaving in just a few short weeks on their long drive across the country to start a new life together.
We'd had a lovely four days with the family (all nine) here, staying over for the Thanksgiving holiday. Tons of great food, chaos galore, zillions of hugs, a few
really good tough yet necessary conversations, along with loads of laughter sprinkled throughout. Intense energies moving purposefully through us in sweeping infinity
loops, as within so without, at the speed of light. Bittersweet and pretty perfect all around I'd say! That night after everyone had gone home, leaving Colin to manage
four loads of laundry, I lay soaking in a hot seasalt bath. Savoring the quiet in the darkness save for the shimmery light of the Gemini Full Moon cascading through
the window. It was a magical moment. Something ending and something new beginning. Tears of joy and sorrow commingling in a salty ocean of oneness. Both seen and unseen.
Both known and unknown. A powerful movement into the New, seamlessly flowing through me, exhilaration and trepidation indistinguishable. This feeling/sensation was as
palpable then as it is now.
Monday morning wading through my email inbox (which I'd purposefully ignored for four days) I found new messages received by Rick that had me resonating like a
tuning fork. From Saturday's “It is I, the one known as Jesus. I wish to talk to you today about endings. Endings and new beginnings blend together. We are
approaching an end point with the release of Journey and we are also approaching a new beginning for it, as well as for each of you. Endings can be difficult but they
can also be freeing and joyous.” And from Sunday's “It is I, Jesus. Today is a day of new beginnings. Train your mind to always see it this way.
‘Same old same old’ isn't in our vocabulary.” Clearly the momentum of the New is inexorably building ...
On Tuesday Colin drew my attention to a NASA news item. Apparently Sunday was the day “the sun unleashed its most powerful solar eruption in more than three
years... electromagnetic energy measured as an M4.4 was accompanied by a coronal mass ejection”. Energy which is flooding the planet right now, having travelled
a few days to reach us. How can this energy not permeate our every particle deep into the core of our being. After all are we not pure energy? Shimmering, vibrating,
resonating at myriad frequencies as we choose to express love and light in form.
Yesterday (Wednesday) I read in a transmission from Archangel Michael — “It is vitally important for you to understand that these are unprecedented
times whereby many special dispensations are in force. It is a grand opportunity for you, the seekers of the Light, to tap into your Divine heritage and your special
gifts and talents... developing your sixth sense...”! And I remembered Jesus saying in Journey “Souls that have grown to the point where they operate
more than 50% of a mind/body vehicle's operating system, have enabled it to have awakened to a sixth sense, and a desire for a relationship with the unseen world.”
That's when I became aware of the quiet weaving of these meandering threads within, of a shimmering undulating braid forming, and of the movement without to write
this post. Also landing was a prompt to google the meaning of Snowy Owl. It turns out that a white owl sighting is a reminder that nothing lasts forever, this too shall
pass, marking the ending of something, leading to the birth of something else. Duh! I was hardly surprised! But the best was yet to come! I found this delightful little
saga of a Snowy Owl named Baltimore! And watching it, discovered that ornithologists still bicker about where she belongs in the owl family tree. Between Strix and Bubo
they argue! Either/Or! She has to be one or the other right? Enjoy Baltimore here
And now I'm here. It's Thursday morning. Quietly dwelling in the coming to know. Following the bread crumbs. Ignoring insistent thoughts that I'm ‘behind’
on preparing Journey Installment Twenty One, that I have three calls coming up this morning and not much time! Here I am, sitting in the morning sun wondering, listening.
And realizing this moment as I write how much I love that she — the majestic snowy owl — dwells as I do in that liminal space in-between. Declining to be
labeled. Refusing to be categorized, identified, dehydrated and pinned to her spot on the cork board! Realizing how painful it has been, especially in the last thirty
years, to be seen only for the things I ‘do’ and ‘produce’ in form. ‘Dehydrating’ myself to be seen and to fit in. To be included
mostly for my ‘skills’ of ‘writing’, of ‘facilitation’, and of ‘clarity’. And rarely if ever for the shapeshifting
weaving of the spaces in between, both seen and unseen, that is my ceaseless joy-filled work and gift to all. Making the invisible visible. Weaving Indra's Net of Jewels
tighter, stronger, more inclusive and expansively welcoming of all who respond to the clarion call of Oneness. Joining in union and relationship. In freedom, power,
and joy. Alone together on this Journey into the Unknown. Each one uniquely essential to the whole. Feeling myself falling in love with all the juicy wildness of who
I AM, infinitely more deeply than I ever thought possible.
With so much gratitude I am soaking this in, not particularly needing to know what more it means! Simply writing what comes up and sharing with you, precious Jewels
of my heart 💎🕸💎 the wanderings, the wonderings, and the weaving together of it all. The not knowing and the coming to know. And knowing with certainty that we will
each always know, in each quantum moment, all that we need to know. Not a moment too soon and not a moment too late. This is the way of the New. And trust me, it is
here Now. Bless you🔥 With so much love to all 🌺
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💚Listen In 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Take Action💙
Snowy Owl
A white owl represents change, transformation, and inner wisdom — the symbol of Athena, the Goddess of wisdom. They are associated with magic, the supernatural
transformation of the cycles of birth and death that lead to spiritual evolution. Seeing a white owl is a reminder that nothing lasts forever, this too shall pass.
White owls mark the ending of something, leading to the birth of something else. They remind us to pay attention to all we're learned and keep going one step at a
time on our journey into the unknown. The owl is nocturnal with keen senses of sight and sound. It sees through the shadows of the night and hears the sounds in the
silence; the illusion of the darkness. Calling us to see through all illusions trusting our intuition and non-physical sixth sense. White owls represent the remnants
of fear we have of seeing ourselves as we truly are — radiant HUman BEings of light and love in form. Reminding us to turn within and listen to our inner
knowing. (
Solar Flare
The sun fires off its biggest solar flare in more than 3 years
FoxFires: The Indra's Net of the Planet (
Sixth Sense (Mon 30 Nov)
“As human Beings, communing with the Beings of Light is a great evolutionary step for you, for it quickly facilitates a new conscious awareness
and a powerful transformation within you... Many of you are in the process of developing your sixth sense — the intuitive mind — a direct line to your OverSoul
Self and certain Facets of your multiple Higher Selves. It is the beginning phase of creating a direct line to home base, your Divine I AM Presence / God-Self.
Do not seek God in the heavens or some far away, unattainable place, for the Essence of the Creator, a Spark of Divinity, resides within your Sacred Heart...
In the past, you have been blessed to have many magnificent Beings of Light in your midst — masters whose teachings have left you with wondrous guidelines for
living a virtuous life... We are going to suggest a new way. It is our greatest hope that some of you will be the future spiritual champions for the emerging new
spirituality among Self-aware Humankind. We are aware of a great sense of loneliness amongst the peoples of the world, a sense of isolation. It is not enough to read
the teachings we give you or those of the masters, or to visit a beautiful cathedral or temple and pay homage to God. It is a time of reunification. It is now time
to come together to share your love, wisdom and inspiration, and to support one another. We are not asking you to build more great temples, for that is not where the
Creator Essence of the future will dwell. You are the cocreators of the future — Divine Sparks of the Creator– who are being asked to take your rightful place in the
grand march into the future.” (
“Souls that have grown to the point where they operate more than 50% of a mind/body vehicle's operating system, have enabled it to have awakened to
a sixth sense, and a desire for a relationship with the unseen world. These souls will be allowed to reincarnate here moving forward. We consider them 4D. Love guides
these bodies more than not. You are already noticing this in younger generations.” — J165.1
Photo Credit, Mala Richards, NASA/SDO/AIA/EVE/HMI
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