Spiritual Foundation of CoCreating Clarity

What do I mean when I say —

"We become as clear pools flowing into each other"?

It is a challenge to find the language to explain the foundational basis for how we CoCreate Clarity. The metaphor of the movement of water between pools flowing into each other helps us see the simplicity of what happens when you participate in a CoCreating Clarity dialogue.

Quoting from A Course of Love, "It is a joining without boundaries. You become clear pools flowing into each other. You make your spirits known." Fundamentally, what we do together is observe, without judgment, the stones, the mud, and all the hidden debris in our pools. "Observe these stones with neutrality and see if they do not wash away. Your willingness to have them gone is all that is required. If doubts of your readiness continue to persist remember that doubt is caused by fear." Coming together in CoCreating Clarity, we gain the courage to do this work and you discover the shiny pebbles of your own wisdom.

Being an engineer, it also came naturally to me to use the concrete metaphor of the flow of electricity to describe what happens in a CoCreating Clarity dialogue. Read Electricity and Groups where I describe and demonstrate with numbers and logic the essence of how we accomplish extraordinary results together. Read about the work being done at the Fetzer Institute on Collective Intelligence and Spiritual Wisdom for further exploration of this topic.

A deeper understanding of the spiritual underpinning of CoCreating Clarity can be found in the following books:

  • A Return to Love
  • A Course in Miracles
  • Oneness
  • A Course of Love

In the words of Mari Perron, First Receiver of A Course of Love — "Each of us has love at our center. When we live from that center, joining mind and heart, we can live truly, and can come to sustain the awareness that we are not separate. We exist in unity." Read more about my own journey living deeply every day into the truth of this message in Metamorphosis: A Journey in Seven Parts.

Try this simple Centering Practice for CoCreating Clarity — Come Home to Your Self.

All that we need is present in this moment right here, right now. Our work is to slow down and stand firmly with both feet in the present moment in order to recognize our choice. At the most basic level this choice we're making moment by moment is to think and act either from fear or from love — from scarcity or from abundance. There is no in-between.

And as A Course in Miracles tells us, fear is the absence of love and is therefore nothing, just as dark/shadow is merely the absence of light and has no unique, measureable properties of its own. Therefore the only way to dissipate fear is to bring love into the picture, just as the only way to dissipate the darkness is to turn on the light.

This isn't just some touchy-feely spiritual idea. It is down-to-earth, completely practical, and immediately applicable every minute of every day, at home, at work, and at play. Life is all about relationships between human beings. Read Living Everyday Choices: A Flow-Chart to learn more about what it means to practice love every day, and check out a step-by-step flowchart that shows the flow of the choices we are making each moment, whether we're aware of it or not.

This is what CoCreating Clarity accomplishes.

Enjoy this message from Jesus, received for Christina by Mari Perron, 15th November 2009
A Oneing of Christina. As I am Your Witness

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Wash away the sand and reveal your answers


"Observe these stones with neutrality and see if they do not wash away. Your willingness to have them gone is all that is required."
A Course of Love: The Dialogues

"Each of us has love at our center. When we live from that center, joining mind and heart, we can live truly, and can come to sustain the awareness that we are not separate. We exist in unity."
Mari Perron
First Receiver of A Course of Love