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🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Seventeen
Saturday 31st October 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
It was a good Zoom conversation last Wednesday, especially in the context of the shifting sands of unknowns, unexplainables, and uncertainties of our times.
“There's electricity in the air. All of this ugliness is coming up to the surface. People are clueless as to what to do with it except throw it around.
When bitterness of any kind arises in you, what do you do with it? Don't reject it and say that it shouldn't be there. It should be there. It came to tell you something.
It wants your attention... it wants you to see it and to own it. Take responsibility for creating it. What is it saying to you? ... Dig deep and see where you are
rejecting what life gives you. Life only gives you what you need.” — J129.1-3
Today we offer Journey Installment Seventeen (Ch 130-137).
And the French translation of Installments Seven to Ten (Ch 42-71)
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel
and join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Seventeen Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 130 Can you see that your journey is only just beginning?
✿ Ch 131 How do you express your godliness?
✿ Ch 132 What happens when the love of God arrives in your neighborhood?
✿ Ch 133 Are you living in two places at once — here and in the world of spirit?
✿ Ch 134 Do you expect the unexpected?
✿ Ch 135 Are you ready to join in union with spirit and help heal the world?
✿ Ch 136 Do you see, acknowledge, accept, and love what stands before you, warts and all?
✿ Ch 137 Are you willing to be still, to find and experience your own divine light?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Seventeen of A Journey into the Unknown
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
[ Photo credit Mike Jeffries Photography ]
💛🌍 Holy Spirit, True Self, Elevated Self of Form
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“The Will of the Father and of the Son are One, by Their extension... the result of Their Oneness, holding Their unity together by extending Their
joint Will. This is perfect creation by the perfectly created, in union with the perfect Creator.. Let the Holy Spirit teach you how to do this, for you can know
what it means only of God Himself... Today we will accept our union with each other and our Source. We have no will apart from His, and all of us are one because
His Will is shared by all of us. Through it we recognize that we are one. Through it we find our way at last to God.” — A Course in Miracles, T-8III.3 & W-pII.329.2
“Help is here. Be what you have been called to be. Open your dwelling place to your true Self, your true identity. Imagine this opening and this
replacement occurring with every fiber of your being. Imagine the separate self being enfolded, embraced, and finally consumed—taken into the Self of union.
The body of Christ becomes real through this indwelling of Christ in form... What you are being asked to do here, is to open the self of form to the place of unity,
thus allowing this divine flow of union into the elevated Self of form.” — A Course of Love, D:1.11 & D:Day3.44
“How do you live in two places at once? You are seen here but you dwell with us in the world of spirit... Through union, you have a direct line to
us... Wherever you are, whether you are standing or sitting, allow the light from our world to fill
every cell in your body. Stay in this state for as long as you can and as often as you can. Explore the depth of this light... Our world is actually made up of individual
rays of light that work together to make up the whole. You just found and experienced your own divine light. The more you turn it on and explore it, the stronger
it gets. It has been called the Holy Spirit, your true self, the Divine Ray and others. This is what you really are. To be in close identification with this light
while you are in form is known as the Elevated Self of form.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J133.1-2
& J137.3-4
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 Tiny Acts
Full Blue Moon in Scorpio, 31 Oct 2020, 10:50am EDT
Friday 30th October 2020
Precious Jewels of my Heart 💎🕸💎🕸💎
We are at the cusp of a critical time of free choice, free will, and action The 11/11 Portal opens with tomorrow's Full Blue Moon in Scorpio.
We had our first Full Moon this month on the 1st! This rare Blue Moon on Halloween will apparently not occur again until 2039. It is a powerful energetic
passage — as within, so without — into the unknown. A gateway to the New beckoning to all willing hearts. An eleven day golden shimmering rainbow
bridge to New Earth — 31st October to 11th November. A time like no other before, of birthing our Creator Selves, our Elevated Selves of Form, call it
what you will. The chaos and discordant undoing of the old will intensify without. Even as we fully embrace the New within. Embodying the Divine Feminine,
Sophia, the One Love, the energetic genesis that breathes life into form. Becoming the I AM presence of Light. Arising from within the infinite ocean of
unconditional love, being both neutral healing witness and passionate activist as prompted, so very needed right now, right here on our precious hurting planet.
Keep going dear ones as best you can. We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I have no words but these which I write for myself and gladly share with
you today. With so much love to all🌺
At this time as at no other ...
There are no tiny acts.
There are no tiny choices.
There are no tiny moments.
Each one is pivotal ... momentous!
Bless yourself exactly as you are
Bless everyone and everything exactly as it is.
And as your heart prompts ..
Say/do the thing that arises within.
The thing you are propelled to do.
The thing you know is yours to do.
The thing you know only you can do.
Truly you do it for your self and for all.
We do the best we can.
One moment at a time.
You can count on me.
As I'm counting on you!
Bless you all!🔥
💛Pause❤️Breathe🧡Listen In💚Feel💜Trust YourSelf💖Act💙
“There are no great acts. There are only small acts done with great love.” — Mother Theresa
“I lived in the South. No one heroic act did that; but there were acts that multiplied from tiny acts, almost unnoticeable acts that were seized
upon by others and emulated by others, and built and built and built until the South was convulsed by change. If people understood that change comes about by millions
of tiny acts that seem totally insignificant then they wouldn't hesitate to take those tiny acts.” — Historian Howard Zinn, on how the Civil rights act
actually came to be signed in 1964.
“We struggle with, agonize over and bluster about the great questions of life when the answers to most of these lie hidden in our attitude toward
the thousand minor details of each day.” — Robert Grudin, American writer on Freedom, Grace, and the Art of Living
Read ‘The Flight of the Phoenix’,
Message for the 11/11 Portal from Archangel Michael and Celia Fenn —
💛 Every Moment
Sharing with so much love to all🌺
“"Listen and you will hear." But to what are you listening? Entering the dialogue is akin to residing in the present moment and to hearing all
that is being spoken in all the ways it is being spoken. Now is the time to truly begin to "hear" my voice in every aspect of creation and to respond with your
own voice in all of your own acts of creation. It is time to realize that you are a creator. This is a time of great intimacy. This is a time that is between you
and I more so than has been the coursework up to this point. It is a time of realizing that “I” am speaking to “you” directly in every
moment of every day, in all that you encounter, in all that you feel. It is a time of true revelation in which you are revealed to your
Self.” — A Course of Love, D:A.38-39
“Specific instructions on what exactly to do in each situation you encounter, will be provided to you at the moment they are needed. The intent
is always to bless, to enhance divine qualities that are always there, despite appearances. This is what we need each of you to do. This is the divine, creative
act. How you exactly accomplish this is through your individuated form, your individual gifts and contribution to the whole... You each speak for me and act on
my behalf, so you are carrying a heavy load... You have unlimited resources. You don't have to worry about what to say. Trust that you will say just the right thing
in just the right way. You are our vessel and we will move you to say and do just the right thing at the right
moment.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J26.1,
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 The Giant Pumpkin, Snoopy, and Acceptance
Thursday 29 October 2020
This little story popped up on my radar today, thanks to my daughter-in-law who unearthed and texted me my 2011 photo of Nick and his giant pumpkin.
Reading the tale to my grandgirls this afternoon, I was struck by its immediacy and applicability in the present. It's as if time folded in on itself
rendering this message of acceptance as relevant to me today as it was nineteen years ago.
It's been a tough day. An inexplicably weepy day, as events here continue unfolding at lightning speed. The US elections looming and the COVID-19
situation worsening daily in Massachusetts after a four-month hiatus in steady-state. All of it seemingly in a haze of unknowns, unexplainables, unrest,
and uncertainty. Are things ever going to get better? Can I survive a winter of isolation? Am I up for completing this task I have undertaken, another
two months of work at least? Yes and no I answer to all of the above.
“I am learning to accept with gratitude anything and everything that comes to me; awakening to the realization that acceptance is not
at all about being a doormat. True acceptance is empowering. After all, isn't seeing and accepting what is here now, totally pre-requisite to being free
to choose what next? Acceptance is the willingness to receive — wholeheartedly with no resistance — with gratitude and certainty that great
things are happening.”
Read the full story.
💛Pause❤️Breathe🧡Listen In💚Feel💜Trust YourSelf💖Take Action💙
I am willing. That much I know for sure. Doing the best I can today, just as I was doing then, imperfectly perfect in every way.
Sharing with so much love to all🌺
💛 The Unexplainable
“Only now, in your realization of your invisibility and spaciousness, do you look within and see the stones that settled in your clear pools.
They are as specks of sand to the ocean. And yet we do not choose to keep them. Spaciousness is spaciousness. Invisibility is invisibility. We are no longer
collectors but gatherers. We hold within only what is real and in our realization of the reality of relationship, we accept our relationship to the unexplainable.
All, all you are doing here is accepting your relationship to the unexplainable. Acceptance is the creator of invisibility, the creator of the spacious Self God
has been described as the “all knowing” for God is the relationship. Relationship is the known. The unknown, like the unexplainable, becomes known
through the relationship of acceptance. Acceptance of your relationship with the unknown is the only way to arrive at acceptance of your relationship with your
means of coming to know.” — D:Day14.11-12
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Sixteen
Saturday 24th October 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Another beautifully connecting Zoom conversation last Wednesday centered around the sticky subject of indiscriminate blessing of everyone all of the time!
“Love everyone and do not judge anyone. If you can put these concepts into practice on a daily basis, you will not only bless yourself but you
will be a great blessing to the world. Simple things like these seem easy on Sundays but not so much the rest of the week. I did not teach to love all;
except those you disagree with. This seems to be a sticky subject.” — J118.2-3
Today we offer Journey Installment Sixteen (Ch 120-129) reminding us to let go all notions of “justice” and “retribution”,
and instead focus, with the eyes of love, on everyone's essential innocence. Remembering that we are each an aspect of God, with a mind/body vehicle in
order to experience the world of form. Always looking for meaning while loving everything, even the unwanted, the unwelcome, and the ugly.
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel,
and join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Sixteen Questions to Live By —
✿ Ch 120 Do you see life's unwanted events as simple innocent mistakes?
✿ Ch 121 Will you let it all go and begin again?
✿ Ch 122 Are you ready to stop hiding and light up as an aspect of God?
✿ Ch 123 Do you enjoy simple things within an awareness of life's vastness?
✿ Ch 124 Can you rejoice in the gift of all things both pretty and ugly?
✿ Ch 125 Are you ready to get unstuck and solve the root cause of problems?
✿ Ch 126 Are you sharing your gifts of love as informed by spirit?
✿ Ch 127 Will you use your power to speed up the process of awakening?
✿ Ch 128 Do you soak up spirit in the morning before starting your day?
✿ Ch 129 When bitterness of any kind arises do you pay attention?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Sixteen of A Journey into the Unknown:
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
[ Photo credit Sajit Greene ]
💛🌎 True Identity
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“Today in gratitude we lift our hearts above despair, and raise our thankful eyes, no longer looking downward to the dust. We sing the song
of thankfulness today, in honor of the Self that God has willed to be our true Identity in Him. Today we smile on everyone we see, and walk with lightened
footsteps as we go to do what is appointed us to do.” — A Course in Miracles, W-pI.123.4
“As you engage in dialogue as the spacious Self and are made known, your purpose here will become more clear... The distinctness of your
own path will be made visible... You will be shown that you can enter the dialogue with all and still focus on areas that might not interest others in the
slightest. You may, thus, find that there is a time of walking alone approaching, or a time of gathering with many... Remember that this journey has not
been about becoming self-less but about realizing your true identity... Now are you ready, through your ability to view your own Self as well as that which
you observe with a neutrality that embraces the unknown as well as the known, to reclaim your Self and your purpose
here.” — A Course of Love, D:Day15.26-28
“The false identity led you to this sacred place in truth and for that we are eternally grateful. It was all for a reason. It had great
purpose. The character you played this time around was performed so brilliantly that it itself became your teacher and pointed the way home.
“Not here” it said. “Hotter”, “Hotter”, “On fire” it finally said when you discovered your true self,
when it was hiding in plain sight all along... Now it's time to stop pretending. Stop playing games. You are an aspect of God, a child of God, a mature
soul, the elevated self of form. No labels are required. Your job is now to light up and show the way to the exits. The play is over. Now, let the true
living begin!” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J122.1-3
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 The Tipping Point
Tuesday 20th October 2020
It's been a very tough and very long haul for most of us — from the initial COVID-19 lockdown (13 March here in Massachusetts) through the current
resurgence unfolding across the country even as I write. Like many of us I am tired. Bone-weary of the 24/7 high alertness demanded of me both to physical
safety precautions, but even more critically, to subtle energetic choices I'm making in every moment — the Tiny Choices I wrote about last week.
And at the same time I'm acutely aware that these next several weeks are the most crucial yet. We must keep going. We're reaching the tipping point.
This is the home stretch. Every moment counts. So today I'm reprising the wake-up call I posted 31st March soon after all of this began — Jump or Slump.
It is as relevant today as it was seven months ago, and this encouraging message from Archangel Michael/Celia Fenn, 9th October —
“Beloved Souls of Light, we know this has been a difficult year for you and for the Planet. It has seemed like a year of shock, surprise,
conflict and division that is ongoing. It has left many people stressed, fatigued and confused. But, we want you to know that this is because the process
of Ascension is accelerating and you are moving into higher frequencies at a rapid pace. Really, Beloveds, you are living through lifetimes of experience
in a single year. This is because you are completing a major cycle of experience and beginning a new one. The old cycle was third dimensional, and the new cycle
is fifth dimensional. At this point, these two dimensional time frequencies are existing together, creating a chaos vortex that is necessary to collapse the
old matrix and grids and seed new possibilities. In this fluid “in between” period, it is often difficult to see the process or to know which quantum
seeds will germinate and manifest the New Earth that is birthing. At this time, it is important to always be aware of what is important and to always be aware
of what is happening around you and what frequencies are taking your attention. Strive to stay in the higher frequencies of Peace and Love.”
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Fifteen
Saturday 17th October 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Today we offer Journey Installment Fifteen (Ch 112-119) which continues to sound the challenge to all who show up here. Calling to open and willing hearts
to step up and be the expression of love that's called for, in every situation that appears in front of us, in each moment or our lives. Wednesday's Zoom
conversation centered around this call, the key question “Will you take yourself out of the conflict?”, and sharing of myriad diverse experiences
of responding.
“The constant strife with other characters and their mind/body vehicles will continue on indefinitely until more and more souls awaken
from their deep slumber, and take over the driver's seat of the mind/body vehicle, putting the ego in the backseat with the old 8-track tapes. This is the
only answer. Take yourself out of the conflict. See other characters and their mind/body vehicles as different versions of yourself. Be helpful and do no
harm. Support life in all of its miraculous forms. It's that easy and it's that hard. We didn't say that life would always be a picnic.” —
Enjoy video recordings of all Journey Conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel
and join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
“The only response is Love. The only time is Now. And We are the Ones.”
Installment Fifteen ‘Questions to Live By’ —
✿ Ch 112 Are you open to revolutionary change?
✿ Ch 113 Do you judge people as a friend, foe, or neither (yet)?
✿ Ch 114 Are you ready to be in the deepest part of the ocean?
✿ Ch 115 Do you always take the high road?
✿ Ch 116 Are you wiling to mature and return to the fold?
✿ Ch 117 Do you question the make, model, and color of a vehicle?
✿ Ch 118 Can you bravely teach love in the court of public opinion?
✿ Ch 119 Will you forget all you think you know and begin again fresh?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Fifteen of A Journey into the Unknown:
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
💛🌍 Suffering
Sharing with so much love to all 🌺
“Let not today slip by without the gifts it holds for you receiving your consent and your acceptance. We can change the world, if you acknowledge
them. You may not see the value your acceptance gives the world. But this you surely want; you can exchange all suffering for joy this very day. Practice in earnest,
and the gift is yours. Would God deceive you? Can His promise fail? Can you withhold so little, when His Hand holds out complete salvation to
His Son?” — A Course in Miracles, W-pI.164.9
“... the idea of love can replace the idea of suffering but it is chosen not, because of the suffering that seems to make no sense of love.
Bitterness is the cause of this inability to make a new choice... Remaining attached to bitterness is a reflection of the disbelief that one person, and surely
not you, can make a difference... How difficult it is to believe that you need not change the world but only your own self. How difficult to imagine that this one
change could bring about all the changes you would imagine that even an army of angels could not bring about. While such a thought remains inconceivable to you
it will not come to be.” — A Course of Love, T3:87-8
“In the beginning the word became flesh, and only now is the flesh reflecting the word in small incremental steps. That's how long creation
takes and how patient the creator of all of everything really is. This is the time when we start to see the fruits of our labor... Suffering was meant to be a
gentle tap on the shoulder, and instead became a way of life. Humans actually became so accustomed to it that they increased their tolerance for it. Some have an
immeasurable capacity for suffering. They think that this is how life is supposed to be and they pass this mistaken belief on to their
children.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J112.2
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

💛 Tiny Choices
Scorpion🦂 Eagle🦅 Phoenix🔥
Wednesday 14th October 2020
Every tiny choice counts.
Every tiny act counts.
Every now moment counts
The past is gone.
The future is unformed.
There are no momentous dates/events that change everything.
All that counts is now. And now. And now ..
So, Precious Jewels of my Heart 💎🕸💎🕸💎, right now ...
Are you engaging in conflict? Creating it with definitive either/or arguments? Amplifying it with labels that separate? Fanning the flames of fear,
divisiveness, and hatred? Other'ing, judging, and even demonizing people who don't agree with you? Are you enjoying the need to be ‘right’
and the thrill of ‘winning’? Eagerly awaiting the fresh fodder thrown down by the next media news cycle? Thriving on discord and disharmony,
and relishing the ‘aliveness’ of the drama?
Answer YES to any of this and you're choosing Scorpion 🦂
Are you remaining calm in the face of radically opposing viewpoints? Observing and discerning where to engage? Asking questions purely for understanding?
Sharing your experiences and respecting others? Practicing the ability stay in the discomfort of disagreement? Seeking to discover common ground where
people can begin to agree, and build bridges? Sharing fears and dreams and the upside-down uncertainty of this surreal time? Rising above the raucous
clanging of the battlefield? Inviting people into the safe space of shared vulnerability and humanity? Remembering for others when they forget, that
despite appearances and media addiction to drama, we are indeed more alike than we are different. Answer YES to any of this and you're choosing Eagle 🦅
Are you turning your awareness inward? Disengaging from outer distractions? Settling into the silent expansive space of zero-point neutrality?
Looking at unfolding events with clear unflinching eyes, yet seeing beyond to the truth? Trusting implicitly that all that is unfolding is purposeful?
Facing the darkness, pain, and grief arising within and without? Enfolding all of it with a fiercely compassionate awareness that truly all is well.
Asking for guidance in whatever way works for you? Staying with the discomfort of not knowing, and coming to know, until you know with certainty.
Blessing every one indiscriminately, at every moment, everywhere, in every encounter? Taking firm action as and when prompted. Knowing beyond doubt that
we are One Heart ♥️ One Mind! That every tiny choice made for love counts more now than ever before. For we are birthing our New Selves as Divine/Quantum HUman BEings
of pure Love/Light. We're journeying into the vast unknown alone together. And through our collective willingness, devotion, and dedication we are birthing
a kinder, gentler New Earth for ALL. Answer YES to any of this and you're choosing Phoenix 🔥
Free will is ours.
Freedom of choice is ours.
Freedom to choose for love is ours.
Freedom to choose again is ours.
There is no judgment here.
There is only choice.
I notice myself cycle in and out of Scorpion, Eagle, Phoenix.
And I notice how each moment/each choice feels.
💛Pause❤️Breathe🧡Listen In💚Feel💜Trust YourSelf💖Act💙
What do you choose right now?
What do you notice in yourself?
How do you feel?
As always, I write these missives first for myself.
And gladly share with all open hearts♥️
Wishing you Freedom, Power, and Joy!
With so much love to all🌺
And with gratitude to Celia Fenn and Archangel Michael
💛 Each Moment
Sharing with so much love to all🌺
“... No intermediary is needed when you exist in union It is recognized that the knowledge, wisdom, guidance, or information that is needed in each moment
is available within each moment... ” — D:Day21.7
“This is the importance now of accepting yourself in the present and of understanding certainty. Certainty cannot be predetermined ... Being aware of how
you feel in the present moment is the only way to certainty.” — D:Day 8.16
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Fourteen
Saturday 10th October 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Today we're delighted to announce ‘Discover Journey’ — a new
search facility for ‘A Journey Into the Unknown’. Click the SEARCH Tab, enter the word (or phrase) you want, and instantly choose and
read the paragraph(s) in which it appears. Those of you familiar with
‘Discover ACOL’ will recognize this easy method of
exploring the text. With much gratitude (and many hugs💞) to Colin Strutt, for designing and creating this nifty search for Journey as he did in 2015
for ‘A Course of Love’.
Journey Installment Fourteen (Ch 101-111) begins our offering of the new chapters received by Rick Greathouse, June through August 2020.
Ch 101 opens with these words — “Since we last spoke, your world has set itself on fire. The flames cannot be truly put out.
They will only spread.” The message is unmistakably meant for this chaotic time in our world. As things without get increasingly unpredictable,
we are called to first go within. To Pause❤️Breathe💛 Listen In💚 Feel💜 Trust Ourselves💖 To respond in non-judgment, silently blessing everyone
we encounter exactly as they are, in our hurting world exactly as it is. And to speak up and take action as inspired regardless of outer reactions.
For we are Love in Form — souls singing to souls.
“Learn to enjoy and cherish negative attention and criticism... it means you're doing something right. You wouldn't be getting
so much reactivity unless you were hitting a nerve... Take rejection with a grain of salt. Wear it like a badge of honor. We can't be suppressed...
We are too many and too strong.” — J97-98
“Bless each of you for your willingness to serve during this endeavor. All of you have felt lost here in the House of Illusion
but now that you are securely in the House of Truth, you feel more comfortable than ever before. You feel like you are at home; doing what you were
meant to do. This I can promise you; your lives will never be the same again. It is as if you have been born again and actually you have This is what it
truly means to be born again; to be egoless.” — J91
You're invited to enjoy video of last Wednesday's lively Journey conversation on the
CoCreating Clarity YouTube channel and join live whenever you can.
With blessings and love to all🌺
Installment Fourteen ‘Questions to Live By’ —
✿ Ch 101 Can you replace “deserve justice” with “call for love”?
✿ Ch 102 Will you promote peace by being peaceful?
✿ Ch 103 Do you teach your children responsibility without shaming?
✿ Ch 104 What do you see smell hear feel when you breathe and sit awhile?
✿ Ch 105 Can you love everything about yourself?
✿ Ch 106 Will you stop thinking/planning and let soul/grace guide you?
✿ Ch 107 Do you see yourself in everyone you meet?
✿ Ch 108 Are you willing to love your brother exactly as he is right now?
✿ Ch 109 Will you take yourself out of the conflict?
✿ Ch 110 Are you able to observe all the unfolding drama in neutrality?
✿ Ch 111 Do you always want the best for all involved?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Fourteen of A Journey into the Unknown
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
💛🌍 Forgiveness
Sharing with so much love to all🌺
“We have already learned that fear and attack are inevitably associated. If only attack produces fear, and if you see attack as the call for
help that it is, the unreality of fear must dawn on you. For fear is a call for love, in unconscious recognition of what has been denied.”(T-12.I.8)
...”Forgiveness is this world's equivalent of Heaven's justice. It translates the world of sin into a simple world where justice can be reflected from
beyond the gate behind which total lack of limits lies.”(T-26.IV.1) — A Course in Miracles
“Forgiveness looks on innocence and sees it where judgment would see it not.. Judgment does not make you safe, and defining evil does not
abolish it, but only makes it real to you. Yet you believe judgment to be based on justice, and justice to include the punishment of those you have defined
as evil. You have thus made justice one with vengeance, and in doing so have robbed justice of its meaning.”(C:16.12,19)...“You have tried to live
in a house built on a faulty foundation... you would eventually call to yourself a fire that would burn these walls to ash... a part of the survival mechanism
of your real Self...”(T3:5.4) — A Course of Love
“Your world has set itself on fire. The flames cannot be truly put out. They will only spread. Justice and equality under the law are concepts
that the ego may idealize but never knows how to implement... Everyone is a version of you... Your brother is an aspect of God. Help him and do no harm.
Don't add to his pain and teach him how to release the pain he carries. Your society needs large scale forgiveness workshops. Let the past go and experience
the freedom that this present moment offers... Remember the basics I have taught you. What is not love is fear and fear is a call for love... Underneath the
facades, there is no separate “him” and “her” There is only us, the collective I AM energy of God. Peace to you all during these turbulent
times.” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J101
Here are the two posts on FaceBook

🌏 A Journey into the Unknown
Installment Thirteen
Saturday 3rd October 2020
Precious Jewels 💎🕸💎🕸💎
In the midst of all that is swirling around us, particularly in the US with the presidential election just one month away, today we celebrate the gift that is also swirling
through our hearts and around the globe. Since the 4th of July — One Hundred chapters of ‘A Journey Into the Unknown’ have been freely offered to all and received by many!
These were first received by Rick Greathouse over the two months 7th February to 11th April 2020. And after a break,
more chapters began arriving on 7th June 2020 when school got out for the summer! So stay tuned!
Several willing hearts gathered last Wednesday for another nourishing Journey conversation. Sharing experiences of both silently blessing all, and of taking actions as the heart prompts.
We are called to respond in non-judgment to everyone we encounter exactly as they are, in our hurting world exactly as it is. For we are Love in Form — souls singing to souls.
“Whether it's on social media or by phone or in person, simply be a friend. Be a good listener. Share resources if asked. Bless your new friend. They will never forget you...
What I'm describing is definitely a Way of Jesus. Those following the Way of Mary may not be as comfortable with such extroverted ways. They are needed to silently bless everyone and hold
the divine energy. They can move mountains with their more subtle energy.” — J84.3-4
You're invited to sign up and join the weekly Journey Conversation anytime And catch up on past
conversations on the CoCreating Clarity YouTube Channel.
Today we offer Installment Thirteen of ‘A Journey Into the Unknown’ Chapters 90 to 100. You'll find the ‘Questions to Live By’ above each chapter number on the
Journey website. And also collated on the download index page.
With blessings and love to all🌺
Installment Thirteen ‘Questions to Live By’ —
✿ Ch 90 Are you willing to allow spirit to break through and shine?
✿ Ch 91 Do you feel like you're at home doing what you're meant to do?
✿ Ch 92 In what proportion do you express the ego-soul equation each day?
✿ Ch 93 Can you see that everything happens for soul growth/awakening?
✿ Ch 94 Are all your relationships holy?
✿ Ch 95 Are you blessing your co-workers while you do your job tasks?
✿ Ch 96 What happens when you “leave your body”?
✿ Ch 97 Are you learning to cherish and enjoy criticism?
✿ Ch 98 Will you implement spirit's plan by being, serving, or both?
✿ Ch 99 Are you ready to bring truth to the inside from the inside?
✿ Ch 100 Will you move forward into the great unknown together ... now?
💛Pause ❤️Breathe 💙Listen in 💚Feel 💜Trust YourSelf 💖Act
Read and/or listen to Installment Thirteen of A Journey into the Unknown.
Follow us on Instagram @CoCreatingClarity
Photo credit Matt Pepper, Glenn Hovemann, Srinivas Tamada
💛🌎 The New World
Take heart♥️
Allow spirit to break through and shine🌟
We give up on no one 💎🕸💎🕸💎
Sharing with so much love to all🌺
“God created His Sons by extending His Thought, and retaining the extensions of His Thought in His Mind. All His Thoughts are thus perfectly united within themselves
and with each other. The Holy Spirit enables you to perceive this wholeness now. God created you to create. You cannot extend His Kingdom until you know
of its wholeness.” — A Course in Miracles, T-6.II.8
“What is meant by creation of the new is creation of a new reality. This reality begins with awareness of what is beyond body and mind, form and time... It proceeds
to the transformation... becoming the elevated Self of form. You are thus entering the time of becoming the new you which must precede creation of the new world. For as it has been
said: As within, so without. Being whole is being present. Being whole is being all you are. Being whole is being present as all you are. When this occurs you are All in All, One
in being with your Father.” — A Course of Love, D:14.14-16
“Why does the earth mean so much to us? It was originally intended to be a paradise, a place of unparalleled creativity, a playground of love. What we did not
anticipate was that the equation between ego and soul would be so disproportionate... The resistance and independence (ego) were immensely stronger than
desired..” — A Journey Into the Unknown, J92.1-2
“To reclaim the earth is to make it a place that reflects God, magnificent beauty, and love. It will be a place where all aspects of God can come to create more
and more love. There will not be violence of any type or ugliness in word or deed. All relationships will be holy. This vision is what we strive for.”
— A Journey Into the Unknown, J94.1
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